Archive for the 'Politics' Category


The Hypocracy of Wheaton College

Apparently the board at Wheaton College need to really examine what they are about to say with their firing of ‪#‎LaryciaHawkins‬ .

By using the ‘Statement of Faith’ to fire her for stating that Muslims and Christians pray to the same God as a reason to fire her, they are stating, by that action, that THERE IS MORE THAN ONE GOD.

Therefore, if they go through with the firing, they all should immediately resign for voiding their own pledge.

If there is only ‘one true God’, ALL religions celebrate THE SAME GOD. The only differences are the names and methods.

Seriously, they will be hypocritical if they fire #LaryciaHawkins for this reason and they really need to deeply examine what, exactly they mean by ‘faith’.


A Short Note on Fukushima Daiichi…

Illustration of post-accident state of 1-4 rea...

Illustration of post-accident state of 1-4 reactors, all but 2 display obvious damage to secondary containment (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is getting silly. TEPCO and the Japanese government really need to stop stalling and get serious about this 40+ year problem.

Yes, 40+ years…by TEPCO’s own estimate on how long it will take to decommission the plant.

Estimate, mind you. It COULD take until the end of the century if things really get fouled up.

Right now there are areas that are not scheduled for starting PLANNING for decontamination for at least another 4 years. Add another year or two for planning and another 2-4 years for completion and you have close to another DECADE before residents can think about returning.

TEPCO and the Japanese government need to bite the bullet on these areas and purchase ALL land, businesses, and the contents that the residents have to leave and allow them to get on with their lives instead of being held in limbo waiting for news and decisions.

About the groundwater problem…again, TEPCO and the Japanese government need to stop looking for a ‘high tech’ answer and use what is already proven technology: BUILD A DAM/WALL COMPLETELY AROUND THE FACILITY 0.5KM FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. From bedrock to 20m above ground. All four sides, including out to sea 0.5km from shore, completely enclosing the facility and it’s port.

If you need to stop a flowing river of water, you use a dam. The Japanese already know how to build earthquake resistant dams and walls. Remember this is going to be a contaminated area well past 2054. This also provides a place to store contaminated material while a permanent facility is chosen.

Why 20m above ground?  3/11/11…that’s why. The plant is at risk from both, future earthquakes and tsunamis. The dam/wall provides added defense against another tsunami flooding the plant and washing the debris and contaminated water out to sea.

Yes…both suggestions are extremely costly, but so is leaving things as they are. More leaking tanks. More failed pipe joints. The possibility of another long term loss of power.

They won’t prevent another 3/11/11, but they CAN help to lessen the future effects of one.


Why We Have The Governments We do.

Basically it’s our fault. Us. The voters…or more specifically the voters that do not vote.

Check out the percentage of eligible voters that actually have voted in elections. Most are below 50%.

Think. If 50% of the voters vote, that means that the winner was elected by only 25.1% of the eligible voters. One voter out of four.

In most primary elections it’s much lower. Like 20 to 40 percent vote. So candidates are picked by 10.1 to 20.1 percent of eligible voters. One in ten to 2 in ten.

And you wonder why there are so many really questionable people elected? Yes, money is a factor but it’s the VOTERS THAT ELECT PEOPLE, NOT MONEY.

If you REALLY are fed up and REALLY want a better local, state, or federal government…YOU NEED TO REGISTER AND VOTE…IN ALL ELECTIONS…THEY ARE ALL IMPORTANT.

If you REALLY think that 10% of the people REALLY know who the best person to make the laws and policies that affect ALL of us, then you deserve the governments you chose…and yes, not voting IS a choice. You CHOSE not to vote. You CHOSE to allow others to choose the people that make the laws that affect YOU as well as everyone else. Not voting is an abdication of responsibility, to the country, to the state, but more importantly…TO YOURSELF.

You chose to be silent in choosing YOUR representatives. You CHOSE to allow others to hire YOUR employee to run YOUR business, the governments, state, local, and federal.

Are you REALLY happy having people that only 25% of the electorate has chosen?




Note to Pres. Obama about Syria…

Constitution of the United States, page 1

Constitution of the United States, page 1 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Mr. President,

I strongly suggest that you NOT attack Syria over chemical weapon usage. The reasons that have been given do not, in my opinion, exceed the reasons not to.

You say it’s a WORLD issue; where are the calls from around the world for something to be done?

You say it will send a message to Assad; why would a dictator in the midst of a civil war care what WE think. He’s fighting for survival.

You say it will make us safer. Really? What if Assad decides to aid terrorists BECAUSE we attacked and gives chemical weapons to them for them to use on attacks here?

What if Syria goes on a large scale cyber-attack on the U.S.? We haven’t stopped take-overs of Time, The New York Times websites, what happens when they decide to go after more critical systems?

You say you need to do this because of ‘preserving U.S. credibility in the world”. What about YOUR credibility as president as seen by YOUR supporters and the Nation?

Your oath is to ‘preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.’ Will this action even be constitutional if you do not call Congress to approve it. This is not an ‘immediate threat to the nation’. It is, as you state, a ‘punitive action to send a message’. The AUMF doesn’t cover that…nor does the War Powers Act.

Your predecessor decided to take unilateral action for WMD reasons. At least he went before Congress to get permission, ill-advised as it was.

An attack on ANY sovereign nation can be, and technically IS, an ACT OF WAR. PERIOD.

Is THIS why you didn’t investigate the Bush administration for possible war crimes as demanded by nations we have treaties with to PREVENT and go after war crimes?

And you whine about ‘upholding U.S. credibility over THIS?  Are you really willing to possibly give the House GOP a legitimate reason to bring up impeachment?

Perhaps this may aid you:

Shakespeare, in Henry IV, Part One, 1596:

Falstaff: ‘The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part I have saved my life.’

It may be better to use discretion and pretend you never drew that ‘RED LINE’.

It’s not worth the headaches actually ‘sending a message’ would cause to save face over that policy.


Let’s Stop This False “War on terror”

Why are we deluding ourselves that America is actually fighting a ‘declared’ war. The last declaration of war by Congress was June 4, 1942 against Romania.  ( )

There hasn’t been a declared war since.  Korea was a UN peace action, the rest have been authorization for use of force measures, NOT war. I repeat WE ARE NOT AT WAR WITH ANYONE MUCH LESS A TACTIC CALLED ‘TERROR’. ( )

The people of the United States have been sold a bill of goods in order to continue the flow of tax dollars to the military-industrial complex President Eisenhower warned us about when he left office. IT’S ALL BULLSHIT !!!! PERIOD.

It’s time to DEMAND that ALL troops deployed under the current authorization for use of force be withdrawn and brought home. Why are we wasting tax dollars on something that can NEVER be won. You can’t ‘win’ when you’re fighting a tactic…an idea.


Try winning a war against air. Or fighting against meditation. That’s what we’re doing with this ‘war on terror‘.  As I stated, WE ARE NOT AND HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A DELCARED WAR.

What nation are we fighting?

If the United States is serious about wanting peace in the world, perhaps we should start by ceasing this idea of ‘winning’ against a tactic. The money we’re wasting can be better spent here at home. If those deficit hawks are serious about cutting spending, here is a prime target.

We also need to investigate those that got us into this mess…serious investigations by the Department of Justice. We’ve already violated several treaties by not investigating suspicions of torture and by holding people in Gitmo.

There ARE already courts that want to bring President Bush in for war crime trials. Why aren’t we at least INVESTIGATING?   ( ) ( ) ( )

At the very least, stop the insane fear mongering and end this stupid, wasteful, unwinnable action in Afghanistan.



Terror Attack..or Acting Out

Looking at what we know about the marathon bombers, I personally feel that it wasn’t ‘terrorism‘ as it is commonly thought of. It’s more of a last ditch act to make a name for himself.

This wasn’t a ‘group’, it was basically individual. It wasn’t political, it was lashing out.

Look at what his parents have said the older brother told his parents:  he’s a success; boxing champ; well respected and influential. He drove a Mercedes but seemingly was unemployed. They had to rob to get money to try to escape. His Facebook page says that he didn’t understand Americans…he had no friends. He was looking for attention, to be important, nothing political until after his trip to Russia. Why the ‘radical Islamist‘ Utube? Wanting attention, he probably was drawn to it and told that ‘terrorism’ was an easy way to get it and get back at those that couldn’t see his greatness, that wouldn’t ‘accept’ him, that he didn’t understand.

The younger brother, on the other hand, seeming fit in quite well in America. He had friends. He was accepted. He was liked. He was ‘successful’. Everything his big brother wasn’t but wanted dearly, he had.  He also was living alone with his brother in an apartment, dependent on him to feed, clothe and shelter him while he attended college. He got his citizenship before his brother. Apparently, he was quite happy with his situation while his brother wasn’t.

He didn’t talk about his parents or want friends over because his parents weren’t there. He didn’t talk about his brother, even though he looked up to him because he might have felt uneasy about him and his state of mind.

My thought is that he reluctantly followed his brother’s lead because of family loyalty and feeling of obligation because he was reliant on him. According to statements, the younger seemed to look up to the older ‘following him around like a puppy dog‘. Watch that often replayed video of both walking down the street just before the bombing. My feeling about what it shows is that the younger really isn’t comfy with what is going down. He’s walking 5-10 feet behind his brother, like he doesn’t want to  be associated with his plan, but feels the obligation and follows reluctantly.

At the first firefight, his big brother strapped a device to him and rushed the police like a ‘true believer’ would. The younger turned and tried to escape, running over his brother, actually turning the vehicle around to do so. Was it to drive into the police to do damage, or was it a final lashing out at his big brother for getting him into this situation. In the end, the final ‘firefight’ might be more of a scared young man, realizing what will and might happen when he’s captured than one of a ‘true believer’.

He was no ‘true believer’ or else he’d have been dead along side his brother. He was a younger, loving brother that felt an obligation to his brother, no matter how misguided. Family values. Loyalty to family…..

Yes, the younger needs to be tried and serve time, but personally, I feel that sentencing should include being seen by anti-cult experts and see if he can be ‘reprogrammed’. If so, perhaps a lighter sentence and detention in a low or mid security prison and giving him educational opportunities might result in reclaiming a smart, young man and return him to his previous path of being a citizen. He’s more brainwashed by his brother than angry at America. He’s smart. If his friends don’t desert him, I feel he could be a productive American after serving a 10-15 yr. sentence.

We shouldn’t be tossing away lives, his or others in prison.

After all, we DO still believe in rehabilitation of people, don’t we?


The Eunuch President

Americans Support A Public Option

Americans Support A Public Option (Photo credit: Leader Nancy Pelosi)

Yep, I said that. The eunuch President. Not physically, not that the public knows anyway, but his negotiation style. And I really, truly wish he wasn’t and I didn’t feel the need to write this.

Look, his Obamacare is not much more than a requirement to have insurance if you drive a car. It DOESN’T cover everyone. It’s a gift to Big Pharma and the health insurance industry. True, they supposedly have to cover ‘everyone’, but they DO get all those additional premiums. When he negotiated for it, he never asked for the ‘Public Option‘, much less ‘Medicare for All‘ as a starting point. He wussed out from the start and STARTED from a weaker position and probably got a lesser deal than he might have had he started with the extreme position.

He wussed out on investigating the Bush administration for war crimes in violation of signed treaties.

He wussed out on investigating Wall Street for the 2008 Crisis.

He wussed out on charging HSBC with money laundering and dealing with Iran in violation of sanctions.

The first Debt Ceiling ‘crisis’ he never stood ground and dig in, he caved in and let the GOP acquire a  new Sword of Damocles to hang over his head.

The ‘Fiscal Cliff’?  Totally wussed. Caved on the tax. Let all types of breaks for corporations and the 1% get into the final bill and felt the need to offer cutting Social Security benefits as well.

He wussed out on financial reform and breaking up the big banks.

He wussed out on REALLY helping mortgage holder that are now underwater.

Should we expect President Obama to FINALLY  discover he has balls and stand his ground this time?  Doesn’t seem like it. He’s already undercutting his position by announcing ahead of time what he WON’T do. Someone please…PLEASE give this man some negotiating lessons……..QUICK!!!!! He states that he won’t use the 14th amendment.  Now Treasury and the Reserve have announced that they won’t consider the Platinum coin. And he expects the party that has blocked his every policy for most of 4 years to ‘do the right thing’. He CAN’T be serious, can he?  If he is, he may be smart, but as a negotiator, he’s a bloody fool.

Maybe the Eunuch in Chief can find his negotiating balls…..but if history is the guide….I sincerely doubt it.

Expect to watch another Presidential cave-in soon.

Bloody wuss.


U.S. Jobs, the Military, and a no/low-cost idea for both that INCREASES U.S. Security.

The U.S. military has been an all-volunteer fo...

The U.S. military has been an all-volunteer force since the end of the Vietnam War but male U.S. citizens and non-citizens are still required to register for the military draft within 30 days of their 18th birthday. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ok. We spend billions for the military. The military purchases billions of food, clothing, medicine, supplies, and equipment of all kinds. We need good paying US jobs. We need more manufacturing. We need national security.

This program should take care of a lot of the above.


If there is a major war, there is a real possibility that the military would not be able to get any parts source from oversea ‘partners’. It’s U.S. taxpayers paying for the military and it’s equipment and supplies. It should be U.S. citizens MAKING AND SUPPLYING the military and getting the benefits of the spending, NOT oversea companies and their workers.

It’s a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY DAMN IT !!!

Not only would it provide a secure supply line for the military, it would also boost the U.S. economy, both manufacturing and farm. More cotton, wool production. More apparel factories.  More manufacturing. More mining. More shipping.

It’s there.  It’s OUR MONEY. SPEND IT HERE!



Debate…Don’t sleepwalk

English: Kennedy brothers; left to right John,...

English: Kennedy brothers; left to right John, Robert, Ted. Česky: Bratři Kennedyové – vlevo John F., uprostřed Robert F. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sheesh. “I’m fighting for the middle class”.  Where? Not at that first debate. Spouting bullet points?  Check. Fighting for the middle class?  Nope.

Romney states a falsehood.  Spout pre-chosen bullet point.

Romney stretches the facts. Spout another bullet point.

Romney comes out energized. Obama looks like he just woke up and couldn’t care less.


Counter Romney’s statements. Make him explain and specify his points, don’ t just let them slide by.

Geeze…and you say you’re from Chicago…CHICAGO!!!!  WHERE POLITICS IS THE CITY SPORT.  Richard J. Daley is rolling in his grave at Obama’s performance.

No passion….no fight….just law professor in front of class…and bored with it as well.

Damn it, if you want people to get passionate about re-electing you, if you want people to be excited about voting for you…. SHOW SOME EXCITEMENT AND PASSION YOURSELF…..WHEN IT COUNTS.  WHEN A LARGE AUDIENCE IS VIEWING.

If Obama loses, it will be because of this…his lack of visible passion, lack of visible fight.

The first debate, he showed none, just a milquetoast professor spouting his prepared lesson plan.

Lord, I miss Democrats like Richard J. Daley, Ted Kennedy, Tip O’ Neil, Bobby Kennedy, FDR.  Passionate to a fault, but you always felt they’d fight to the end of the earth for the common people.

Now…..just wimpy wusses that spout bi-partisan drivel even after 3 years of GOP blocking all of his policies.


Barack….find your fight and backbone quick…..and keep it for the next 5 years. If you win and get a Democratic House and Senate, you will need to show the middle class you can act as well as give great speeches. You need to listen to the Progressive side this time. The nation’s situation demands large, Progressive action to get the economy back. You say you’ve studied FDR….try using his actions.


America 2022 A short break….and a reminder

The inscription, which reads, in part: "D...

The inscription, which reads, in part: “Dedicated to you, a free citizen in a free land …. In standing before this symbol, you have the opportunity to dedicate yourself, as did our founding fathers, to the principles of the individual freedom for which our nation stands.” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As I stated when I started America 2022, this is just my thoughts on what I think should be done to move America towards a new, better future. There have been things that happened and were developed in the past 236 years that the Founding Fathers never could have foreseen. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights was their solution to getting the former colonies to agree to work as one.

Transportation and communication took days, weeks, even months to get news, people and products from place to place. Decentralized government made sense at that time. Today, when crossing the entire nation can be done in a few hours and people know things almost as the happen, the needs lessens.

Our nation is mote mobile. People travel and move with relative ease. Products move across the nation in hours and days instead of weeks and months. Business is transacted across the nation now as easily as it was across the street then. There are certain things that should be standardized throughout the nation to ease commerce and the flow of people. Those will be the objects of future posts, as well as taxes and other subjects.


As for this coming election…


If you are dissatisfied by the government we have now, there is a solution but it ain’t easy.  It takes work and possibly personal commitment.

You need to organize and vote.  Vote for those that share most of your views and values.  If there aren’t any, think about running or office yourself, especially if you’re young.

Occupy is a great start, but it lacks power, the power the Tea Party uses to get their views into government.  As much as it may be distasteful, the best way to make change you want happen in government, is to become part of it and work from the inside.

The President can’t make laws. Congress makes laws. Congress holds the purse strings. Congress selects Supreme Court justices. Congress declares and ends wars. Congress finances schools. Congress finances infrastructure. Congress regulates big business, Wall Street, and big banks. Congress raises and lowers taxes. Congress says what gets funded and what doesn’t.

Re-electing President Obama is all well and good, but he can’t do squat unless he also has a Congress that will pass his policy. Otherwise it’s more of the same if it’s a divided Congress…worse if the GOP takes both.

In order for the changes that the 99% want to occur, the 99% needs to not only re-elect President Obama, but elect a Democratic Congress, both House and Senate, to introduce and pass the policy he puts forth.

There is also the mid-term election in 2014. That’s where Occupy and other Progressives can really make a difference. Run people for office. Progressives that care about the nation and the 99%. From dog catcher on up. Progressives need to build a farm team and the small local positions are a start. Aldermen and mayors, governors and state legislators, school boards and county clerks. They all matter.

For those wondering how to start running for office, may I suggest:  It’s free and you go at your own pace.

Get involved. Organize. Run for office and start change happening.

It doesn’t happen by itself…it only happens when enough people want it and work for it.


America 2022 Equal Rights Amendment…Expanded.

19th amendment of the US constitution

19th amendment of the US constitution (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Back to the future…

There still is a need for the ERA, but not in it’s former language. It needs to be MORE inclusive. Giving equal rights not just to women, but to the LGBT community as well. They deserve inclusion. Let’s get things together and protect the rights that SHOULD be given, but are mostly denied or restricted. Take the simple language of the original. Add in the LGBT community and PASS THE DAMN THING.

Women and the LGBT community make up more than HALF of our nation. Why should A MINORITY restrict the rights of a MAJORITY?

Yeah it’s short. So’s the amendment. The wait’s been the longest thing about it.



text of the ERA :

my additions are in parenthesis.


Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.(or sexual orientation).
Section 2.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Section 3.
This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.

                                                                                                                    (one year)


America 2022 Housing

Scottish Canadian

Scottish Canadian (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ah yes…one of the 800 lb. gorillas.

First, examine combining and dividing, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA mortgages, and HUD into 2 agencies. One that has regulation and enforcement as it’s purpose, the other that takes over the lending/guarantee services. Veteran borrowers would have special forms that flag their status.

Second, as part of the banking system restructuring, both private and government mortgages would be refinanced and written down at current prices, not original mortgage.

Third, Affordable/public housing would be a higher priority and overseen by the federal government, but applied locally. Apartment buildings would be highly encouraged. especially in inner city and urban areas.

Fourth, require localities with waiting lists to build enough units to cover those waiting.

Fifth, build SROs for both men & women along with shelters for single parents and families.

All SROs, shelters, and affordable/public housing would be financed/supported: 55% federal, 22.5% state, 22.5% local.

For public housing and shelters, rent would be 10% max of yearly average. 45% of that would be placed in an account for that person/family. Once yearly earning averages 250%+ of the current poverty level, they would be encouraged to look for ‘normal’ housing, the monies in the account would be then used to pay for rent, etc. in advance so they people can get settled. People would be required to place unneeded rent, utility costs, etc. in the account while getting situated. This gets them in the habit of budgeting around constant expenses.

After 2 years of consistent deposits, the person would receive total ownership of the savings account.

Public housing would be built with studio/one bedroom units for those that find themselves stuck in SRO’s for the same cost as they’re paying for the SRO. Electricity, water, and heat would be provided, as well as a stove, fridge, and bed.


Special SROs would be built for the homeless that include barbers, free clothes and food, mental health practitioners, and a clinic. They would be encouraged to get treatment and stay at the SRO instead of wandering. There would be activities and workshops. Instead of ignoring them, we should listen to them and help them return to the greater society.

Seniors would be integrated into all housing areas with buildings that are built to accommodate their needs. Clinics, food service, gathering areas, etc., as well as having events there weekly that would used to attract the surrounding neighborhood to come in and interact with them.  If residents want to open a small shop, there would be a small shop area that would be available for them to open one. They would be encouraged to mentor/ help young people that are starting out in the area that they worked in, including housekeeping/childcare.

For those with incomes under one million a year, once their mortgage was fully paid, the government would place 45% of the current price in an annuity towards retirement.

There would be a new national building code that would include the latest materials and practices as well as requiring fire sprinklers, cooking hoods with fire suppression, and a fire alarm system that can be tied into the local fire department.  (Personally, I’d be consulting with Mike Holmes and his people for these. After watching what he does and what he fixes, there is a great need for a better code and tougher licensing and regulation of both builders and re-modelers. )


America 2022 Medicare for All

US residents with employer-based private healt...

US residents with employer-based private health insurance, with self insurance, with Medicare or Medicaid or military health care and uninsured in Million; U.S. Census bureau: Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


English: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well…it’s the best way to advertise it. Medicare for All, if put in place, would necessarily be quite different from our current Medicare system.

Instead of a pay per service system, Medicare for All, for cost and implementation efficiencies , would be a service provider. Doctors and nurses, as well as all other health and health service workers would be government employees. Pay scale? To start, perhaps a scaled average of current incomes for each. After that, a results and service based bonus as well as a COLA.

How would a system be implemented quickly? How about making current state, county, and local health care systems the start for the national system? All those government bodies would probably love to get that cost off their shoulders. Also, VA hospitals would be folded into the system, but still be Veteran oriented more than public, tho they could be Trauma Centers in areas that lack one until one is built in that area.

Purchasing for all, including military needs would be consolidated for purchasing power with suppliers.

The Medicare tax would probably need to be increased…perhaps 14%: 7% for employees, 7% for employers. Still would probably less than current insurance costs. A 10% co-pay would also be put in, with a streamlined Medicaid system put in for those that cannot afford it.  It would also allow insurance companies to offer Medicare Supplemental Insurance.

To get doctors and nurses into the system, a 10 yr. employment option might be used. 5yrs. as a General Practitioner, then, if they plan to be a specialist, 5yrs. performing that specialty. In return, all their Medical school costs would be paid for. They would also get the current pay and be able to learn from more experienced professionals in the system.

It would cover all types of medical needs, mental health, vision, dental, etc..

Private hospitals could contract with Medicare to provide their hospitals for a fee, according to the hospital’s bed count, location, current equipment, and condition. A certain amount would be assigned for upgrades and remodeling costs.

Admittedly this is just a broad outline.  Such a system would need to be worked out between government, professionals, and providers, but it can and should be done. The least it would save is the 15% difference between current Medicare overhead costs and insurance company costs.

Of course, elective surgery would not be covered, but I’m sure insurance companies would come up with a policy to cover those eventually.

Doing this would finally bring America into the 21st century as well as joining the other industrialized nations.


America 2022 Social Security

Continue reading ‘America 2022 Social Security’


America 2022. A Vision for America from a Normal Citizen.

October 14: Washington reviews the army assemb...

October 14: Washington reviews the army assembled against the Whiskey Rebellion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

First off, I’m no expert in anything. The following series of posts are just my vision on where I think America should be heading and why I think so. If people that can, want to take ALL of the posts together and run the numbers, please feel free to do so. That capability is not in my possession at present.


Some things here may be totally off the wall, but perhaps that is what is needed.


I felt the need to do this because I have the feeling America is nearing another tipping point. A place where it can either change itself through the government, or the 99% will decide to change it another way.


This can’t happen here?  In America? That’s for other nations…right?  Well, read the histories of other nations. Governmental change via ‘revolutions or coups happen every few decades for some, every century or so for others.England,France,Germany,Russia,China,Japan, South and Central America,Africa…ALL nations go through it, usually by force. Those that hold power are always reluctant to give it up.


America itself has come close. The Whiskey Rebellion…The Civil War…both fighting attempts. The Great Depression might have become one if FDR hadn’t acted as he did. The sixties came close as well, but Johnson and, yes, Nixon helped to quell that by their actions. Read your history folks. It’s more than just words and past events. There are lessons to be learned, problems to be avoided, solutions to be started if one reads.


This current ‘Great Recession” is just the type of powder keg that could blow things open if problems aren’t resolved and power returns to the voters, not corporations and the wealthy.


Hopefully I’ll get my thoughts and ideas posted and out to those that will try something new and read them. (And give feedback…one can’t grow their thinking without a proper conversation. Those that don’t stagnate and become irrelevant.)



Changes need to be made, in government, in society, in thinking. Some of my thoughts might step on ‘state’s rights’. That’s one of the things that needs re-thinking. We consider ‘The United States’ as a single nation today, not a collection of separate fiefdoms. Some things need to be set at a national level today, instead of having a collection of 50 separate and different standards. If we want to compare the progress or status of programs, there needs to be a consistent standard across all states.


Some things, the national government should pick up more of the costs. Some things need national licensing regulations. In a highly mobile nation such as America, it is almost a necessity to have national standards to cut costs for the private, state, and local sectors. We also like to give lip service to having a ‘level playing field for all’. National standards and regulations for some things would go a long way to make that statement real.


As I said, these are just my thoughts, reasons, and ideas concerning my vision for America going into 2022. I do want comments and feedback. Let me know where you think I’m wrong, but also tell me why and give me places to get info. I DO change my mind on things if the information and facts warrant it.


Sidelined Buddah


A Sad, but Expected Result….

President George W. Bush walks across the tarm...

Image via Wikipedia

This shooting of civilians in Afghanistan. Surprising? Unexpected? Perhaps…for most.

Think about what led up to this.


10+ years of non-stop war in two nations with a limited force pool.

Multiple tours of duty…often with less than a year between.

Limited resources given to fight the wars.

Constant threat of attack, even while ‘safe’ in base.

No real way to distinguish between friend or foe.

A really basic language gap.


After all those items and stresses placed on top of the basic need to survive…

Fighting a long war and NOT calling for a draft?  Inexcusable.  Done only to keep what happened during the Vietnam war from happening…keeping the students quiet and happy.

Fighting a war on the cheap? Inexcusable. Done only to appease Congress. Wars were kept ‘off-budget’ the entire length of Bush’s 2 terms. Their costs were NEVER included in yearly budgets and ALWAYS needed Congress to authorize added spending each quarter. Check the votes. See how many GOP ‘balance the budget’ people voted to spend taxes off-budget.

Mis-use of the National Guard and Reserves. These are supposed to be called to active service in REAL emergencies in order to allow the regular forces time to acquire and train the additional troops they need…NOT to substitute for drafting them.


These were ill-planned, ill-served wars. Totally unneeded. Totally wasteful of lives and treasure. Totally political. Totally stressful on those that fought and fight them.

You can’t really expect troops to go back time after time and not get wounded…physically, mentally or spiritually.

Truthfully, I don’t give a rat’s ass about what happens in Afghanistan after NATO leaves. It was a warring country for centuries…it will be for years to come. Karzai? Let the two-faced corrupt weasel find his own way. He’s got enough embezzled funds to get out.

Our troops need to get out. Now. Before this Christmas if not Thanksgiving. We don’t need to be there. They don’t want us there. The voters don’t want our troops there anymore.














What the GOP and Big Business REALLY want….

…They want to turn the US into China. At least as far as labor, business, and environmental concerns go, though they wouldn’t mind a puppet government as well. It’s what they seem to be legislating for. Rollback labor laws. Do away with the EPA. Restrict voting to those that are “documented”. Do away with most of the Bill of Rights…and parts of the Constitution they don’t agree with. Control reproduction. (China does have that one-child law, why not an unlimited child law…no planning.)

All they’re concerned with is their bottom lines, NOT the Nation, much less the people. All the populace is to them are consumers of goods and labor. Nothing more. They see no reason to support anything that doesn’t increase their profits or ‘stockholder value’ immediately and directly. They either fail to see or refuse to see anything other than things that put money into their pockets …NOW.

What good is investing in education or infrastructure? What use is universal healthcare? Why should labor have a voice in how the business is run, they’re just another commodity to be used.

just another rant this time…

Sidelined Buddah


I guess it’ll do…for now.

The State of the Union Speech was about what I expected. No really large, exciting plans, just enough to get the swing voters moving towards his side, and not much more. Moving the ‘end of combat’ in Afghanistan is a weasel squirm to appease those that want us out now. Nothing to get people thinking about this nation actually DOING something, just more tip-toe and tiny ideas. We deserve more.

Perhaps President Obama will unveil a sweeping, imaginative, soul-stirring ‘Grand Vision’  at the convention, but somehow I doubt it. he doesn’t seem to either have one or he doesn’t believe the nation wants one. If it’s the former, he’s a disappointment…especially from a former community organizer. No ‘ideal nation’? No vision for a better future? What the hell was he doing in the hood? Passing sympathy and ‘I feel your pain’, but not offering a vision of better things?

If it’s the latter, let me say that the nation hungers for a ‘Grand Vision’. This nation craves leaders with the balls to drive the nation to do more than it feels it can. ‘Grand Visions’ give the nation and it’s people a great goal to strive for, something to work towards, something bigger and better than just making it from day-to-day. This nation was formed around a ‘Grand Vision’. It’s a part of our nation’s DNA. We crave them. We need them to excel.

Look at the last few decades. After the moon landings, what captured the nation’s imagination? What drove research, education, invention? We didn’t shy away from an improbable idea, we drove ourselves to make the vision real. We are still that nation, that people that LOVE a challenge, love to to the improbable and try to make the impossible, possible. This nation does it’s best when challenged and directed towards a worthy vision, give it one.

Newt does have the right idea on the moon base. If we want to get to Mars, we do need to develop the technology and methods and a moon base is an ideal place to do it. It’s close, and we’ve been there before so we know what to expect. A moon base by 2020 is doable and should be part of a ‘Grand Vision’, not the sole goal, but a big part of it.

But, it’s just me dreaming again…

Sidelined Buddah


My State of the Union Announcement Idea….

U.S. President George W. Bush and Afghan Presi...

Image via Wikipedia

President Obama wants to make a newsworthy announcement at the State of the Union Address? Here’s one.

Announce that we are starting talks with NATO allies on withdrawing ALL troops from Afghanistan before the end of 2012. We don’t need Karzai’s blessing either.

There is no real reason for being there. Karzai is corrupt, inept, and scared. The local warlords will always be there. The people want us out. All our presence there is doing is giving the Taliban recruiting fodder and feeding billions into the corrupt Afghan government.

What we’re doing not is not worth the cost we’re paying…in treasure and, more importantly, lives. We can’t stay there forever…and they really don’t want us there. What happens after we leave is what would have happened earlier if we weren’t there. Our presence there isn’t making all that much difference in what will happen in that country.

We HAD our Civil War…most nations have them as they grow. Somethings, it seems, can only be worked out by the shedding of blood. They will have their internal wars.  Look at their history.  It’s a constant.  So is foreign intervention…and it’s inevitable failure.

Also, do you really want to keep this war going past this current term? What if, and it’s always possible, the GOP wins? Wouldn’t it be good for the Nation, Obama’s legacy…for him to really EARN and DESERVE that Nobel PEACE prize?

G. W. Bush’s legacy is the economic crash and getting us into two wars. Why not leave a legacy of ending two wars?  And ending drone attacks as well. The economy needs Congress to agree, and right now this House won’t do crap to help.

If President Obama REALLY wants to make BIG news…announce NATO talks to get troops out by the end of 2012.

THIS the President CAN do.  Will he?


It’s That Time Of Year Again…..

English: Seal of the President of the United S...

Image via Wikipedia

….State of the Union time. Time for the President to let the Nation know what it already knows and (hopefully) tell the Nation his vision for the next year…except every 4th year, the election year. This is the speech where the President summarizes his past 4 years, and, if seeking re-election, presents his opening argument for why he should get 4 more years.

Honestly, even tho I voted for him 4 years ago, I’m not enthused…and probably won’t be if the President gives the speech I think he will.

Standard greetings….summary of bad things…summary of good things…whining about Congress…intro of  ‘special person’ watching….plans for the next year…plans for the next 4 years, including lackluster vision, small plans, insufficient stimulus plans, possibly letting the Bush tax cuts lapse…closing remarks…God Bless the United States of America.

No big, sweeping vision of where he wants to take the Nation. No grand plans to excite and capture the Nation’s imagination and energy. No real rallying cry for Progressives and Independents to gather around.  just more of the same cautious, pragmatic, limited tripe…and more whining for bipartisanship.






Look, I’ve been a Dem all my life, but this current crop has little or no imagination or backbone. They quiver at each GOP poke. I’m a Chicagoan…and old enough to remember Richard J.   We need THAT kind of Dem now. One that stands up for his people and his values and gets things he wants done.

Yeah, I know it’s a different time, but where the hell have all the rock solid pols gone. Ones that drew a line in the sand…then built a concrete wall on it.

Oh yeah…money.  If the voters believe in you…if they really think you’ll work FOR them 95% of the time…that even if you might lose, you fight hard for them….they’ll support, fund, and most importantly…vote for you.

You don’t even need to pick a fight…join the fight the rest of the 99% are fighting…and show that you’ll be there…win or lose.

We’d rather see Dems fight like hell for what the 99% need and fall short because of the GOP than have Dems say they’re fighting for us and melt like a snowball in a blast furnace in the face of opposition.

But that’s just me…..

Sidelined Buddah


My “Grand Plan” Pt.2


Withdraw all troops from Afghanistan in 6 months.  Close Guantanamo in 1 year…either transferring to max security prisons…or releasing after a short time in a halfway house.  Join the World Court.  Start investigations on torture and war crimes. Start investigations on the Wall Street collapse.

Strengthen Dobbs/Franks. Reinstate Glass-Steagal and update. Regulate all derivatives and futures. Strengthen the SEC. Break up the big banks.  Endorse state and municipal banks. Investigate a federal bank. Scrap the present tax codes and form a simplified tax system.

Restructure the entire government agency structure. Nationalize voting laws. Nationalize banking and insurance laws. Nationalize labor laws, allowing the right to unionize nationally. Nationalize the public school systems, adding free 2/4 yr. college funding for community colleges/state universities(same amount tuition voucher for private universities…amount above state tuition is student responsibility).

Consumer debt forgiveness (including federal, state income taxes; student loans; parking tickets; mortgage interest and ‘underwater amount’) at date of signing. Future ‘jubilees’ set for every 11 years.

Medicare for All.  Social Security cap lifted.

All agencies will be either regulating/enforcement or promotion, never both.

Patriot Act repealed. Elections  federally funded and campaign time reduced. No outside funding. No gifts/favors allowed for elected and agency officials and employees. No elected official or agency official/employee may be employed by any industry/company that their agency regulated/promoted.

Marijuana legalized with a 6 mo. preparation period. All possession convictions for 1 lb or less, expunged…all convicted, released. Cocaine legalized the following year.  All other drugs legalized one year after cocaine. All possession convictions of 2 grams or less expunged. All convicted, released.   All convicted to get drug education, job training, and halfway house for 6 months.

All drugs to be regulated and taxed like cigarettes and alcohol.

….to be continued….

(explanations for these will be taken up in future posts.)


My “Grand Plan” Pt.1

One of the first things that needs to get done is putting people back in jobs.  This is a SHORT-TERM COMPONENT. (3-5 years).

Fund all bridge repair and/or replacement for all bridges with a grade of B or lower. When bridges collapse, not only do they break critical transport routes, they put lives at risk, not only on the bridge when it collapses, but on both sides as well. First Responders are cut off…bridges also can carry utilities across as well, so if the bridge goes so do the utilities.

All water and sewer systems over 25 yrs. old would be funded to upgrade them. Places with combined sewer and storm drain systems would get funding to separate them to ease urban flooding. Cities would get funding to replace asphalt streets with the latest resurfaceable concrete to get more oil based products out of the system.

All cities would get funding to replace any utilities that refuse to upgrade their systems within 5 years, with utility lines of their own that they could lease for 5-10 years at a time to providers.

Mass Transit would be funded fully to upgrade systems and to add needed service and equipment.

TRUE  High-Speed Rail (150 mph+) would be planned and funded.

Public School buildings would be evaluated for upgradeability.  Those that can, would be upgraded with air conditioning and heating, broadband, and LEED certified. Those that can’t would be replaced.

All transportation facilities would be evaluated and either upgraded or replaced.

Park systems, forest preserve districts, etc. would get improvement funding.

This would be in effect for 3 years.  Each separate project approved would have full budgeted funding set aside in an account specifically for that particular project.

After 3 years, programs would be evaluated again. Those that had goals completed would be eliminated. Those deemed worthy of continuing would be funded for 2 more years.


… be continued…..


So Pres. Obama Finally Decides to Lead. One Problem…..

….where is he leading us?  All we have now is a single bill. In order for Pres. Obama to stand a chance for re-election, he needs to tell us WHERE he wants to take us…WHAT his vision is for the nation…WHAT he wants to do.  It’s time to do what few presidents do, present a “GRAND PLAN”.  The conditions almost demand it. High unemployment, stagnant job creation, stalemated Congress, world recession…  Normal political platitudes won’t cut it.

What is needed is a coordinated vision/message throughout the Democratic party and labor. EVERY DEMOCRAT NEEDS TO STAY ON MESSAGE OR BE PRIMARIED WITH SOMEONE THAT DOES. The president needs a group effort…the DCCC, DSCC, DNC, Labor, and every Democratic office holder in the country needs to sign on.

The “GRAND PLAN” needs to be huge…because the problems are huge. No half-measures. And it needs to be a largely Progressive plan. Those are the ones that tend to excite the American Spirit. “Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will not themselves be realized.”

The president’s going to catch flak no matter what he proposes, so might as well go for it.

The plan needs to address ALL the issues…from jobs to immigration to “Medicare for all“. It needs to be in two major parts…Short term(the next 2-4 years) and the long term (5+years). The economy needs to be kick-started and juiced short term before the long term dealing with the debt can occur.  You need to have a steady income and be able to pay current expenses before you can work on eliminating the bulk of your debt.

Knowing me, I’ve got my ideas on what should be in it….and I’ll be posting parts of it in my usual sporadic fashion.

peace   99%


The Jobs Speech Obama Doesn’t Have the Balls to Give……

(The speech I wish Obama would give on Thursday)


Good Evening fellow Americans,

Today we find ourselves in a situation that took decades and several presidents to make. From Ronald Reagan, who tripled the deficit during his term, to George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton who presided over the death of the Glass-Steagall Act that placed a firewall between commercial banks and investment banks, and The Bank Holding Act of 1956 that put restrictions on bank holding companies, to George W. Bush who took an $86,422 Million budget surplus and, by 2008, turned it into a $450,945 Million deficit, with two ongoing wars whose costs were kept off-budget. There is blame enough to go around.

During the past 3 years, almost every initiative that either the president or Democrats have placed for consideration has been blocked, usually by Senate filibuster, by Republican Senators , whose leader has publically stated, several times, on the record, that his main agenda is to make this president a single term president, and has led his party in a systematic obstruction of any legislation that even seems a ‘victory’ or ‘accomplishment’ for this administration. This has resulted in precious little being accomplished.

For the security and health of this nation, for the welfare of it’s citizens, this needs to stop.

While petty games are being played, people are losing homes, losing jobs, scraping for funds to get food and medicines. Schools are crumbling and cutting essential studies. Bridges are falling and killing people. Businesses are stagnating, especially our small businesses that depend on local conditions being able to support them. Roads and infrastructure is old and failing.

Do we actually think that continuing on this way will preserve this nation?

All that has been loudly debated so far, seem to be directed at the symptom, not the cause.

Lower taxes won’t put people to work. They could drop to zero and not one person would be hired. Relaxing regulations won’t put people to work. They could disappear and very few would be hired.

A review of Business 100 would seem to be in order.

People go into business for ONLY one reason, and that is to make a profit. In order for a profit to be made, there needs to be DEMAND for what you intend to sell. If there is no demand, there is no reason to hire anyone, including yourself.

If there is demand, you start the business, usually by yourself, until you either meet the demand, or you run out of time. If you run out of time, you usually hire another person. If there still is demand to be filled, you continue to hire until you start to see people with free time, then fire or hire according to DEMAND.

Right now, there is a gigantic lack of demand here, and in the world. There are three segments that create demand, consumers, business, and government.

The U.S. is basically a consumer driven economy. It’s dependent on consumers, you and me, to have spare cash available after meeting our bills, to buy stuff. Due to past events, consumers don’t have spare cash to create demand. We need to look elsewhere.

Businesses. Problem here is that, being a consumer driven economy, if consumers can’t demand more, business won’t hire if their current workers are meeting the demand out there. If business isn’t producing more to meet consumer demand, business can’t increase it’s demand either.

That leaves government.

Yes, I realize that we need to reduce the federal debt, but that can’t be done overnight. It’s a gradual, long-term process.

Yes, I realize that anything government does to create demand will increase the debt. But as I stated, reducing taxes on those that don’t need it, doesn’t create demand. They are already spending what they will spend.

What is needed is a large, short-term boost, say over the next 2-4 years.

What I’m putting forth is an infrastructure bill that immediately greenlights all infrastructure repair requests. It takes bridges that have B ratings and below and greenlights repair or replacements. It gives cities funds to replace infrastructure over 30 years old, burying utilities such as electric, phone and cable, and separating sewers from storm drains for urban flood control. It provides funds for needed grade separations of rail and road.

As each project is approved, enough funds to see it to completion is placed in an account to fund that project. Any overruns will be the responsibility of states and cities.

There is $20 billion per state for rehiring first responders and fully funding education, from pre-school thru college to at least 40%.

School buildings over 25 years old will be funded for replacement in order to have all schools wired for the 21st century and able to provide a comfortable learning environment. This means proper heating and air conditioning as well as phys ed areas.

The Bush tax cuts will be repealed and four added tax levels will be added.

$250,000 – $1 million….37%

$1 million – $10 million….43%

$10 million $100 million….46%

$100 million +….  48%

Capital gains tax will vanish and ALL investment income will be treated as basic income.

The Social Security tax cap will be done away with.

Discussions on decreasing the long-term debt will start.

I know those that opposed my initiatives in the past will be loud and strident about this as well. This is expected. I will insist that all of this be approved and that it lasts for 3 years with a trigger for a 4th year if unemployment is over 6%.

Let the nation see who is really working for the good of the nation and who is held in thrall of their corporate masters, working only to fill the coffers of the rich at the expense of the nation and it’s people.

Demand is what is needed to get people to work and our nation moving. Interest rates are low so now is the time to do this. And it is not just our nation that will be helped.  Our expanding demand will spread through the world’s economies and ease their problems as well.

By doing this big thing, we not only raise ourselves, but all. This is a big problem.  It needs a big solution. This is my solution and it will work.

The problem is a lack of demand. This creates demand by rebuilding and improving our nation, making it better able to compete in this world economy.

Thank you.  God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

(Ah….if only)


Tea Party needs Business 100 refresher.

Apparently, few Tea Party (and GOP) members remember or have taken Business 100, Intro to Business. If they did, they would quickly see the very shaky foundation they have placed their job creation plans on. There is ONLY one true creator of jobs: DEMAND.

One goes into business to make a profit by making or providing products and/or services. If there is NO demand, there is no reason to hire anyone…including yourself. If there IS a demand, you start by doing thing with as few people as possible, usually yourself. Once DEMAND has overtaken your ability to fill it by yourself, THEN you hire another employee. Once demand overtakes you once again, you hire another. This continues until you find you and your employees with spare time. A small amount of spare time is tolerable, but if the amount of spare time INCREASES, that means that DEMAND has dropped.  If it continues to drop, you normally lay-off or fire employees until spare time vanishes.

Decreasing taxes and/or deregulating DOES NOT increase DEMAND. Governmental spending cuts DO NOT increase DEMAND.  In fact, spending cuts can have the effect of DECREASING demand by decreasing government employees.

If people don’t have a steady income, they tend to cut back on spending: THEY DEMAND LESS GOODS AND SERVICES. Less demand means less employment in other areas. If you can’t afford a new car, you don’t buy it. There for there is less demand by one car. If 10,000 people do the same, there is less demand by 10,000 cars. Less demand = less sales. Less sales=less profit and less product needed.  This results in less employees, which continues the cycle.

Right now, there is $1 trillion less demand for goods and services. That is a lot of production that was lost. Consumers (in other words, normal folk…employees…you and me) don’t have the resources (disposable income…spare cash) to make up this massive drop and create DEMAND enough to get employers (job creators) to rehire people.

Businesses can’t make up for the DEMAND loss either. They are there to make a profit. If there is no DEMAND to fill, there is no reason to hire.

That leaves ONLY one entity that can create enough DEMAND, the government.

Yes, we do need to reduce the deficit…LONG-TERM. Right now we have a severe SHORT-TERM crisis and therefore INCREASED government spending over the SHORT-TERM (2-4 years) is needed…and not a small increase, but a large increase…several trillion dollars worth. This nation has more than enough deferred maintenance on infrastructure and needed projects to be able to use several trillions wisely to improve the nation and bring us into the 21st Century.

Increased DEMAND for products and services increases the need for more employees to fill the increased DEMAND. More employed people means more people have more spare cash to spend on more goods and services that means an increase in DEMAND again and the need for more to be employed.

More employed people means more taxes paid. More taxes paid means more money to DECREASE THE DEBT.


Odd as it may seem, a large, short-term increase in the national debt should result in the long-term decrease of the national debt.

Obama needs to go big, expansive, and visionary in his upcoming jobs plan. Anything less means long-term hardship for the nation.


Is Obama really just a DINO?

Could it be?  Might it actually be true?  Might our President, the head of the Democratic Party, be a…gasp…Democrat In Name Only? Does his actions the past three years hold signs pointing towards that unsavory truth?

Obama talks a good game, but has he really put forth any substantial plans concerning Democratic concerns? All I’ve seen is his passing the hot potatoes to Congress and telling them to put a plan together. Excuse me….but isn’t it the main purpose of electing a president from a particular party is so that he can put forward a plan that encompasses the concerns of the party and try to move them thru Congress, not the other way around.

He’s talked about shared sacrifice, but folded each time he could push the idea. He’s talked about jobs but has not put forth his plans. He talked about insuring everyone, but gave the insurance companies opportunity for massive profits. He’s talked about reining in Wall Street, but has done little. When conflict starts is seems Obama runs and hides. Where is the protector of the Middle Class and the poor? Where is the person with a bully pulpit that can constantly fight back against the falsehoods and misstatements….and yes, bald-faced lies?

It’s good to  be pragmatic and thoughtful, but as the leader of the Nation and the Democrats, there needs to be much more fight and engagement on the president’s part. It’s killing his approval ratings just sitting back and letting the GOP rant on. You can’t convince people of the correctness of your position if all they hear is the opposition.

President Obama needs to get a jobs plan out before the end of September and push for it loud and hard. He also needs to put forth a short-term AND a long-term financial plan for the Nation. Short-term needs to actually spend more on infrastructure and public works projects AND some aid for states and cities. He needs to put forth an energy plan as well.


No more ‘frameworks’. The Nation needs to get substance…a full meal’s worth.

He may be pleasantly surprised at the responses he gets by taking bold steps instead of wimpy baby crawls.


The Failed Generation

Us. Yep, the Baby Boomers. The generation with the largest population. The generation that was given a booming nation. We failed. Massively. Pretty much completely. In just about every area.

Doubt it? Think hard.

Our roads and bridges are falling apart. Our cities and states are slowly going bankrupt. Our public schools are bad and getting worse. Our health system is broken. Our military is held together by volunteers that are being pushed past their limits, then are seemingly tossed aside when they can’t fight anymore. The poor are getting poorer. The Middle Class is vanishing. Universities and libraries are slowly shrinking. The ‘Free Press‘ ain’t free and it’s held by corporate interests. The Nation‘s credit rating dropped because of political infighting. Manufacturing is nearly extinct. Wages have been stagnant, if not moving lower for the past 12 years. And we have built and improved nothing for the future generations.

We failed.

We fail at nation building. We can’t even rebuild our own, much less another. We fail at learning from history. If people recalled the 1920’s, they might have seen things leading up to the 2008 crash. We fail at listening to other opinions. We fail at caring for those that can’t or are having difficulty caring for themselves. We fail at taking bold moves. Worst of all, we fail at leadership…from mayors to presidents to the U.N. Total Fail.

Republicans want to go back to the 1880’s or 1920’s with laissez faire government…and most likely the same results…Ressession or Depression. The ‘Free Market‘ has never been able to police itself. And when it decides on something, it is usually for the good of the corporation, not the Nation or the workers.

Democrats are pussies….wimps…spineless wonders.  Woody Allen or Wally Cox would fit right in…well, they might be a tad too forceful for this lot of Dems. Where is the fighting for the workers and the poor? Where are the Grand Plans? Where are the policies and plans that aid the majority of the nation and improve things? Did they finally die along with that grand congressional lion, Ted Kennedy?

Damn it, Dems.  Get some balls…a spine..a fire in the belly…a fighting spirit. We need Mr. Smith, not Casper Milquetoast.Republicans have no problem standing up for their ideas, why does it seem that Democrats are avoiding their ideas?

Face it, look around you. Are we leaving things better for our kids? Did we improve live and conditions for a majority of the nation? Are more people living better lives? Are we really as free as we were before the 70’s?



Japanese Education Pt.5 Preschool

Home, Family, and Pre-Elementary Education

Formal pre-elementary education

Reference to table 7

Teachers and school environment


Nonformal early education

Preschool and family

Pressures on pre-elementary education

Home, Family, and Pre-Elementary Education

Japanese families are stable. Divorce
rates have increased since the 1960’s, but remain relatively low. In 1980 the
number of divorces was 1.2 per thousand people, while the comparable figure for
the United States
was 5.2 per thousand. [1] Just 6 percent of all Japanese families
are headed by a single parent. [2]

>>>(Care for another reason why the Japanese do
better than us in education? )

Roughly half of all households in Japan are made up of a two-parent
family and children. This typical family unit is smaller and more urban than
that of a generation or two ago. More than half the population now lives in
large urban areas, and only one family in six includes three generations. [3]

>>>( As here, more autonomy for the parents, but
less flexibility when it comes to helping with the children. Yes having nana
living with you is a tad inconvenient, but it makes up for it when it comes to
the kids.)

Most homes, apartments, and condominiums are smaller than
their American counterparts because of the high cost of urban land.

>>>(Smaller, and easier to keep an eye on the kids

For the most part, residences are comparably modern and are
filled with common consumer products. Most Japanese children grow up taking
television and the latest toys and gadgets for granted.

>>>( No difference with us there.)

There is a strong consensus regarding roles and the
appropriate division of labor within the family. A man’s primary focus is the
workplace, which often includes extensive work related socializing with male
colleagues during the evening hours. In contrast, a woman’s primary focus is
her home and family, with particular attention to the rearing of children. The
family-centered role of women is reinforced by their relative lack of long-term
career opportunities outside the home.

>>>( A conservatives’ dream.)

While most Japanese subscribe to the view that a woman’s
place is in the home and that work should not interfere with her primary
responsibilities to children and husband, women nevertheless make up almost 40
percent of the labor force. More than half of these women are married. [4]
Many mothers with small children work only part-time so they can be at home
when their children are not in school. The extra income generated by mothers
working outside of the home is often used to help meet the cost of their
children’s education. [5]

>>>( In other words, our dream family of the 30’s,
40’s and 50’s.)

Spouses generally agree about their respective parental
roles and share a belief that the children are at the center of their marriage.
Thus, the education of children becomes one of the most important family

>>>( And it should be. Parents ARE responsible for
building the foundation of their kid’s futures.)

In earlier times, Japanese fathers were regarded as severe
and as having great authority. Indeed, there is an old Japanese saying that
there are four things to be feared in life–earthquakes, thunder, fire, and
fathers. Mothers may indicate to children that father will discipline them if
they do not behave, but it appears that the father’s authority in child rearing
has decreased over the past generation.

>>>( As they moved into a more ‘Western’

In many white collar families, the father is a proverbial
“guest” in his own house, returning home most evenings after the
children have gone to bed.

>>>( Sound familiar? )

Although fathers
provide children with certain role models and many take an active interest in
education matters, the task of attending to the child’s upbringing and
education is usually left to the mother. Mothers take that responsibility
seriously. Research indicates that Japanese mothers place the subject of
child rearing at the top of their worry list. [6]

>>>( The traditional, and natural, instinct for
mothers. They are most concerned with their child’s safety and future.)

Mothers and their children are especially close. Japanese
mothers seldom confront their preschool children. Rather, they attempt to
appease the child and foster an intimate, dependent relationship. The purpose
of this approach is to get the child to comply willingly with the mother’s
wishes and to shape behavior gradually over the long term.

>>>( It’s easier to get kids to behave if they
actually WANT to rather than if they’re FORCED to.)

Another goal of early training is to instill in the child a
deep sense of responsibility to the mother and family. This becomes an
important factor in developing motivation for school achievement in Japan.

>>>( ‘Win one for the team.’ It becomes important
and a major motivator to feel like mom and family ‘need’ and/or ’depend’ on the
child doing well and giving a good impression of the family to others.)

The Japanese believe that the home should be a relaxed
place where children are free of constricting requirements for emotional
control and good behavior expected in formal social situations.

>>>(In other words, at home kids can generally be
themselves…once the chores and homework are done.)

Early childhood training includes attention to manners and
proper social behavior required outside of the home, but there is little actual
exposure to group situations beyond the family until the preschool experience.

>>>( Kids are taught early on what is expected of
them outside the home. You can do what you want while at home, but outside, you
WILL act properly.)

Much of a mother’s sense of personal accomplishment is tied
to the educational achievements of her children, and she expends great effort
helping them. In addition, there is considerable peer pressure on the mother.
The community’s perception of a woman’s success as a mother depends in large
part on how well her children do in school.

>>>( If the kid’s succeed and does well, Mom is a
success and did well. If the kid isn’t doing well, Mom needs to put in more

Some Japanese mothers have gained a reputation for
extraordinary concern and involvement with their children’s education. Stories
about overzealous mothers abound. In part, this phenomenon may stem from the
sharply defined role distinction between spouses. Indeed, some Japanese note
that fathers should shoulder a fair share of the blame for these maternal
excesses, since the father’s typical preoccupation with matters outside the
home forces the mother to bear near total responsibility for managing the
education of the children. [7]

>>>( If Mom’s reputation is based on the ENTIRE
responsibility for their children’s education, Mom is going to do everything
she can to make sure her reputation remains as high as possible.)

Formal pre-elementary education

The initial transition from indulgence at home to the
institutional demands of formal education constitutes a radical change in
environment for the Japanese child. The difficulties are resolved for most
children through some form of preschool experience, wherein the child is
socialized in the ways of a group. The transition from the more or less
self-centered focus of home life to the shared needs and group responsibilities
of school life occurs through the socially oriented preschool experience. [8]

>>>( In other words, preschool acts as place to
learn how to act in society and learning how to find a place there, rather than
early formal education. They’re taught primarily social graces and teamwork,
not getting a head start on kindergarten.)

Japanese parents are strongly committed to early education,
though pre-elementary education in Japan is not a part of compulsory
education nor is it linked, like American kindergartens, to the formal school
structure. Virtually all Japanese pre-elementary education takes place in one
of two types of institutions: preschools and daycare centers. Preschools (yochien,
often translated as “kindergartens”), which operate under Monbusho
supervision, enroll children primarily between ages 3 and 5. They are in
session approximately 5 hours per day. Daycare centers (hoikuen,
sometimes translated as “nursery schools”), established by the
Ministry of Welfare, are primarily for the children of working mothers. They
accept children from infancy through age 5 and are in session 8 hours per day.
In most other respects the two types of institutions are similar in physical
facilities, curricula, teaching styles, and classroom activities.

>>>( Preschools, then are for ‘stay at home’ moms.
Not only to school them, but to give mom time to do things without needing to
watch the kids. Daycare is for working moms.
Note, both are under government supervision and have regulated
facilities and schooling. Not just a licensing procedure like here.)

A very high percentage of Japanese children are enrolled in
pre-elementary education. Forty percent of all 3-year-olds and 92 percent of
all 4 and 5-year-olds attend either preschools or daycare centers table 7. Japanese parents rarely withdraw
their children once they are enrolled.

>>>( So all most EVERY child gets

Both types of pre-elementary institutions require tuition.
In the case of daycare centers, parents are assessed charges in accordance with
their income.

>>>( NOT one flat tuition fee…but an income based
tuition.  What a concept…)

In addition to
income from tuition, pre-elementary institutions receive subsidies from all
three levels of government in varying amounts.

>>>(That means they get funds from nation, state,
and city. There really needs to be a shift in this country)

Teachers and school environment

Japanese preschools are staffed by licensed professional


Virtually all are
women under the age of 25 who have graduated from a junior college. Their
preparation includes training in teaching as well as in relevant subject areas.
The former includes such topics as principles of education, child psychology,
and practice teaching, and the latter such things as music, physical education,
and the arts. Although serious and enthusiastic about their work, many women
leave preschool teaching after marriage in order to raise children of their

>>>( Kinda makes sense. Teaching preschool gets
them advanced training for taking care of their own children.)

During most of the day, Japanese preschools and daycare
centers are relaxed, boisterous places. Parents and teachers prize high spirits
in their preschool children, and the yard and building usually resound with
enthusiastic voices and great activity.

>>>( As opposed to what happens here often. “Keep
quiet and behave. No running around. Sit down”.
Not there.)

Preschool classes are large by American standards,
averaging 30 students (and just one teacher) per class. [9]
This large class size is preferred by many Japanese teachers who believe that
it gives children an opportunity to learn to interact in a group and generates
more enthusiasm for the activities. Teachers refrain from overt direction of
group activities, preferring to encourage the class to learn to function as a
group. [10]

>>>(What is more important here seems to be
getting the children involved with each other rather than teaching subjects.)

Teacher strategies for gaining compliance from the child
and for inducing proper behavior have considerable similarity to maternal
strategies and techniques. That is, they emphasize persuading the child to
understand and comply willingly with demands for particular behavior rather
than forcing the child to obey.

>>>( Again, it’s easier to get kids to obey when
the WANT to.)

Teachers do not rush to intervene or correct occasional
misbehavior. They encourage other students to become involved in solving
problems. [11] Working through the group to resolve
individual behavioral difficulties is believed to be an important part of the
social curriculum, even at this early stage.

>>>( Nothing like peer pressure… and kids are more
likely to take advice from another kid than an adult.)


The curriculum of preschool is largely nonacademic.
Interaction with other children is stressed over interaction with materials.
Cooperative activities, games, freeplay, and chores form a substantial part of
each day. Children are encouraged to accommodate themselves to the activities
others around them. Great emphasis is placed on social development and training
in proper habits and attitudes.

Instruction in letters and numbers and other prereading
skills is absent from the formal curriculum guidelines set forth by the
Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Welfare. These guidelines contain six
content areas to be emphasized in classroom activities: health, social life,
nature, language, music and crafts. [12] Most preschools and daycare centers follow these

>>>( In other words, the basics of living in
society and transitioning from a home based lifestyle to a society based
lifestyle. They learn how to get along with each other, how to take care of
themselves, hobbies to enrich their lives, how to communicate and the world
around them.)

While explicit teaching of reading and writing skills is
uncommon , children are encouraged to speak and comprehend language by becoming
familiar with illustrated stories and picture books. Self-expression and the
correct use of spoken language are emphasized.

>>>( Hence the popularity of manga. They have it
from an early age and are encouraged to read them.)

In music, the children sing and become acquainted with
simple musical instruments. In most preschools, each class spends several weeks
preparing to stage a yearly show for parents and neighbors. Miniature
operettas, complete with costume scenery, and piano accompaniment, are among
the most popular presentations.

>>>(Now you know the reason for the proliferation
of J-pop, J-rock, and other Japanese music trends. Again, it starts early and
is encouraged.)

Traditional paper folding, or origami, is an
important element of craft instruction. Even 3-year-olds are considered old
enough to learn to make airplanes, boats, and cups. Older children learn more
sophisticated folding techniques, producing penguins, cranes, and a wide
variety of objects.

>>>( And we think our kids can only color in
coloring books and use blocks…sheesh)

Throughout Japanese pre-elementary education, children
learn to function as members of a group. Major goals are to interest children
in school and their classmates and to provide an order orientation to school
life. This focus on the group is carried throughout the school years and
ultimately into adult life.

>>>( You want to know WHY our kids seem to run
amok while the Japanese are civil? Here you go. Emphasis is NOT on the
individual, it’s on teamwork…working as a group for the benefit of all, not
just one.)

Although unrestrained voices and physical activity are
encouraged during play periods, the day is interspersed with brief periods of
solemn ritual when the entire class learns to stand quietly with attention
focused on the teacher. Children learn to distinguish among the various levels
of order and discipline appropriate at different times during the school day.

>>>( There is a season…)

Japanese pre-schools thus provide important preparation in
the habits and routines of elementary school life. Children learn to be orderly
and neat, to manage their personal school supplies, to take care of their
personal needs, and to wear school badges, hats, or uniforms according to
school custom.

>>>(They learn what they need to know in order to
start regular school running, not trying to figure out what they need to do and
how to do it.)

Nonformal early education

Preschool and daycare institutions are not the only sources
of pre-elementary education in Japan.
Children often attend enrichment lessons in addition to preschool. Swimming,
gymnastics, and piano lessons are popular. Mothers believe that these lessons
provide enjoyable opportunities for their sons and daughters to be with other
children and to participate in physical exercise.

>>>( So instead of tossing a child into a P.E.
class cold, many get used to structured activity through lessons early.)

In comparison with typical preschool activities which
emphasize social skills, the enrichment lessons provide a more structured and
focused learning experience. The Suzuki method of music teaching is one example
of these types of lessons. Such lessons are the forerunners of similar
out-of-school enrichment classes and related remedial and cram courses which
become more widespread during the later elementary and secondary school years.

Preschool and family

The close nature of the mother-child relationship and the
strong cultural and parental commitment to education enable the mother to
provide a strong foundation for the child’s entry into elementary school.

During the preschool years, mothers provide informal
learning opportunities such as drawing, making simple toys with paper, paste,
and scissors, and various activities related to basic reading and counting

>>>(Oh the memories of arts and craft time. Yes it
mean actually interacting with your kid, but you just might find out how much
fun it was and enjoy it.)

Most mothers
encourage their child’s natural interest in letters and numbers, although few
undertake a concerted program of instruction in reading and writing. By
answering questions, purchasing readily available children’s magazines and
activity books, and playing traditional letter recognition and phonetic
children’s games, mothers stimulate their children’s interest in basic reading

>>>(OOOO..flash cards, phonics, reading books and
magazines…and actually TALKING TO YOUR KID. Taking an interest in their
interest and actually ANSWERING their questions.)

This preschool home
environment is largely responsible for the fact that many Japanese children
enter the 1st grade already able to read and write the 48 basic Japanese
phonetic symbols.


An important outgrowth of preschool and daycare experience
is that Japanese mothers develop the habit of providing considerable assistance
for their children in the schooling process. Japanese preschools require a
large investment of maternal energy. Numerous articles such as book bags, lunch
box wrappers, and the like must be handmade according to certain
specifications. Each day the child must be personally taken to and from the
school gate or bus stop, often on the back of mother’s bike or motor scooter.

Not only are the kids taught how to act, so are the parents (mothers).
Parental involvement required right from the gitgo. Something to consider.)

Mothers are also directly involved with the school in
various ways. Each day the child carries a notebook back and forth between
mother and teacher which is alternately inscribed with notes regarding the
child’s health, mood, and activities at home and during the preschool day.

>>>(Daily communications between parents and
teachers from the start as well. No wondering about what’s going on on either

Usually twice a
month there are PTA meetings or mothers’ club meetings. There are also frequent
meetings of committees of mothers working on various special projects for the
school such as gardening and hot lunch preparation. With all of these
additional school related responsibilities, enrolling a child in preschool has
only a small time-saving effect for Japanese mothers.

Although daycare centers, which are designed for working
mothers, require somewhat less intensive involvement, they also require
considerable maternal participation.

>>>( Parents don’t just get to shove the kid into
school and forget about it. They’re ‘required’ to participate in their child’s

In contrast to many preschools in the United States, Japanese parents
never function as assistant teachers or aides in the classroom.

>>>( Leave the classroom to the professionals.

Their role is to
provide auxiliary support for the child’s activities and visibly to demonstrate
their support and interest. These parental–largely maternal–habits and
attitudes will be maintained throughout the child’s school career.

>>>( Wow…parental involvement in their child’s
education. Who’d have thunk it?)

Pressures on pre-elementary education

Pre-elementary education in Japan is beginning to reflect the
pressures of parental concern with academic achievement in the school years
ahead. A growing minority of parents are concerned that the traditional
nonacademic focus of the official preschool and daycare curriculum is
insufficient. They worry that their children may not be able to keep up once
they enter school. They see the pre-elementary years as crucial in giving their
children an academic head start as well as helping them develop social skills.
Thus, some preschools and daycare centers are beginning to provide instruction
in basic reading and writing skills.

>>>(Not a good sign….)

Another factor contributing to the gradual introduction of
explicit instruction in pre-elementary education is increased competition among
preschool and daycare centers to maintain enrolments. One successful way of
developing a competitive edge is through providing some instruction in
recognizing letters and numbers. Other preschools create distinctive programs
through weekly instruction in art, judo, calligraphy, or other special

>>>( Ah…nothing like market pressures)

This trend toward introduction of academic instruction in
preschools is not regarded in an entirely favorable light by elementary school
officials and social commentators. Emphasis on academic training at this stage
is seen as interfering with proper development of children’s social skills and
daily habits.

>>>( Quite possibly correct.)

Further, it is
believed that having some children enter 1st grade with academic skills while
most have not had a comparable opportunity to acquire them causes teachers
difficulties that could be avoided if the entire group entered 1st grade with
no previous academic instruction.

>>>( Boredom induces irritation which tends to
actualize in class disruption)

Paradoxically, the children who have had the advantage of
preschool instruction sometimes endure difficulties of their own. Since
Japanese elementary schools do not separate students according to ability, the
better prepared students often suffer some months of boredom waiting for the
rest of the class to catch up.

>>>(Which also starts a feeling of ‘Why should I
bother? ‘)

The combination of more instruction in basic reading and
writing skills at home, virtually universal participation in preschool
education, and growing enrolments in enrichment lessons, have created an
increasing discrepancy between the official guidelines for pre-elementary
education and the actual experience and capability Japanese children bring to
the 1st grade.

>>>( Well, guidelines are just that, guides. If
conditions have changed, perhaps it may be time to investigate, review, and
adjust the guidelines.)


After Obama’s Speech….Big Deal. *sigh*

Too little. Why so slow?

There is no, NO reward for staying in Afghanistan any longer. Pakistan?  Nope. The people in Pakistan don’t trust us at all. In fact, they consider us their enemy. What is needed is a reset. We need to get out. Totally. For several years. We need to cut the aid to the government and let the Pakistanis get their government in order without using us as a boogie man.

And we need to get totally out of Iraq. We’ve done enough damage to all 3 nations. We need to get totally out and stop all aid until each country gets things settled without our influence.

As for terrorism, use the CIA, Interpol, FBI, our Allies intelligence to search out the terrorists. Armies can’t do that. It’s investigation and information gathering and analysis that is needed.

We need to get our troops home and put those resources where they are needed at home.


Presidential Asperations?

Everyone else seems to be announcing their intentions to run
for President, so I might as well too.
Well…announcing my AVAILABILITY to run. I can’t afford to cross the
street, much less run for President. So, if the Greens need a body, or people
want to start a grassroots effort to place me as a write-in candidate…or any
third party.


I meet the basics: over 43 (I’ll be 53 in July)…and a
natural citizen AND I’ve got the birth certificate to prove it AND my hospital
is still operating. (Loretto Hospital in Chicago)


Let’s get the sketchy stuff over with. I’ve visited hookers
in my 20’s, tried pot AND inhaled…enjoy alcohol…currently owe state and federal
taxes from my cab driving days…currently on Social Security Disability…live at
the ‘Y’ (lowest rent around)…weigh 425 lbs. (yep..hello Chris Cristie. You’re
close to my size)…like most Americans, I’m in debt up to my eyeballs but
current…and need dental work. Oh, I’m also a lousy public speaker.


BUT…I will have my plan stated here on my blog. I will try
to get as specific as I can, but right now it’s summer and there’s no a/c, so
I’m lazy right now.  ; )


I will answer questions as precisely as I can and try not to
do the typical politician tap dance around them. I will listen to all sides of
an issue, but I’m hard to convince to change my mind…but I do if I’m shown good
reasons why.


Of course I’ll have the usual problem of any President…if
the voters don’t elect members to Congress that agree with my positions and are
willing to vote for them, nothing can happen without compromise…and in this
era, there is NO such thing. I refuse to give away the store to get a gumball.


I’m basically a Liberal, but can get moderately conservative
at times. I got the way I am basically because of my late dad’s insistence on reading.
I remember reading to my kindergarten class.
I used to ride my bike with my paperbag to the library and usually
checked out 20 books for the 3 weeks then returned them and got another 20…for
about 10 years.


My dad used to watch news, documentaries, and PBS. I
remember watching Firing Line and operas, most of the major networks’
documentary and news programs, loads of PBS, classical concerts and
operas…plays…wow..TV used to be more interesting back then.


Musically I got started on classical, folk, and big bands.
My dad loved WFMT and WNIB. He always had WGN on weekend nights for Rapchek and
Floyd Brown. He always tried to catch Those Were The Days and Midnight Special
on Saturdays along with Studs Terkle.


Now it’s WGN and TWTD along with Midnight Special and WXRT ,
college radio, NPR, WFMT. TV it’s WGN’s local news, PBS Newshour, BBC World
News, NHK World News, MSNBC’s prime time shows (Rachel Maddow is fantastic. A
fellow nerdy news junkie…with a GREAT sense of fun.) and Keith Olberman.  Of course the History Channel, Discovery,
Science, History International, WYCCW, Bill Maher, and Penn & Teller’s
Bullshit are standard viewing…or I surf…or put on Weather Channel as
background  ; ).


So, heck…this is more than you get from most candidates.
Like I said, I can’t do much, but if elected, I’ll try to raise hell for the


Chris Butkevicius aka Sidelined Buddah.


(if the candidate application is presented like above,
people could probably vote for Sidelined Buddah….and make it count.  Check your local election laws. )


p.s.  this is only slightly tongue in cheek….just
like most people running for President.
; )


Japanese Educational System Pt. 4 Teachers

Ok folks, here’s the good stuff….TEACHERS. Perhaps there might be a bit of a difference in how teachers
are seen in Japan and how they are seen in theU.S..  Ya think?

The Teaching Profession

Composition and qualifications of teaching force

Reference to table 6

Preservice education

Becoming employed as a teacher

Inservice education

Japan Teachers Union

Social and economic status

The Teaching Profession

Japanese teachers are an essential element in the success story. Japanese society entrusts major responsibilities to
teachers and expects much from them. It confers high social status and economic rewards but also subjects teachers to constant public scrutiny.

>>>(Right from the start. Society expects much from the teachers, but also respects and pays them in accordance with expectations.)

Because Japanese culture views the school as a moral community and a basic training ground for becoming a good citizen, teachers have broad responsibility for moral education and character development and for instilling fundamental Japanese values, attitudes, and “living habits” in students at all levels.

>>>( Of course the parents tend to side with the TEACHER there instead of with their ‘precious’ child. “In Loco Parentis” means
just that…in place of the parent. Teachers and parents are on the same side here. )

These responsibilities are equal in importance to the academic roles of developing student motivation and helping students meet the high academic standards required for success in secondary school and university entrance examinations.

>>>( Full Metal Teaching…hehe)

Teachers are expected to infuse cultural values throughout school activities and to be concerned about students’ lives both in and out of school. Their efforts and influence often extend into the home and the community.

>>>(Yes, home visits are standard in Japan. It is a shared responsibility and if the parents can’t come to school, teachers go to
the parents…as routine.)

Long an attractive profession in status terms, the appeal of teaching as a career has heightened further during the past decade because of a substantial increase in remuneration. The average salary of teachers is now higher than that of other public employees and compares favorably with salaries of other professionals in the private sector.

>>>(If you want the best, you better pay for the best. Teachers are paid in accordance with the expectations.)

The salary increase, coupled with the depressing effects of the 1973 oil crisis on industrial employment, led to a dramatic rise in
applicants for teaching positions. The total number of applicants taking prefectural appointment examinations nearly doubled between 1974 and 1975 (from 128,000 to 245,000) although the number of positions increased only 13.5 percent. The number competing for teaching positions reached its peak in 1979 and has declined since to the present level of about 200,000.

Competition for entry into the profession continues to be intense. The 200,000 applicants now vie annually for approximately 38,000 vacancies in the public school system.

>>>( What a great problem to have, eh? )

Composition and qualifications of
teaching force

In 1984, Japan’s school system was staffed by approximately 1,000,000 full-time teachers at the elementary and secondary levels. In addition, about 99,000 teachers served in preschools under the Ministry of Education, about 38,000 in schools for the
blind, deaf and otherwise handicapped, a total of about 50,000 in technical colleges, special training schools and miscellaneous schools, and another 128,000 in universities and junior colleges Table 6.

Teaching is one of the few lifetime professional career opportunities readily available to women in Japan. The percentages of women full-time teachers in each type of institution are:

All institutionsPreschools

Elementary schools

Lower secondary schools

Upper secondary schools

Schools for the handicapped

Technical colleges

Special training schools

Miscellaneous schools

Junior colleges












Ninety percent of all new teachers now have 4-year college degrees, with most having majored in fields other than education. In 1985, more than 37 percent of the available positions in the nation’s public schools were filled by applicants having bachelor’s degrees from colleges of education while more than 53 percent were filled by applicants with a baccalaureate from other types of colleges. About 6 percent were filled by junior college graduates and the remaining 3 percent by master’s degree holders.

While most new teachers in recent years have had at least 4 years of university work, there are still substantial numbers of older Japanese teachers with less than a baccalaureate degree, as a recent study indicates:

In 1983-84. . . approximately 41 percent of elementary school teachers, 24 percent of lower secondary teachers, and 11 percent of upper secondary teachers had not earned bachelor’s degrees. . In contrast, 99.6 percent of all U.S. teachers, as of 1980-81, had at least a bachelor’s degree . . . In the same year, 56 percent of U. S. high school teachers, 47 percent of middle school and junior high school teachers, and 45 percent of elementary teachers held at least a master’s degree whereas the corresponding percentages in Japan in 1983-84 were only 4.9 percent, 1.1 percent, and 0.3 percent, respectively. [1]

>>>( Now this begs the question…if there is this difference in college degrees, but Japan seems to do
a better job, could it be that we’re not doing a good job at screening teachers right from the start?)

The Japanese elementary and secondary teaching force is more experienced than its American counterpart. In 1983-84, the average number of years of experience of Japanese elementary and lower secondary teachers was 16.8 and that of upper secondary teachers 17.5, compared with an average of 13 years for American elementary and secondary teachers in 1981 (the last year for which such data are available). Moreover, in 1980-81 more than 40 percent of the teachers in Japan had been teaching at least 20 years, compared with 22 percent in the United States.

>>>(This begs the question…does our system drive out the more experienced teachers…either to cut salary expenses or exasperation with a broken system? )

Preservice education

After World War II, the Japanese Education Reform Committee, following recommendations of the United States Education Mission, incorporated teacher education into the university system. This strengthened its academic component and led to a broader education, including the liberal arts, in a program not directly controlled by the central government.

>>>( This is the great irony. The U.S.had morethan a major influence in setting up the post-war educational system. It seems
the Roosevelt holdovers that went to rebuild Japan knew what they were doing.)

The Japanese term this approach the “opensystem,” meaning that faculties or departments in universities other than colleges of education, and institutions without colleges of education, even junior colleges, can develop and offer teacher preparation programs. By 1979, about 84 percent of all colleges and universities and 84 percent of the junior colleges were helping prepare teachers. [2] The more than 800 institutions involved in teacher preparation now graduate nearly 175,000 students annually with teaching credentials. This figure represents about  one-third of the total number of college and university graduates in Japan.

>>>( Interesting…84%…wonder what the percentage is here. And look…ONE-THIRD of grads get teaching credentials.  Bet that beats us by a mile.)

There are currently 65 colleges of education, of which 58 are with national universities and 7 with private institutions. These colleges are primarily engaged in preparing elementary and lower secondary school teachers. They produce 31,000 graduates annually, almost 18 percent of all who leave higher education having met certification requirements for teaching.

>>>( Seems that the primary education teachers are encouraged to attend the major universities. Teaching the basics seems to be of high importance.)

In 1985, more than half the college of education graduates were employed as teachers (46 percent in the public schools and another 9 percent in private schools). However, most teachers received their preparation in other than colleges of education. The proportion of those hired who were not graduates of colleges of education increased with school level: they filled one-third
of the openings at the elementary level, two-thirds at the lower secondary level, and nearly nine-tenths at the upper secondary level.

There are different legal requirements for certification to teach in preschool, elementary school, lower secondary school, and upper secondary school. For preschool, elementary, and lower secondary teachers, the basic qualification for a first class certificate is a bachelor’s degree. The basic qualification for a second class certificate is 2 years of study (the acquisition
of 62 credits) in a university or other postsecondary institution. For upper secondary school teachers, the basic qualification for a first class certificate is a master’s degree. The qualification for a second class certificate is a bachelor’s degree. The first class certificate is now the preferred credential at all levels.

>>>( Standards…always standards.)

In addition to the length of study and degree qualifications, prospective teachers must earn a prescribed number of credits
in education studies and in the subjects to be taught. At the secondary level, a larger number of credits are required for certain subjects (including social studies and science) than for a second group of subjects (including Japanese,
mathematics, and others). Table A shows the basic qualifications and the number of credits in professional education subjects and in teaching subjects required for first class and second class teaching certificates at each of the four school levels.

>>>( Not only a degree, but a degree with certain requirements.)

Table A. Requirements for
Teaching Certificates*




Basic Qualification



Education Subjectsa



PreschoolFirst Class

Second Class


First Class

Second Class

Lower secondary

First Class

Second Class

Upper secondary

First Class

Second Class

Bachelor’s degree

2 years postsecondary study, 62 credits


Bachelor’s degree

2 years postsecondary study, 62 credits


Bachelor’s degree

2 years postsecondary study, 62 credits


Master’s degree

Bachelor’s degree


















40bor 32c

20bor 16c


62bor 52c

40bor 32c

*Actual requirements set by the training institutions themselves can be higher. The requirements of national colleges of education range from 124 credits (the total number normally earned in 4 years) to 159 credits. To obtain more than one teaching certificate, students usually take even more credits, averaging between 160 and 180 and exceeding 200 credits in extreme

aIncluding 2 credits, equivalent to 2 weeks, for student teaching, in both secondary education programs and 4 credits, equivalent to 4 weeks, in the elementary program.

b To teach social studies, science, homemaking, industrial arts, and vocational education subjects.

c To teach Japanese, mathematics, music, art, physical education, health, English and religion, and to provide guidance and

A typical 4-year course for elementary and lower secondary school education majors in a national college of education includes the following credits:


Lower secondary

General education


Social sciences

Natural sciences

Foreign languages

Physical education

Teaching subject

Professional education studies

(including social and

philosophical foundations

of education, psychology

of education, child

psychology, moral education,

teaching methods,

practice teaching)

















a Minimum.

b Legally required number of credits.

c Legally required number is 32 for one group of subjects and 40 for the remaining group of subjects.

d Legally required number is 32.

e Legally required number is only 14, including 2 credits in practice teaching. National colleges of education require an average of 4-5 credits in practice teaching in the lower secondary education program.

Minimum requirements for student teaching are 4 weeks (4 credits) for the elementary program and 2 weeks (2 credits) for secondary. However, national colleges of education require students preparing to teach in lower secondary schools to have at least as much student teaching experience as those preparing to teach in elementary schools. Since 1954, certification
requirements for work in the areas of academic specialization have increased while requirements in the professional education component have decreased.

>>>(Hmmm…specialized areas.  Ya mean the teachers are expected to know the subject they teach? )

Becoming employed as a teacher

While minimum requirements for teacher certification are determined by national law, prefectural boards of education may add

>>>( In other words, there is a stated national requirement. States (prefectures) are able to increase the requirements…but not
reduce them.)

A prospective teacher meets the formal academic requirements through successful completion of prescribed courses of study in a
postsecondary institution. However, no matter how good one’s academic record may have been, graduation from a university is not sufficient for appointment to a teaching position.

>>>( A teaching certificate does not mean you’ll automatically get a teaching position. )

Most public school teachers are prefectural employees, even though three-fourths of them teach in municipal schools.

>>>( In other words, the States are responsible for teacher hiring and employment…even in cities.)

Prefectures, therefore, play a significant role in the selection of teachers for employment. In addition to completing required university coursework, a prospective teacher must receive a license to teach from a prefectural board of education. Such a
license is awarded on the basis of the prefectural board’s review of the work the applicant has completed in higher education. A license awarded by any prefecture is valid in all prefectures.

>>>( In other words, they passed the national requirements by passing a prefectural exam. It means they are qualified to
teach in all of Japan.)

However, the applicant must also take prefectural appointment examinations which help ensure that all applicants compete on equal terms for any teaching vacancies.

>>>( Again, the prefecture can add more requirements and all applicants for jobs in that particular prefecture have to pass that prefectures test.)

Given the attraction of teaching as a career and the intense competition for positions, passing the prefectural appointment
examinations has become a primary goal of aspiring teachers, one for which applicants work hard to prepare. The examinations are given in two stages. The first consists of written tests in general education and specialized fields and skill tests in such areas as physical education, music, and art. All applicants for lower secondary teaching jobs are required to take a test in physical
fitness. The second stage consists of interviews.

>>>( In other words, ya gotta prove you know your stuff…and you need to impress the bosses as well . )

Age is an important consideration. More than half of the prefectures require applicants to be under the age of 30. Only two prefectures have no age limit. This practice is more liberal than that of Japanese industry where, for white collar jobs and high level technical positions, large corporations typically recruit only new university graduates.

>>>( Basically this is due to the practice of hiring for life in Japan. They want you to start fresh in their system and get used to the way things get done there. People don’t move from job to job there like they do here.)

In 1985, graduates fresh from colleges and universities filled 59 percent of the new openings. The remaining 41 percent were filled by the previous year’s graduates who had failed the appointment examination the first time around and applicants with work experience in other fields. The latter had earned appropriate credits in education during their university study but had initially chosen to work in other fields. Now they were switching to education.

With more than five applicants for every position, prefectural boards of education can select able individuals from a large and diversified pool. However, no suitable data base permits comparison of the intellectual and technical competence of teachers with those who enter other occupations.

>>>( Bet school boards here would love that problem.)

Once applicants gain entry to the teaching profession, theyare assured of lifetime employment. They are promoted essentially on the basis of seniority, as in all public sector and most major private corporation employment. The seniority concept is strongly entrenched in Japan. The idea of performance-based merit pay is not a live issue or feasible option. Partly because of the lifetime employment policy, all prefectural and municipal boards of education are very careful in selecting new teachers. Dismissals are
extremely rare and normally occur only for unethical conduct.

>>>( In other words, applicants get the third degree and a thorough going over before they get hired. No..”Perhaps he’ll work
out”. You will be able to fit in or you won’t be hired.)

Teachers are rotated from one school to another within the prefecture on various schedules. This contributes to equalization of faculty resources among the prefecture’s public schools.

>>>( In other words, teachers don’t stay with one school for life…they move from school to school in the prefecture. Kinda
prevents getting stale and used to a situation.)

Inservice education

Need and types.
Continuing education on the job reflects Japan’s cultural commitment to self-improvement as well as a response to perceived weaknesses in preservice education. More than two-thirds of Japanese teachers who responded to a 1978 survey expressed the view that preservice teacher training was inadequate. [4] Prefectural and local boards of education are not wholly satisfied with
preservice teacher preparation either, and the Ministry of Education has reservations as well. Hence, Monbusho requires first-year teachers to receive a minimum of 20 days of inservice training during that year.

>>>( In other words, in a teacher’s first year, they will take at least 20 days of additional instruction in teaching.)

Under the direction of the Ministry of Education and prefectural and municipal boards of education, inservice training is offered
for public school teachers at all levels and at various career stages. It takes five forms in Japan:

Inschool training;
Informal inservice training
carried out by teachers themselves in district-wide study groups;
Training given at the local
(prefectural or municipal-equivalent) education center (see below);
Training given to principals,
vice-principals, and curriculum consultants by the Ministry of Education at a
national training center;
Two-year training given to a few
hundred teachers annually at three nationally funded institutions established
since 1978 for the purpose of providing graduate professional education for
experienced teachers. These teachers are selected from all over the country.

The three graduate institutions–Hyogo, Joetsu, and Tokushima”education universities”–were created by Monbusho because university graduate schools in Japan traditionally concentrate on preparing researchers and few offer relevant advanced study for practicing teachers. Teachers who complete the special graduate education program receive a master’s degree and return to the classroom. However, because of their small number of graduates, these three institutions have had only a limited impact
upon the teaching profession to date.

One of the commendable characteristics of the teaching profession in Japan is the extent to which inservice education is teacher initiated and directed. Teacher organizations also sponsor training and research related activities.

>>>( Teachers teaching teachers…)

Much of the 20 days of inservice training required of new teachers takes place in the schools where they teach and is carried out under the supervision of the shido shuji, expert experienced teachers on leave of absence from their schools to serve as the functional equivalent of what American education would call a master teacher, curriculum consultant, or teaching supervisor.

>>>( Cool concept. The best, most experienced teachers teach the first year teachers. Institutional mentors.)

Teachers, including novices, also participate in citywide study group meetings organized to discuss a variety of concerns including teaching methods and curriculum. One common training method is for teachers to conduct demonstration classes before their colleagues and a shido shuji, followed by feedback sessions.

>>>(Another cool concept. Peer review of your teaching methods with feedback. Good way to keep things sharp.)

Education centers.

A major source of inservice training is the local education center, which also provides counseling and guidance services and conducts some research. Each of the 47 prefectures and 10 large municipalities (with status comparable to a prefecture) has an education center.

>>>(Good idea.)

The Hiroshima Municipal Education Center is typical. It is financed by the municipal board of education and staffed by 28 full-time specialists (including five administrators), most of them shido shuji, to serve teachers and administrators in its area. In 1985, the Hiroshima Center offered 159 separate training programs in 21 different categories. Its programs last 1 to 5 days and cover such categories as subject matter knowledge, pedagogy, school administration, educational technology, student guidance, and class management.

>>>( In other words, programs are tailored to teacher’s time off. 1 day for in service day…5 days for study over a break or

In addition to full-time shido shuji, the center training staff includes selected university professors and some community resource persons such as judges and industrial managers brought in as guest speakers. Japanese teachers and school administrators do not consider most university professors particularly useful in inservice training because of their relative
unfamiliarity with classroom instruction and administrative practices. [5] For their part, education professors question the approach of using other teachers and administrators to retrain practitioners at the school level. This difference in perspective helps sustain the controversy–now so familiar to Americans–over the role of higher education, particularly colleges of
education, in preservice and inservice teacher education.

>>>( Personally, I can see the usefulness of both. Teaching theory and putting that theory into practice needs two different types
of instructors. Using both provides expertise in both…professors for theory…teachers and administrators putting theory into practice.)

Various segments of the teaching force are scheduled for training on a periodic basis. For example, all sixth-year teachers are supposed to spend 3 days at the center for refresher retraining in selected aspects of their work.

>>>( Another good idea. )

There is also a program at the Hiroshima Education Center for school administrators, with emphasis on new principals. Administrators are expected to undertake training for 4 to 8 days a year. A typical training session consists of lectures, discussion, and case studies.

>>>( Again, a good idea.)

The center also offers a 6-month program for six selected teachers who work full-time on special projects of their own choice, and a 3-month program for 22 teachers who are granted released time from their schools to work on their projects.

>>>( Gives teachers that have ideas time to work on them)

Related concerns.
Prefectural boards of education urge teachers to use inservice training opportunities to master the holistic role of a teacher. The boards’ concern reflects the abiding Japanese cultural view that schooling is not only a cognitive enterprise for the transmission of knowledge and acquisition of skills, but also a vital process for developing morality, character, and basic life attitudes and habits.

>>>( Or how to form a good base of a good citizen)

Generally, inservice training at education centers and individual schools is believed to be successful. In a recent survey, two-thirds of the teachers who participated in center programs for the first time considered the training useful. [6] It is interesting to note that in Japan, in contrast to the situation in the United States, institutions that provide preservice education have little involvement in the continuing education of teachers. Further, while the level of inservice activity is high, little of it carries college credit or culminates in a graduate degree.

>>>( Not all bad, considering that the inservice training is basically paid for by the government)

Japan Teachers Union

No account of the teaching profession or postwar educational development in Japan would be complete without attention to the Japan Teachers Union (JTU), Nikkyoso in Japanese. The JTU is the dominant organization of educators (there are a number of smaller ones), the second largest public sector union, and a very influential member of Sohyo, the General Council of Japanese Trade Unions.

>>>( Ah yes, the needed balancer)

The JTU is a national federation of prefectural unions, each of which has considerable autonomy. The membership encompasses teachers and other education personnel at all levels, including college professors and clerical and support staff, in both public and private institutions. However, JTU’s members are predominantly teachers in the public elementary and secondary schools. The membership has declined in recent years. In 1985 the number dropped below 50 percent of all public school teachers for the first time since the union was established in immediate postwar period. [7]

The JTU has been an active force in educational and political matters for almost 40 years. It has been at odds with Monbusho on
most matters during virtually the entire period. The government has often been characterized as “conservative” and the union as “radical.” Neither label is necessarily helpful in cross-cultural translation.

>>>(And with proper negotiation, probably comes up with good decisions for all)

Shortly after the restoration of Japan’s sovereignty in 1952, Japanese education underwent a kind of “counter reform.” The national government regained much of its former power over the education system that had been curtailed by the Occupation. Nikkyoso, however, remained a strong proponent of many Occupation reform policies and thus was often in sharp conflict with the government. Some of the education issues about which Nikyoso continues to feel strongly include decentralization of control, school autonomy, freedom of teachers to write and chose textbooks, student centered education, greater teacher participation in decision making, and comprehensive high schools for all youths. The Ministry of Education has considerable interest in all these matters, but usually from a different perspective.

>>>( In my humble opinion, the success of the Japanese system is basically due to centralized control, standardized textbooks, and government oversight of schools. I do agree that teachers should have an equal voice in decision making, and high schools for all as we have here.)

Fundamental philosophical differences between the government and the JTU transcend the education sector. The government views teachers as neutral professionals who perform a duty for the government, while the JTU regards teachers as workers and participants in broad political and economic struggles. The JTU interprets its relation to the government in labor-management terms and takes strong stands on many government policies, including
sensitive domestic and international matters that have little or no relationship to education. [8]

>>>( Some things are common no matter where you are.  ; ) )

JTU is well to the left on the Japanese political spectrum. Its leadership has strong links to the Socialist Party. Some leaders are
members of the Japanese Communist Party. Thomas Rohlen provides this perspective on the situation:

The majority of teachers do appreciate the union: 1) for obtaining improved wages, benefits, and working conditions, and 2) for serving as a counterweight to right-wing influences and governmental authority. Even among those who find the union’s politics
offensive, there is general agreement with these points…. Most teachers are relatively liberal in their social opinions but rather conservative in their preference for orderly, smoothly run schools. [9]

>>>( In other words, more progressive action socially, but they see the need for a controlled school system to teach in.)

In brief, there is a long history of conflict between JTU and the government, with many complex political ramifications not readily or easily understood by those outside Japan. Many teachers have been simultaneously loyal to and skeptical of both JTU and the government. Nikkyoso continues to pursue its manifold interests in the current national debate on education reform.

Social and economic status

No recent survey adequately compares the prestige of the teaching profession to other professions and occupations. However, a 1975 Japanese study of social stratification and social mobility provides evidence on the situation at that time. It included relevant data on the prestige ranking of elementary and lower secondary school principals and elementary teachers [10]

According to the 1975 survey, elementary principals and teachers ranked 9th and 18th in public esteem, out of 82 occupations.
Principals’ prestige was higher than that of department heads of large corporations, public accountants, and authors. Elementary teachers enjoyed higher prestige than civil and mechanical engineers, white collar employees in large firms, and municipal department heads. University professors were ranked third, below court judges and presidents of large companies, but above physicians.

>>>( Gee, did teachers EVER rate that high here? )

It would be interesting to see what changes would turn up if a similar study were conducted today. While the criticisms of the past decade might well lower the ranking of educators somewhat, teaching in Japan clearly remains a socially respected occupation and an attractive career. The continuing strong competition in prefectural examinations–more than five candidates, most of them not education majors, competing for every classroom opening–dramatizes the continuing allure of the profession.

>>>( People actually WANT to be teachers.)

To be sure, the economic status of Japanese teachers is comparatively high, and the monetary rewards provide a strong incentive to pursue a teaching career. Yet this is a relatively new situation. As recently as 1970, a teacher with 20 years of experience earned much less than did the average worker in the private sector. [11] But by 1984, the beginning salary of a Japanese high
school teacher with a bachelor’s degree was 15 percent higher than the starting salary of a white collar employee with an equivalent degree in a private company, and 12 percent higher than the starting salary of an engineer with a bachelor’s
degree. [12] First-year teacher salaries are generally higher than those of other professions such as businessmen, engineers,
pharmacists, etc. At mid-career, their salaries are approximately equal. Beyond age 53, however, teacher salaries are again higher. The incentive to remain in the profession is strong because of the cumulative effect of seniority and generous retirement benefits. [13]

>>>( Again, to attract quality teachers, you need to provide quality pay)

A teacher’s total compensation is made up of a base salary specified in a schedule; a broad range of allowances, which are equivalent to almost one-fourth of the base salary; and an annual bonus equivalent to nearly 5 months’ pay (about 41 percent of the base salary). The allowances include provision for dependents–as is true in the public service salary schedules of many countries. Other factors being equal, a married teacher with children receives a higher pay than a married teacher without children or an unmarried teacher.

>>>( Discrimination?  Perhaps, but it also is a basic acknowledgement that married workers have more expenses than a single worker.)

The salary structure for public school teachers is established by the Japanese National Personnel Authority. While legally
applicable only to national schools, in practice this structure provides the model on which salary structures of public schools throughout the country are based. Local deviations are minor and variance among prefectures rare. Within this structure, there is one set of salary schedules for teachers in elementary and lower secondary schools and another for teachers in upper secondary schools.

>>>( A NATIONALLY set salary system….not a bad idea, considering almost all teachers are government employees. It also
equalizes areas. No poor area, rich area pay differences.)

The base salary of a Japanese teacher depends heavily on seniority. While the Japanese salary schedule starts lower than the typical schedule in the United States, it continues to rise after the U.S. schedule levels off. Unlike the salaries of American teachers, which tend to reach their peak between the 10th and 15th years of service, salaries of Japanese teachers continue to increase with seniority for 39 years–throughout the teachers’ careers. The salary ratio between a teacher at the top of the
seniority scale and a beginning teacher with the same training is approximately 3 to 1.

>>>(Scheduled raises…and keeping teachers around for a long time. Nothing beats experience.)

Salary is initially affected by the teacher’s degree and certificate level, but seniority counts more as years of service accumulate.
The differential between salaries of teachers with a master’s degree and those with a bachelor’s degree is initially about 17 percent. The differential between salaries of teachers with a bachelor’s degree and those with a 2-year degree is initially about 16 percent. In both cases, however, the differential diminishes to about 3 percent at the end of the professional career.

>>>( So, it DOES pay to get the better degree at the start.)

The following examples of annual salaries, allowances, and bonuses according to the 1985 schedule clearly illustrate the effect of

A newly employed unmarried
23-year-old teacher with no dependents:

2.5-2.9 million yen

A 40-year-old head teacher with
a spouse and two children:

5.3-5.8 million yen

A 55-year-old principal with a
spouse and no dependent children:

7.8-8.7 million yen

To finance retirement benefits, teachers contribute 8.87 per cent of their salaries and their employers (national, prefectural, or
municipal government) pay an additional 10.92 percent into a teacher retirement fund. Besides medical insurance and survivor annuities, the major retirement benefits consist of a lump sum cash payment and an annual pension:

Lump sum cash payment–All public employees are entitled to a lump sum cash payment upon retirement. A teacher retiring at age 60 would normally receive an amount larger than 2-years’ salary.

Annual pension–Teachers and other education personnel are eligible for retirement at age 60. The pension is a percentage of the last year’s total compensation based on the number of years of service. The basic formula is as follows:

Length of Service

20 years

25 years

30 years

35 years

40 years

Percent of Last Year’sTotal Compensation




62 5


For example, a teacher or principal who retired at age 60 after 35 years of service would receive 62.5 percent of his total compensation as an annual pension in addition to a lump sum payment of approximately $153,000 at the time of retirement.

A study comparing teacher salaries in Japanand the United States, recently completed under contract for the U.S. Department of Education, reports these major findings:

The average salary of Japanese
teachers and the average salary of American teachers were nearly equal in
purchasing power in 1983-84. The former, converted into “equivalent
dollars” on the basis of a purchasing-power-parity (PPP) exchange rate,
was $20,775 and the latter $21,476. This near equality between the average
Japanese adjusted dollar-equivalent salary and the average U.S. salary at that time is the result of two
factors: 1) the steeper Japanese salary schedule, and 2) the heavier
concentration of Japanese teachers in the highest seniority brackets where
Japanese dollar-equivalent salaries are higher than dollar salaries in the United States.
The dollar equivalent salaries
of Japanese teachers in their early years of teaching were below the salaries
of their U.S.
counterparts, but the salaries of senior Japanese teachers were substantially
higher than those of their American counterparts. The shift in relative
position occurs at about the 20th year of service.
The salaries of Japanese
teachers were substantially higher than those of U. S. teachers when related to
national indicators of per capita economic activity. The average teacher’s
salary in Japan was 2.4
times the per capita income, compared with 1.7 times per capita income in the
United States.
The average teacher in Japan
could buy a significantly larger share of their country’s goods and services
than could the average teacher in the United States.
The ratios of the average
teacher’s salary to the average wage in manufacturing, to average salary in
all nonagricultural activities, and to salaries in various other occupations,
are all higher in Japan
than in the United States.

Caution is required in using these comparisons because of the different conditions of employment in the two countries. The Japanese teacher works a longer school year than the American teacher. As a full-year employee, the Japanese teacher works when school is not in session and has shorter vacations than the American teacher. Teachers in Japan also have a wider range of functions than teachers in the United States. They assume many responsibilities that in the United States that are borne by counselors and curriculum coordinators, for example. And they apparently spend more time meeting with parents.

>>>( Not a bad trade off. The teachers and students get more time together and build a bit of trust when the teacher is also the counselor. And more time meeting with parents can provide both sides with insight into the needs and problems of each other and can build a partnership between teachers, parents and students. Kids can’t get away with as much if they know teachers and parents talk to each other often.)

Moreover, pupil-teacher ratios and class size are considerably larger in Japan than in the United States. For example, in 1982, the average elementary class in Japan had about 34 pupils and the average lower secondary class about 36. For the same year, in the United States, the National Education Association reports an average class size of 25 at the elementary level and 23 at the secondary level. [15] Home, Family, and Pre-Elementary Education

>>>(Gee, you mean my 1972 8th grade class of 52 wasn’t normal?)


Why just a border fence? Why not Something Useful?

A fence is SO easy to counter. You can tunnel under it. You can climb over it. You can cut a hole in it. Why bother? Why not consider something that would not only be much harder to get around, but also provide jobs, provide transportation, aid the military AND commerce, and possibly help with the yearly flooding problems? Why not build a Texas-Pacific Canal?

Right along the border on the U.S. side. A mile or so wide, one hundred feet deep, between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. (yes, I know about the Gulf of California…in order for it to provide TOTAL border protection, it would need to cut across the California peninsula) Locks wide enough and long enough to accommodate the largest supertanker, container ship, or aircraft carrier. Deep enough to discourage swimming and allow the deepest drafts. All under U.S. control. All within U.S. borders.

Panama can’t provide this. And what happens if Panama suddenly decides to refuse U.S. shipping passage? It’s a matter of National Security and Homeland Security.

Oh…the floods? Well, another massive project would run aqueducts from the Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, etc. rivers, with  sluices in the levees one or two feet below flood level. When the rivers get high enough water would be able to flow into the aqueducts.

Oh…to where? Well, the Colorado river to replenish it and Lake Meade…Some to Atlanta and Florida and Lake Okeechobee to keep water in Atl and the Everglades…Some to Texas and the new canal…and some in filtering lakes in the Great Plains to help replenish the Ogallala.

One massive project….partial solutions to several problems. Jobs, drought, water table replenishment, flood control, border control, additional, more secure route for military and commercial shipping from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Not to mention possible ports for New Mexico, Arizona, and Southwestern Texas.

Think about it…it’s not that far-fetched an idea.


Sidelined Buddah


Ok…A Warning, eh? Here’s one we need to give Karzai….

“Here’s YOUR two-minute warning. You don’t like our mistakes that occur while we prop up YOUR corrupt and shaky government, YOU issue veiled threats towards us…we’re gone. Everything. Everyone. Every dollar of aid. By the end of 2011. Have fun.”

Seriously, we accomplished the Afghan mission when Seal Team 6 capped Bin Laden. There is no further reason for NATO to be there. It’s time to inform Karzai that by 12/31/11, NATO is gone. Everyone. Everything. Including the aid. Same goes for Iraq. It’s time to get ALL our troops out of there. Neither nation really wants us there. It’s time to keep those BILLIONS per DAY here and use it to reduce the deficit.

Karzai wants us out? Let’s get out. It’s shaky staying there anyway. Our main supply line runs through Pakistan…another ‘friend’ that doesn’t seem to want us around. Well, time to think about the safety of our troops AND our own best interests and leave. That also would allow the State Department to act properly with Pakistan and not need to worry about keeping them placated in order to keep our supply route open.

We STILL need to raise taxes on the wealthy, (see my earlier post on that) but this constant drain of money we can’t afford to waste needs to stop…ASAP.


Sidelined Buddah


Japanese School System Part 3

As the term “juku” gets a through explanation…(yes it’s long.  it’s a GOVERNMENT STUDY)

School after school


Academic juku

Attendance patterns


Why juku flourish



Juku is the Japanese term for a large and diverse group of private, profitmaking tutorial, enrichment, remedial, preparatory, and cram schools found throughout the country.

>>>(Think Sylvan)

Most juku operate after school hours and on weekends. Juku parallel the official school system in a somewhat interdependent relationship. The Japanese scholar Kazuyuki Kitamura provides an insightful, though perhaps overstated, perspective on the relationship between juku and the regular school system:

The dominant values of the Japanese public primary school are egalitarianism and uniformity: Pupils are not classified according to their academic ability because all pupils are supposed to keep up with the progress of the class.

>>>(A opposed to our system where we tend to slow down the entire class for the slower students. They keep up the class speed and it’s up to the student and parents to keep up)

There they are taught by means of a nationally controlled, uniform curriculum. Despite its principles of egalitarianism and
uniformity, however, the school inevitably must produce high achievers and low achievers. The school and its teachers are unable to counter these disparities because they are bound by the two mandatory principles.

>>>(Which isn’t bad. It supplies the best education for the majority of the students. Our problem is that when teachers slow down the class’ progress in order to accommodate the slower students, the average and better students get frustrated and bored. That is one of the major reasons for our large drop out rate…student boredom.)

So  high achievers who are dissatisfied with the progress of the school class attend a school where they can take more advanced classes, while [students with learning problems can attend] another type of school offering remedial classes. Then, thanks to the existence of these. . supporting institutions, the formal school can continue to function according to the principles of egalitarianism and uniformity. [1]

>>>(So instead of trying to privatize the public schools by using charter schools or making the majority of parents angry because of the limited seats available in magnet schools, the government should create a national system as described earlier and regulate, license, and encourage both of the other types of after-school schools)

The juku can be categorized into academic and nonacademic. The latter offer instruction for general enrichment purposes in a wide variety of subjects such as piano, the arts, abacus, and calligraphy. They are more extensively attended by younger children. The academic juku are the more prominent kind and assume increasing importance with each successive grade level.

Academic juku

Academic juku are a response to several realities in Japanese education:

the need for supplementary instruction to enable many elementary and secondary students to keep pace with the demanding school curriculum,
the need for remedial instruction to help those who have fallen behind to catch up, and
the need for special assistance in preparing for entrance examinations for senior high schools and universities.

Academic juku offer instruction in school subjects such as mathematics, Japanese language, science, English, and social studies. They help students review and prepare for regular school lessons as well as advance to the next level through preparation for entrance examinations.

>>>( Note the list of subjects that they instruct on…look familiar? )

Many juku provide both kinds of services as well as remedial assistance for those having difficulty with their school studies. The yobiko is a special category of juku which specializes in preparing high school students and graduates for university entrance examinations. It is described further in the section on upper secondary education.

>>>(Our ACT/SAT test schools)

Academic juku vary greatly in philosophy, ownership, physical plant, and scale of operation. There are one-room juku as well as
chains, some with branches enrolling more than 1,000 students and employing a faculty of 50 or more. The major corporate chains have immense total enrollments–at least one has more than 1,000,000 students nationwide. Some juku have gained reputations as elite institutions in their own right, and some of these even have entrance examinations, although usually more for class formation than for student selection. The typical juku is operated by a private individual with one or a few teachers. The most common form is essentially a one-room, one-teacher school.

>>>(Talk about opportunities for enterprising teachers…)

The juku enterprise today is a recent phenomenon, paralleling the expansion and development of secondary and higher education. The growth during the past two decades has been dramatic. A national survey conducted in 1976 found that 60 percent of the juku had been founded in the preceding decade. Fully 70 percent of today’s juku have been founded since
1976, nearly half of them since 1981. Estimates of the current number of academic juku differ widely, but recent Japanese figures put the total at at least 35,000.

>>>( See, the Japanese are open to taking opportunities that open up…we should as well)

Attendance patterns

Juku attendance has risen at all grade levels in the last decade. [2] Participation rates increase with grade level throughout the entire compulsory school period. National average attendance rates rise from 6.2 percent of all children in the 1st grade of
elementary school to 47.3 percent by the 3rd year of lower secondary school, with figures for large urban areas even higher. The figures for attendance by grade level are given in figure 4. Comparable detail is not available for the upper secondary years, but the overall participation rate is lower, in part because almost 30 percent of the students are now in vocational education
programs and, thus, out of the university entrance marathon.

>>>(This goes with the importance Japanese parents place on academic achievement.)

Figure 4: Juku Attendance
Rates by Grade Level Through Compulsory Education

< src=”images/jed4.h1.gif”>

Except for 9th graders, during the compulsory school years more students are enrolled in either a “catch-up” program or one
which helps students review and prepare for regular schoolwork than in one geared to examination preparation and advancement to the next higher educational level. As students advance through the higher elementary grades and into lower secondary school, there is a tendency for more students to enroll in preparatory and examination programs. By the last year of lower secondary school (9th grade), half of those enrolled are engaged in courses which help prepare them for high school entrance examinations.

Juku also perform an important social function for young people, providing opportunities for contact with peers outside their regular school context. The most common reason parents give for sending their child to juku is that the child wanted to attend. Many youngsters ask to attend because their friends or other neighborhood children do. Almost 40 percent of the children who go to juku say that one reason they like going is because they are able to make friends with other boys and girls.

>>>(Another good reason to encourage development of a similar system. Peer pressure to attend.)

Juku operators, too, often point to the opportunity children have to make new friends outside the school circle as one of the
merits of attendance. Besides peer contact, many children see juku as a positive experience because they are able to have more personal contact with their teachers.

In listing the education benefits of juku attendance, about half the students placed “gaining a better understanding of school
work” at the top of their list. About half of all elementary and lower secondary school students report that their main reason for attending is “preparation and review” of school studies.


Juku teaching is usually a part-time proposition, but many juku employ some full-time teachers. In many cases, it is the more senior and experienced full-time teachers who teach the critical examination preparation classes or the courses in a juku’s particular specialty. A juku’s faculty and reputation are strong drawing cards.

Approximately one-third of all juku teachers are university students.

>>>(An entry level job for future teachers)

About 4 percent are teachers in high schools or institutions of higher education.

>>>(Nothing like making extra cash doing what you’re trained to do. More time teaching, better teachers)

Only 1 percent are elementary or lower secondary school teachers (a decline from 6 percent a decade ago, reflecting strong Ministry of Education admonitions to regular full-time teachers against also serving as juku instructors). About half of the remaining faculty members earned a teaching certificate during their university study, but have no teaching
experience in regular schools. Some apparently prefer employment in juku. Others may have been unsuccessful in securing a regular teaching position.

Why juku flourish

Beyond meeting the three academic needs noted earlier, juku provide a socially acceptable way for parents to fulfill their educational responsibilities as the child advances to a point in schooling where they can no longer provide adequate assistance at home.

>>>(“I can’t help junior with his homework anymore…it’s too advanced” or”I don’t have time”)

At the same time, juku offer parents, particularly mothers, an opportunity for their children to receive additional educational and social benefits in a supervised environment after school hours.

>>>(And we’re ALWAYS looking for ideas to keep children off the streets…)

Few parents wish to deny their offspring the opportunity to attend juku when the children of other parents are attending. Some parents feel they would be derelict in their duty as parents if they did not send their children to juku. This tendency reflects the values of the parents, and in many cases, the children, in wanting to participate in an activity recognized by
peer groups as important.

>>>(Again, society has an important role in making the acquiring of knowledge equivalent to being a good athlete)

There are reports of neighborhoods devoid of children after school because the youngsters are all in juku. Some regular school teachers complain that children no longer stay around after school because they have to go to their juku lessons. A child who does not attend may have no one to play with and may therefore ask to be sent.

>>>( What a great problem to have…)

To some observers, juku represent an attempt by parents to exercise and by some educators to provide meaningful measures of choice in Japanese education, particularly for children attending public schools. Some juku offer subject matter not available in the public school curriculum while others emphasize a special philosophical or ethical approach. A small number feature programs that are almost Spartan in their demands, presumably appealing to parents who want their children to be exposed to the most rigorous standards of discipline and self-denial.

Most juku, however, differ from public school practice primarily in the extent of personal attention provided. Juku are not limited to standardized or lockstep instructional approaches, but may use whatever methods they believe are most effective.

>>>(In other words, let the ‘free market’ experiment with methods of education. Those that work will profit…those that don’t will change.)

Many juku pride themselves on approaches which emphasize individual attention to student needs. In sharp contrast to standard public school practice, some juku even stress individual recognition as a motivational device. The free market in which juku operate provides a strong incentive for improving instructional effectiveness: better instructional performance produces more fee-paying students.

>>>(Which is where most incentive belongs. The public schools are responsible for educating the majority of students to the
best standard they can. )

Class organization is one area where juku exploit their flexibility. Not being required to keep all students of the same grade
together, they often group students by ability rather than grade level. Some juku regroup students frequently on the basis of periodic assessments of progress.

>>>( Again, that is a better arena to do this in. Parents worry about self-esteem? Keeping a class together through their schooling helps. )

Some juku emphasize self-instruction. They may use a programmed instruction approach where the student progresses at his or her own pace. In these schools, classes typically consist of children working by themselves while sitting together in the same room. Many juku are run by dedicated teachers who feel quite strongly that they offer a valid educational supplement to the instruction provided in public schools. Some juku might even be considered a form of experimental school run by professionals who develop original curricular materials and innovative approaches to teaching and learning.

>>>(Of course, those approaches that work really well can always be integrated into the public school system.)

The juku industry has become a big business. It has reached the 800 billion yen level annually (about 5 billion U.S. dollars) and is still growing. [3] Because of the commercial aspect of most juku, some critics have argued that they have profit rather than education at heart.

>>>(Sound like the criticism of charter schools, eh? )

Juku operators acknowledge that their schools operate in the marketplace, but point out that they have a legitimate range of educational services to sell for which there is great demand. A sizable proportion of parents obviously believe that juku are providing services which the public schools do not provide, which the parents believe their children need, and for which
they are willing to pay. Parents are free to go elsewhere if a juku is not meeting their needs or living up to its claims.

>>>( And that’s why these are private, not public)


Since juku attendance costs money, not all students are able to obtain their services. Hence juku introduce some inequality into what is nominally an egalitarian education system. Yet while some juku are expensive, most are affordable for most families. Juku cannot afford to price themselves beyond the reach of their potential clientele.

>>>(What the market will bear…)

Japanese parents are very concerned about doing whatever they can for their child’s education. If the rising enrollments in juku are any indication, cost is not yet a limiting factor for most parents. Juku clearly are given some priority in family budgeting.

>>>( As is private school tuition here. If public schools met the same standards that the Japanese can, it might give the option
of going to a ‘juku’  for what the student needs instead of paying a full tuition at a private school)

Juku fees depend on the grade level of the student, number of courses taken, and the amount of individual instruction involved. In 1985 the average family with one elementary child attending a juku paid an estimated 2 percent of family income in juku fees. For families where children took four courses, the fees averaged about 3.5 percent of family income. For student of lower secondary school age, the costs averaged about 2.4 per cent of family income. Home tutors tend to be considerably more expensive, and the number of families employing them is only a fraction of those sending their children to juku.

Some criticism has been expressed that when juku teach material in advance of the time it is taught in school there can be a
disruptive and negative effect on the classroom situation. But recent studies do not substantiate this view. Rather, in some areas of mathematics, for example, students who have attended juku do better than those who have not.
However, in other areas of mathematics there is little or no difference in performance between the two groups of students. [4]

Occasionally some juku, especially those oriented toward examination preparation, have engaged in deceptive advertising or made false claims concerning their ability to qualify students to pass entrance examinations.

>>>( markets…)

Other juku, anxious to enroll more students, have sometimes tried to steal away talented students or teachers on the theory that the presence of a particular “star” at their school would attract other students and parents. Such unethical behavior
has reflected on juku overall. However, most juku reputations are gained from legitimate achievements.

Maintaining perspective

Throughout the entire elementary and secondary school span, over half the parents do not send their children to juku, some for reasons of cost, but probably more because they do not have the need for juku. The latter group believes the schools do an adequate job and that such supplementary services and experiences are unnecessary.

>>>( If our public schools were performing as well as the Japanese, perhaps the call for charter and magnet schools would quiet
down. No need for special schools if THE ENTIRE SYSTEM provides an equal education across the board.)

Many of these parents also feel that children ought to have more time at home to play when young and that they, the parents, are capable of providing whatever additional assistance the children may need with their studies.

If a student is not in juku, it does not mean that he or she is necessarily at a disadvantage in school. Other avenues of assistance are available. For example, self-help literature or supplemental texts and study guides, some produced by publishing houses associated with juku, are widely available on a commercial basis.

>>>( And we DO love our self-help books as well…)

Most items are moderately priced, generally in the range of 5 to 10 U.S. dollars. There is also a complete Correspondence High School of the Air course broadcast almost daily on the Japan Broadcasting Company’s educational radio and television channels. These programs are essentially free for the listening and many students do, in fact, use them to supplement their studies.

>>>( In other words, NPR and PBS could be assigned an additional channel for this use ONLY. They can broadcast subjects from K-14 commercial-free. (Subject to the regulations of the school system, of course. They’d basically be classes-at-home)

In school and juku as well as in study at home, Japanese children learn good study habits, strong self-discipline, and persistence on school achievement matters. But Japanese children do not study all the time nor do juku function solely as educational institutions. Many children enjoy their lessons and friends in juku and have further social contacts with peer groups in clubs and other activities outside of study situations.

>>>( Networking..always networking….  ; )  ))

Japanese children watch television, read comic books, and enjoy pop music. But they clearly work hard on their education both in and out of school.

to be continued….

Sidelined Buddah


Japanese Educational System Study…Part 2

The continuation of the Japanese Educational System…Structure this time.


Reference to Table 1

Reference to Table 2

Reference to Table 3

Compulsory education

Upper secondary and higher education

Enrollment and advancement rates

Reference to Table 4

Reference to Table 5

Governance and administration


School year

Other dimensions of education in Japan


Japan‘s education system today has its legal basis in the post-world War II Japanese Constitution and national laws. The 1947 Constitution provides for free compulsory education for all children “correspondent to their ability.” Two laws passed in 1947, the Fundamental Law of Education and the School Education Law, provide the remainder of the basic legal foundation for the education system.

>>>(This indicates that the U.S.had a major role in forming the national school system of Japan since we were governing Japan
right after the end of WWII.)

The Fundamental Law of Education clarifies the aim of education and establishes national policy on such core issues as free compulsory education, equality of opportunity, and co-education. It sets forth the central importance of education in its opening lines:

Having established the Constitution of Japan, we have shown our resolution to contribute to the peace of the world and welfare of humanity by building a democratic and cultural state. The realization of this ideal shall depend fundamentally on the power of education. [1]

The School Education Law provides general regulations for the operation of the system at all education levels. In addition to provisions on establishment, staffing, and operation of all types and levels of schools, the law emphasizes the importance of creating moral and capable members of society.

>>> (In other words, a nationally controlled system)

Figure 1: Structure of the
Education System


The structure of the official education system is summarized in figure 1. Its elementary and secondary portion is organized along
the lines of the common American 6-3-3 model. The total structure includes the following types or levels of institutions:

preschools (yochien) and daycare centers (hoikuen).
6-year elementary schools (shogakko),
3-year lower secondary schools (sometimes called middle school, chugakko)–corresponding to junior high school in the United States,
3-year upper secondary schools (sometimes called high school, kotogakko)–corresponding to senior high in the United States,
schools for the handicapped (various terms are used depending on the type of school),
4-year colleges and universities (daigaku), many of which also have graduate programs,
2-year junior colleges (tanki daigaku),
technical colleges (koto senmon gakko) offering 5- and 5 1/2 year technical programs, which span the upper secondary and 2-year college levels,
special training schools (senshu gakko) offering vocational training at both the upper secondary and 2-year college level, and
miscellaneous schools (kakushu gakko) offering practical or vocational courses. (Note: This is the most variable institutional category, embracing diverse subjects for varying lengths of time at the upper secondary or postsecondary levels.)

Japan has both public and private schools at each level of education. There are few private schools for the 9 compulsory grades, but the private sector becomes increasingly significant at the upper secondary and postsecondary levels. Public schools fall into two categories: national schools, established and funded by the national government, and local public schools, established by either the prefectural or municipal government and funded by all three levels of government.

>>> (Notice, no single local government funds schools. It’s either nationally funded, or funded jointly by city, state, and nation)

Table 1 shows the total number of education institutions of each type by administrative category: national public, local public (prefectural and municipal), and private. Table 2 shows total enrollment by type of school and percentage distribution by administrative category. Table 3 shows enrollment by type of school and gender.

>>> (Remember, Japan is approximately as large as the state of California…so comparisons between the two might be better than using totalU.S. numbers.)

Table 1. Number of Schools
by Type and Control:

May 1985

Type Total National Public [The link bar feature is not available in this web][The link bar feature is not available in this web]

Local Public

(prefectural and municipal)



All schoolsPreschools*Elementary schoolsLower secondary schoolsUpper secondary schools

Schools for the blind, deaf and otherwise handicapped

Technical colleges

Junior colleges


Special training schools

Miscellaneous schools














































All schoolsPreschools*Elementary schoolsLower secondary schoolsUpper secondary schools

Schools for the blind, deaf and otherwise handicapped

Technical colleges

Junior colleges


Special training schools

Miscellaneous schools













































*In addition to preschools under Monbusho in 1985 there were 22,899 daycare centers operated by the Ministry of Welfare, of which 13,600 were public and 9,299 were private. (Unpublished data supplied by the Ministry of Welfare.)

Source: Ministryof Education, Science, and Culture, Japan. Education in Japan: A Brief Outline. Tokyo: The Ministry, 1986. p. 19.

Table 2. Enrollment, by
Type of School, and

Percentage Distribution by Administrative Category:

May 1985

Type of School

Total Number of Students

Percentage Distribution


Local Public





Pre-elementary schools:PreschoolsDaycare centersElementary schoolsLower secondary schools

Upper secondary schools

Schools for the blind, deaf and otherwise handicapped


Junior colleges

Technical colleges

Special training schools

Miscellaneous schools








530 159

























Source: Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan. Education in Japan: A Brief Outline. Tokyo: The Ministry, 1986. p.5. Data on daycare centers provided by the Ministry of Welfare.

Table 3. Enrollment by
Type of School and Gender:

May 1985

Type of School





PreschoolsElementary schoolsLower secondary schoolsUpper secondary schoolsSchools for the deaf, blind

and otherwise handicapped

Technical colleges

Junior colleges


Special training schools

Miscellaneous schools



















Source: Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan. Education in Japan: A Brief Outline. Tokyo: The Ministry, 1986. p. 5.

Compulsory education

Compulsory education begins at age 6 and lasts 9 years, encompassing the 6-year elementary and 3-year lower secondary school period. It is characterized by a high degree of uniformity and equality of opportunity.

>>>(Personally, I would argue for a 6-3-3-4 system: 6 year elementary, 3 lower and 3 upper secondary, a 2 year national service and a 2 year ‘junior college’ period, thereby giving students an Associates Degree when they’re done with compulsory education.)

Curriculum standards are specified in a national Course of Study, and textbooks are government approved. Generally speaking, students throughout the country in the same grade study essentially the same material at approximately the same time and pace.
Schools are similar in facilities, standards, and teaching methodology. In short, the same basic education is provided for all for the first 9 years.

>>>(Thus providing, not only ease of transferring and fitting in for students, but savings by using standard texts, bulk buying
of equipment for the entire system, ease of comparing schools with each other, ease of tracking teacher and student performance, and other cost savings that come from having a standardized system nationally.)

During the compulsory school years Japanese education assiduously avoids making distinctions between students on the basis of ability or achievement. There are no separate tracks, ability groupings, remedial programs, or student electives. Promotion from grade to grade is virtually automatic as long as the student is attending classes. Students are almost never retained in grade or skipped ahead.

>>>(We do this now, but still hold some back according to test scores. Perhaps this method is better since we’re heading
that way.)

Compulsory education for blind and deaf children began in 1948. Coverage was broadened in 1979 to include other categories in special education. Students with major disabilities are educated in special schools, almost all of them public. Students with minor disabilities are educated in regular schools, either via mainstreaming or in special classes. In 1984 approximately half of the elementary schools provided special classes.

>>> ( Good way of treating this. There ARE disabled students that DO need special facilities and treatment and should be
provided for, in schools that are specially equipped for those MAJOR disabilities. Since it IS a nationally controlled system, there is no problem providing what is needed.)

Upper secondary and higher education

Educational uniformity diminishes beyond compulsory schooling, and there is some ability grouping at the upper secondary level. There are growing costs for parents at the senior high school level and beyond and restricted enrollment opportunities in public higher education.

>>> (Again, here I would split from the system described in this study.)

According to public perception, each institution at the upper secondary and higher education levels fits into a hierarchy. Which high school a student attends is determined by academic achievement confirmed by an entrance examination.

>>>( This might be a good addition to the system. Giving students an idea of where their abilities are at that time and providing
consultation in order to use what abilities each student has to the best use.)

University admission is determined largely by highly competitive examinations open to all applicants nationwide. These examinations are famously rigorous, and a student’s performance on them has a heavy impact on future social and economic status. In order to surmount the examination hurdle, a substantial proportion of students undertake remedial education, supplementary instruction, or special examination preparation assistance in private education programs.

>>>(I think the extension of compulsory education to include an Associate’s Degree here would aid students in their looking
towards attending a 4 year institution.)

Enrollment and advancement rates

Student participation rates are high and dropout rates low at all stages. Practically all–over 99 percent–of the children of compulsory school age are enrolled in school. Although pre-elementary and upper secondary schools are neither compulsory nor free of charge, more than 90 percent of Japanese children in the respective age groups attend them.

>>>(I do think society AND parental involvement contribute greatly to this)

After compulsory education in the 9th grade, over 94 percent of the students go on to full-time study in one or another form of
upper secondary education and another 2 percent continue part-time Table 4. The number of upper secondary school graduates in 1984 was 88 percent of the number of lower secondary graduates in 1981. [2] Over 29 percent of high school graduates
enter a university ( 18 percent) or junior college (11 percent). Another 25 percent enter a vocational education program of one sort or another Table 5). The great majority of those who enter these programs graduate.

Table 4. Number and
Percent of 1984 Lower
Secondary SchoolGraduates, by Activity
Immediately Following Graduation




Upper secondary school:Full-time regular coursePart-time regular courseCorrespondence regular courseShort-term course

Subtotal: upper


Technical college

Vocational training

Subtotal: technical

and vocational



Deceased, unknown

Grand total



















Table 5. Number and Percent
of 1984 High School
Graduates, by Activity Following Graduation




University, junior college and advanced secondary
University undergraduate courseJunior college regular courseShort-term courses at universities and junior colleges and advanced courses
at upper secondary schoolsCorrespondence courses at universities and junior colleges

Subtotal: all university, junior colleges and advanced secondary courses

Vocational training:

Special training college–advanced course

Special training college–other courses

Miscellaneous school courses

Public training facility courses

Subtotal: all vocational training courses



Deceased, unknown

Grand total







372,669 b

590,125 c





29. 63 a




25 14 b

39.81 c




a Includes 5,319 employed persons.

b Includes 11,793 employed persons.

c Excludes 17,112 employed persons referred to in footnotes 1 and 2,
who went on to higher level courses or vocational training.

Source: Ministryof Education, Science, and Culture, Japan.
Statistical Abstract of Education, Science and Culture
, 1985 edition. Tokyo: The Ministry, 1985. pp. 48, 49, 50.

Governance and administration [3]

Japan has a three-tiered structure for governing and administering education with national, prefectural, and municipal components, all under the general supervision of national authority, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, commonly shortened to Ministry of Education (Monbusho). The relationships among the various components are summarized in figure 2.

>>>(In our terms: national, state, municipal)

Figure 2: Operating Relationships of National Educational Agencies

Education policymaking at all three levels is systematized and consensual. At the national level, Monbusho draws on the advice and recommendations of 13 standing advisory councils, members of which are appointed by the minister from a broad spectrum of specialists outside the ministry. The Central Council for Education is the most powerful of the group and is concerned with fundamental policy issues. Its members are appointed by the minister with the consent of the cabinet.

>>>( So there are outside voices giving advice to the national system, not just a single voice)

The Minister of Education is appointed by the Prime Minister, who is an elected member of the Diet (the popularly elected national legislature). Seldom does an Education Minister serve for more than a year or two, since cabinet posts are frequently shifted under Japan’s parliamentary system.

Monbusho is involved with the Cabinet and the Diet in developing budget estimates and drafting national legislation for education in Japan. In addition to its education responsibilities, Monbusho has overall responsibility for administering government services for science and culture, including all national museums and national art galleries and some national research institutes. The range of its functions is illustrated in figure 3.

Figure 3: Organization of Monbusho


The Ministry of Education wields a considerable measure of national authority over the entire official system of education, particularlyat the elementary and secondary school levels, by:

prescribing curricula, standards, and requirements;
approving textbooks;
providing guidance and financial assistance to the prefectures and municipalities;
authorizing the establishment of colleges and universities;
operating national education institutions, primarily universities, junior colleges and technical colleges;
providing general supervision of private institutions of higher education;
regulating establishment of private schools;
investigating and issuing directives to local boards of education for corrective action, as occasion may demand.

>>>( This means that ‘consumers’ have  at least the knowledge that any educational institution has been approved by the national government and meets a certain minimum standard. It also means that education is, in theory, equally provided
at an equal level to all sectors of the nation. Poorer areas get the same equipment and teachers as the wealthier areas.)

Each of the 47 prefectures has a 5-member board of education appointed by the governor with the consent of the prefectural
assembly. Prefectural boards of education are responsible for:

appointing the prefectural superintendent of education (with the approval of Monbusho);
operating schools established by prefectures, primarily upper secondary schools;
licensing teachers and, with municipal recommendation, making appointments to the various municipal elementary and lower secondary schools;
providing advice and financial assistance to municipalities on education matters.

>>>( The only change I would make (and perhaps it’s just a clarification) would be that the prefecture (state) does not set
the licensing standards and only gives a state license, but that the state administers a national licensing exam and issues a national teaching license. It also means that the state would be responsible for providing education from grade 10.)

The prefectural governor is responsible for operating prefectural postsecondary institutions and supervising the administration of private schools.

>>>( In other words, the state runs the state universities and supervises ALL private schools, religious or other.)

Each municipality has a 3- or 5-member municipal board of education, appointed by the mayor with the consent of the municipal assembly. These boards are responsible for:

operating municipal public elementary and lower secondary schools in their jurisdictions;
adopting textbooks for compulsory school use from Monbusho’s approved list;
making recommendations to the prefectural boards of education on the appointment and dismissal of teachers.

>>>( This means that municipalities are basically concerned with grades K-9. Education above that can be provided in addition to K-9)

The municipal superintendent of education is selected from among the board members with the consent of the prefectural board of education.

The mayor is responsible for operating municipal postsecondary institutions.


The cost of public education is shared by national, prefectural, and municipal governments, augmented at upper secondary and higher education levels by tuition from parents.

>>>( Here I would tend to stick with totally publically funded.)

Private institutions are established as nonprofit corporations which derive their income from student tuition and subsidies from national and local governments, sometimes augmented at the postsecondary level by contributions from business and industry.

>>>( Deserves a discussion)

The national government provides almost half of total public expenditures on education. [4] It funds the more than 600 “national” education institutions at all educational levels  table 1. It also provides subsidies for educational purposes to private institutions, prefectures, and municipalities. These include:

subsidies to prefectures to cover half the cost of salaries and allowances of educational personnel at
compulsory schools and schools for the handicapped;
subsidies to prefectures and municipalities to cover half the cost of teaching equipment for public compulsory schools; and
subsidies to prefectures and municipalities to cover one-half or one-third of the cost of construction of public elementary and secondary schools.

The national government also makes local allocation tax grants to prefectures and municipalities in order to reduce financial
inequalities among them, and a portion of these grants is used for education.

>>>( Half of the costs of education paid by the national government…period. That leave a quarter each for the state and
municipality…better than OUR system of funding education)

Prefectural governments provide funds for prefectural education institutions and services; salaries and allowances of teachers at
municipal elementary, lower secondary, and other schools; and subsidies to municipal elementary and lower secondary schools.

School year

The Japanese school year begins in early April and is organized into trimesters that run from April to July, September to December, and January to March. The principal long vacation takes place from mid-July to the end of August. There are shorter vacation periods at other times. In higher education, the academic year has two semesters.

>>>( Though it SOUNDS different from our school year, it actually is close to what we actually do, just ends a teaching period
before a long break or vacation instead of trying to continue classes through a long break. (i.e. Christmas vacation….spring vacation.) It makes more sense to end then start a new period than to try to get back up to speed after a week off)

The Japanese elementary and secondary school year is usually reported as being 240 days long, including Saturdays. This figure is somewhat misleading. Monbusho requires a minimum of 210 days of instruction, including a half day on Saturdays. Local boards can add more time at their discretion. They commonly specify 240 days. This permits 30 days for such school activities as field trips, Sports Day, cultural festivals, and graduation ceremonies. Adjusting for the half days on Saturdays, the Japanese
school year contains the full-time equivalent of about 195 days of classroom instruction. The average length of the school year in the United States is 180 days, and this total usually contains some days of activities comparable to those for which the Japanese local boards add extra days.

>>>(In other words…a STATED 60 more days…but the cultural fests and field trips can take up a good percentage of that extra
time…and are more fun than normal school. We do need to add these extra activities and add fun to school. And really, what parent wouldn’t like to have Saturday morning to catch up on things around the house with the kids in school until noon… )

On a cumulative basis this difference means that by the time of high school graduation, Japanese students have been in school for at least the equivalent of one American school year longer than students in the United States. The difference in time devoted to education is actually greater because of the more effective use that Japanese teachers make of time in school, the larger
amount of time Japanese students spend in study outside of school, and the number of days in the American school year given over to nonacademic pursuits.

The 5 1/2-day school week, the shorter summer vacation, and the additional time spent in study outside of school, in homework, tutoring, or juku all combine to make education a continuing aspect of Japanese children’s lives, somewhat analogous to a full-time job for adults.

>>>( And don’t we tend to consider school as the ‘full-time job’ our kids have? Adopting the Japanese school calender gets
children into habits they’ll need for most of the rest of their lives.)

Other dimensions of education in Japan

Japan is a learning society of formidable dimensions. The strong commitment to education and self-improvement extends beyond the official school system through a variety of institutions, programs, and opportunities. For example, there is a vast publishing industry which provides a wide range of general reading and education material for the highly literate Japanese public. The several national newspapers which report in depth on national and international affairs have a combined morning and evening daily circulation of more than 40 million. [5] High quality educational television is extensively developed and widely available. Other educational opportunities are found in diverse places, including cultural centers, department store clubs,
and correspondence schools.

>>>( Perhaps we should encourage more of the above here. Our nation’s survival and continued excellence is dependant on the
intelligence of our populace. The more society encourages learning, the better off the entire nation will be.)

to be continued….

Sidelined Buddah


A Study of the Japanese Education System…with my inserted comments. Part 1

This a looooong one. Basically a U.S. study of the Japanese educational system…with my simple comments inserted. There’s a lot to read…and a lot to mull over.



I came across this study in my
web hopping during a period of boredom and read it.  I found many things that might be used in the U.S.,
but might encounter resistance because it tends to need more National involvement than we’re used to here. Considering how mobile our population has gotten with the ease of transport across the nation, perhaps it IS time to set national standards and requirements for our children’s education. We are no longer restricted by ability to travel easily in where we are employed or find a better area to reside. There is a good reason to provide a greater uniformity to ease a child’s movement with their family. There should be a minimal need to
acclimate to the new school. A child should be able to slide right into the learning process anywhere in the nation.

 There is also the standardization of teacher requirements across the nation that would make it easier for both teachers and administrators to find each other and not wonder about what is expected and what is required…and if a teacher meets requirements…they would be tested and certified nationally. I’ll discuss within the document my thoughts and ideas about it and hope it provokes discussions around the country.


Sidelined Buddah





Japanese Educational
System   U.S. Dept. of Education Study


Historical and Cultural Context

The Context

Historical Background

Premodern times

Meiji period (1868-1912) to World War II

Postwar era

Some Cultural Foundations

Importance and purposes of education

Harmonious relations and central role of the group

Hard work, diligence, and perseverance



Historical and Cultural Context

It is no secret anymore that Japan has achieved world status in education. Indeed, some of Japan’s contemporary accomplishments in education–as in economic development–are literally in a class by themselves.

>>( As they always seem to do, by taking the best ideas from others, passing them through their national and cultural experiences and needs, and improving them for their use. )

Japanese education provides all children with a high quality, well-balanced basic education in the 3-R’s, science, music, and art
through 9 years of compulsory schooling.

>>( Note: well-balanced…including music and art.)

The average level of student achievement is high by international standards. So is the retention rate: virtually everyone completes the 9 compulsory years and almost 90 percent of the students graduate from high school.

>>( There has got to be much to learn here. We lag behind them here greatly)

Japan has also succeeded in:

Motivating students to learn and teaching them effective study habits;
Creating and maintaining a productive learning environment, which includes effective school discipline;
Using time productively for educational purposes in and out of school;
Sustaining attention to developing character and desirable attitudes and behavior (according to Japanese norms) throughout the elementary and secondary years;
Developing a professional teaching force that is competent and committed, well respected and well remunerated; and
Providing effective employment services for secondary school leavers and graduates.

>>>(OK folks…these are ALL things we lack here. In my mind, our failure to achieve this type of success is due to our insistence in ‘local control’ and our belief that ‘only the neighborhood knows what our kids need to learn’. If both were true, why are our schools doing such a lousy job? It’s can’t only be the teachers. Perhaps we as a nation need to realize that there is a use for a national educational system with local inputs. )

These accomplishments result from several interwoven factors, including:

A preschool experience (much of it parent financed) for more than 90 percent of children;
An effective public school system, particularly during the compulsory attendance period, supplemented at elementary and secondary levels by
An informal, but symbiotic set of private (parent financed) education programs responsive to the needs of individual students.

>>>(Ok, there is the public/private part of the equation. There is a place for the private sector, but as an addition to, NOT a
replacement for, public education. There would need to be a co-ordination between both to provide a system that compliments each part and not fight amongst each other’s methods. The private would be subject to what the public system is teaching and act as a re-enforcement and clarifier of thing students need help with)

All of the foregoing are undergirded by strong parental commitment to and sustained support for the education of the child during the entire time he or she is in school. Education is reinforced at every turn by the historical and cultural heritage, community consensus, government policy, and the needs and employment practices of business, industry, and government.

>>> (In other words, education is seen as important. Something highly desired. Parents and society both place high regard
for education and the educated. Something lacking in the U.S.. There needs to be a paradigm shift where our culture celebrates those that excel in intellectual abilities and rewards those as well or better than we now do those that can toss a basketball, catch a football, or hit a baseball. In our country, those that are ‘smart’ are, derided, bullied, scorned, and excluded. Things need to change…in media, in policy, in thinking.)

Japanese education has produced multiple benefits for the nation as well as for its individual students. These benefits include a
well-educated citizenry, which strengthens national democracy; an adaptable work force capable of high productivity in a competitive world economy; the opportunity for individual social and economic mobility; and an improved general quality of life.

>>> ( Just what we’re crying that we need now….)

Despite these achievements, the system is not perfect. The Japanese know better than most foreign observers that there are significant costs as well as benefits associated with the choices they have made and the results achieved. Some difficulties appear before the end of elementary school and are compounded in secondary education. Higher education is in many respects the weakest part of the entire system even though, paradoxically, it continues to exert a commanding influence on the elementary and secondary levels that feed it. The problems are widely acknowledged in Japan and are currently the subject
of concerned scrutiny in and out of government.

>>>( We shouldn’t have this problem here. Our higher education is still among the world’s finest. It’s getting the students up to speed to compete in the global workplace and into position to enter our higher education system that we are failing.)

In trying to understand how the Japanese accomplish what they do in education, how and why the system works, and some of its dynamics, one finds that more than the school system is involved. The home environment for the student, home-school relation, unofficial education programs outside the school (particularly the juku), the relationship between industry and education, especially at the postsecondary level–all have to be taken into account along with history and culture.

>>>( In other words, the entire nation is involved in the education system…parents, politicians, business leaders, neighbors…EVERYONE. It seems they understand that a well-educated population benefits all…not just the one being educated.)

For Westerners, Japanese education is fascinating and complex. Its achievements appear to be as much a product of the nation’s unique historical and cultural foundations and parental commitment as of pedagogical policies and practices. Indeed, several specific factors that contribute to educational achievement may not be readily exportable, so tied are they to the Japanese context.

>>>(True…but that doesn’t preclude adapting those that aren’t. )

While this report devotes some attention to problems and to the current reform movement that aims to solve them, it focuses primarily on understanding Japanese education–formal and informal–in its cultural context. The goal is to present enough information in sufficient perspective that Japanese education can speak for itself. Japanese terms are introduced where
useful, and a glossary is included.

The report also sketches–primarily in Secretary Bennett’s epilogue–some possible implications, for improving American education. These points are not prescriptive. They are intended to stimulate the reader to examine the doctrines, values, performance, and potential of American education in a light refracted through the prism of Japanese experience. In the United States, it is up to those directly responsible for education–state, local and private authorities and individual citizens–to draw their own conclusions about the relevance of Japanese experience to their own situations.

>>>( In that last statement resides the reason things will probably stay basically the same…those four entities rarely see things the same, or want the same results…or ceding their ‘power’ where needed. They all think they ‘know what is best’. For ANY real change to occur across the nation, and it DOES need to happen nationwide, it’s not just a local or state problem anymore, it needs the national government to provide standards for all schools, public and private, and nationally certifying teachers and

The Context

In Japan, as in most countries, education is best understood in its historical and cultural context. Indeed, sometimes education cannot be meaningfully separated from its social foundations. This is particularly true for Japan, both because much of the nation’s history and culture is not widely known in the United States and Western Europe and because enduring cultural values strongly affect so much of contemporary Japanese education. While justice cannot be done to Japanese education’s rich
historical and cultural background in brief summary, some basic context is essential for understanding Japanese education today.

Historical Background

Not all of Japanese education is homegrown. Japan is unusual in its long record of interest and initiative in learning from other
countries. Most modern nations, including the United States, have been the beneficiaries of education ideas from other countries, but Japan has been more active in deliberately seeking ideas from abroad to help solve its education problems as it perceives them and less self-conscious in adapting those which seem useful.

>>> (In other words, they know they aren’t perfect and have problems and aren’t afraid to find solutions outside the nation)

While contemporary Japanese education has been widely praised, especially because of outstanding results demonstrated in
international comparative studies of school achievement in science and mathematics, it is not well known that Japan’s record of distinction in education has roots that go back over a hundred years. Indeed, in some important respects education in Japan
today is heir to a legacy of ideas whose origins long predate the century of modern Japanese history.

Premodern times

Chinese civilization was particularly influential in the formation of Japan’s culture, and Chinese philosophical and literary influences have remained strong throughout Japanese history. Along with Buddhism, which came to Japan in the sixth century A.D., came the Chinese system of writing and its literary tradition. So, too, came Confucianism, its respect for learning, the Confucian classics, and its philosophical traditions. Among other things, the Confucian heritage emphasized respectful and benevolent hierarchical relationships, harmonious social relations, and morality. Chinese ideas and systems were modified to suit Japanese circumstances and ideals, and were interwoven with Japanese philosophical and literary traditions.

>>> (This means that Japan and China are more alike than the U.S. and Japan. But as modern Japan shows, Japanese tend to be able to take what they consider the best from things and meld them into their national culture. It also provides a deeper insight into China…historical memory tends to persist…even if those in power at times want it to vanish. There might be much to learn about China’s deeper thinking through the Japanese. )

As the European nations began to expand their empires to Asia, Japan experienced an intense period of contact with the Western world from 1540 to 1640. Japan’s traditional focus on the Asian continent was broadened to include commerce with Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, and England, the great seafaring trade and colonial powers of the age. Concurrently, Japan was in the final throes of a period of civil wars, and the Japanese were quick to acquire and exploit Western weapons and other new technology for internal purposes. Jesuit missionaries, who arrived with the Portuguese traders, were active printers. [1] Besides religious materials, they also published Japanese dictionaries, grammars, and textbooks for use in church schools and helped the Japanese add European scripts to their printing capability. Some Japanese traveled to Europe in this era. There was even a noteworthy mission to the Vatican. [2]

>>> ( So, not only are they influenced by ancient China’s respect for learning, the Jesuits bring their influences as well.)

In 1603, after unifying the country, the Tokugawa family established a government headed by the shogun (military ruler). Four
decades later, to consolidate power further, the shogun banned Christianity, prohibited virtually all foreign trade and contact, and closed Japan to the outside world. The nation then entered a period of isolation and relative domestic tranquility, which was to last for 200 years.

>>> (Which probably allowed the shogun to cement the idea of a single nation and government without outsiders trying to interfere.)

Education was very important for the warrior samurai, the most powerful class in Japanese feudal society. The samurai functioned as government administrators during this period. The curriculum for the samurai was based on both military and literary studies The literature was primarily Confucian classics, large portions of which were memorized and recited. Study
of the martial arts consisted of swordsmanship and military tactics.

>>> (In other words…the people with the most education were the most powerful…and the warrior class as well. Again, note…they studied BOTH military AND literary arts…)

Commoner education was generally more practically oriented. It centered around providing basic training in reading, writing, and arithmetic, emphasizing the use of the abacus and calligraphy. Much of this education was conducted in so-called temple schools (terakoya). It is estimated that by the end of the Tokugawa period there may have been more than 14,000 such schools in Japan. [3] They were often one-room private schools, usually with one teacher and a group of students of mixed ages and abilities. Teaching techniques included reading from various textbooks, as well as memorizing and repeatedly copying Chinese characters and Japanese script.

>>>( Still, they DID provide education for the commoners…limited as it was.)

From the 1790’s on, Japan began once again to have contacts with other nations and felt renewed foreign pressures to open the
doors to the outside world. By 1853, when Commodore Matthew Perry arrived requesting that Japan establish formal diplomatic and trade relations with the United States, Japan was neither ignorant of world affairs nor inexperienced in dealing with other nations.

At the start of the Tokugawa period, reading and writing were largely the province of the priesthood and the nobility. Most of the population was illiterate. By the end of the era, however, there had been such a dramatic growth in education that the level of schooling and literacy compared favorably with that of England and France. [4]According to the best estimates, by the end
of the Tokugawa period almost all of the children of the court nobility and the governing samurai had some school experience, and probably 40 to 50 percent of commoner boys and 10 to 15 percent of girls of school age received some schooling.[5] Under subsequent Meiji leadership, this foundation would facilitate Japan’s rapid transition from feudal country to modern nation within a relatively short span of time.

>>>( Hmmm…1800 Japan had the U.S.’s current education stats….interesting…sad, but interesting)

Meiji period (1868-1912) to World War II

In 1868, after a decade of bitter internal discord, the Tokugawa government was overturned by a loose alliance of internal opponents who restored political power to the Emperor. The new leadership rapidly set Japan on a modernization course. They began to study not only the nature of Western society, but Western education methods as well.

The Meiji leaders realized from the outset that education had a major role to play in nation building and modernization. The government consciously set out to create a public education system that would help Japan catch up to the West. Missions were sent abroad to study the education systems of leading Western countries. In due course, Western advisors were invited to Japan to help devise new approaches for Japanese education.

While the new system built atop the education base laid down in the Tokugawa period, it was quite different from the old. Public
schooling was systematically introduced throughout the country. It was open to girls as well as boys and to lower as well as upper classes. The new system endeavored to tap all the nation’s human resources in support of national objectives.

Ronald Anderson briefly summarizes the resulting evolution to World War II:

The Meiji leaders…borrowed selectively from the West, leaning primarily on the United States as a model for the initial modern school system. After almost a decade of American influence, however, Confucian sources were once again consulted for educational guidance and Germany was found to be a model more congenial to their own traditions and goals. They codified a nationalist educational philosophy in 1890 in the famed Imperial Rescript on Education, which was the basis for Japan’s ideology until 1945. The Imperial Rescript stressed Confucian precepts, particularly those concerning the hierarchical nature of human relations, service to the state, and the pursuit of learning and morality.

>>>( There lies the difference…the ability to take from other systems and mold them into their own. Not to mention the teaching of those precepts noted in that last sentence…” particularly those concerning the hierarchical nature of human relations, service to the state, and the pursuit of learning and morality.”)

Besides the exposure to an egalitarian American influence in the first decade of the Meiji period, Japan experienced a second transmission of democratic American educational influence in the so-called “liberal 1920’s” when the philosophy of John Dewey
and the progressive education movements became popular. Though widely accepted at normal schools and the elementary level, this approach was suppressed by the militarists when they rose to power in the late 1930’s. During World War II, education was characterized by authoritarianism, indoctrination, and thought control. [6]

By the end of the war Japanese education was devastated. Students were not attending school with any regularity, if at all, and many school buildings had been destroyed. With defeat came the bankruptcy of much of prewar thought. A new wave of foreign ideas was introduced during the postwar military occupation period.

>>>( Nothing like starting from scratch…)

Postwar era

Occupation policymakers were determined to democratize Japan. The United States Education Mission, which arrived in 1946, believed that a complete reform of Japanese education was necessary to help achieve this objective. The Mission made a number of recommendations for major changes in the Japanese education system along American lines. Some of the resulting changes included the institution of the 6-3-3 grade structure; the revision of curriculum and textbooks, including the abolition of moral education courses (which had become highly nationalistic in the decade leading to the war); reforms in the writing
system; the establishment of coeducation; the introduction of university-based teacher education; and support for equal access to higher education. There was also an attempt to transform the centralized prewar system into a decentralized system based on the American model with elected local school boards.

>>>(As we tried to mold them into our image…it did provide a nice base to start on tho.)

After the restoration of full national sovereignty in 1952, Japan immediately began to modify some of the education changes introduced during the Occupation period. These modifications more clearly reflected Japanese ideas about education and educational structure. The Ministry of Education regained a great deal of power. School boards reverted to being appointed, rather than elected. A moral education course was reinstituted in modified form, despite substantial initial concern that it would lead to a reintroduction of prewar nationalism into the schools.

>>>(Like I said..a starting point. There is a purpose for a centralized system, especially when dealing with something that needs to be as standardized as possible across a nation. Appointed school boards are preferred in my opinion. Elections are more of a popularity contest here and policy tends to get buried. An appointed school board tends to discuss policy more than being popular as they are the buffer between the citizens and the appointer. And moral education…what a concept…we need that here…but a SECULAR morality…not religious.  It IS a PUBLIC school system, and religion is best left to home and church.)

By the 1960’s, postwar recovery and accelerating economic growth brought increased demands on the education system. In addition, there were strong disagreements between the government and the teachers’ union. This was also a period of great turbulence in higher education. All this fueled confrontation and debate about education reform. Some aspects of Japan’s
current reform movement can be traced back to the late 1960’s.

( Ah yes…some things remain constant across borders  )

The Japanese education system has grown rapidly since 1960. According to Morikazu Ushiogi, from 1960 to 1982 the proportion of the high school age group enrolled in high schools increased from about 58 percent to 94 percent, while the proportion of those of college age enrolled in higher education institutions increased from about 10 percent to 36 percent. [7]

>>> (Don’t we WISH we had these stats…*sigh)

Today’s system still reflects the long-standing cultural and philosophical ideas that learning and education are esteemed and are to be pursued seriously, and that moral and character development remain intimately related to education. A meritocratic legacy stemming from the Meiji period endures, as does a centralized education infrastructure and an orientation toward viewing education in the service of national development as well as of personal benefit. The interest remains in investigating alternative education models abroad, as does a continuing capability to adapt foreign ideas and methods to Japanese traditions.

>>> (Interesting…a respect for learning and the desire for it is respected as well, morality and character are also included in
partnership with parents and society, and the nation as a whole and in policy sees education as a national developmental benefit….man, do WE need to change our thinking here  )

Some Cultural Foundations

Japanese education is a powerful instrument of cultural continuity and national policy. The explicit and implicit content of the school curriculum and the manner in which teaching and learning are accomplished impart the attitudes, knowledge, sensitivities, and skills expected of emerging citizens of Japanese society. These lessons are further reinforced in the context of family and society.

>>>( Not only are they taught book learning, but what it means to be Japanese, and what is expected of them in society…and that gets reinforced by parents and neighbors. Can you really say you know what it means to be an American? Can you see it in your parents and neighbors? Do you think you’d want to know what is expected from you early in life?)

Linguistically, racially, and ethnically, Japan is a comparatively homogeneous nation with a strong sense of cultural identity and national unity. But Japanese society is not monolithic, and there is considerable individuality. There are also finely calibrated distinctions in status based on age, gender, employment, and social and educational background.

( Major differences here, especially racially and ethnically, but they don’t preclude developing a strong sense of cultural
identity (being an American) and national unity)

Despite these differences, however, the Japanese prefer to define themselves in a manner which emphasizes their core of commonly held beliefs and values. While popular culture and lifestyles have undergone some dramatic changes since World War II, there remains a high degree of public consensus regarding societal values, appropriate standards of behavior, and the
importance and goals of education.

>>>( Something we might learn from…emphasize what we hold in common and define ourselves that way.)

Importance and purposes of education

The origins of the Japanese commitment to education lie in the Confucian and Buddhist heritage in which great respect is accorded learning and educational endeavor as means to personal and societal improvement. Today, there is a clear consensus that education is essential for both individual and national development and that it requires active, sustained commitment of
energy and resources at all levels of society.

>>>( Note that last statement…we can’t just do something once and think it will solve things, it’s a constant commitment that
is needed…from everyone. In other quick fix and you just can’t ‘set it and forget it’.)

Parents and children take education seriously because success in school is a crucial determinant of economic and social status in
adult life. Government policymakers and business leaders view the content and quality of public education as central to national cohesion, economic development, and international relations.

>>>( If only WE saw education the same way. Letting our future get dumber and ignorant just erodes the nation’s standing.
We’ll be a Third World country before we know it.)

To the Japanese, education has always had important goals in addition to acquisition of academic knowledge, intellectual growth, or vocational skills. Moral education and character development are also among the central concerns. There is a strong consensus that schools have the obligation and authority to impart fundamental Japanese values as the foundation of proper
moral attitudes and personal habits.

>>>( And yes, there are fundamental American values as well.  See the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, for examples)

Respect for society and the established order, prizing group goals above individual interests, diligence, self-criticism, and
well-organized and disciplined study and work habits are all traits, which are believed to be amenable to instruction.

>>>( This line of thought might be difficult for the believers of the ‘rugged individualists’, but what major, lasting things
have been accomplished by ONLY a single person? Lindberg?  Nope, he had a support team, an aircraft maker, financial backers, etc.. Take just about ANY ‘solo’ accomplishment and dig beneath the hype and just about EVERY time you’ll encounter a group of people that made the ‘solo’ accomplishment possible. In fact, if you study the lives of many successful people, you’ll find most of the traits stated in that statement in their way of doing things.)

The child’s learning experiences at each level from preschool through 12th grade reinforce their acquisition. Japanese teachers
believe that the proper development of these values, attitudes, and habits is fundamental to success in the classroom as well as in adult life.

>>>(Ya gotta learn the rules before you can break them. You can’t excel in sports if you don’t know how to play.)

Harmonious relations and central role of the group

Japanese society places a high value on harmony in interpersonal relations and the ability to cooperate with others. The Japanese believe that being a member of a well-organized and tightly knit group that works hard toward common goals is a natural and pleasurable human experience. Schools reflect this cultural priority. Classroom activities are structured to encourage or require participation in group activities, to emphasize the responsibility of individual students to the class as a group and the school as a whole, and to develop group loyalty.

>>>(Or what businesses and sport teams depend on….)

Particularly in elementary school, classes are organized into small groups, which are the basic units of instruction, discipline, and other activities. Teachers attempt to foster group cohesion and a strong group spirit by avoiding overt recognition of differences in individual ability and minimizing one-against-one competition.

>>>(Individual achievements are fine, but it’s more fun to be able to share a success as a group than alone.)

Daily life in a Japanese classroom requires considerable mutual assistance and adaptation of individual views and interests to group goals and standards of behavior. The heavy emphasis on group activities and social consensus results in considerable conformity in behavior. There is a strong tradition of viewing conformity and group orientation as demonstrations of moral character.

>>>(Can be good, can be bad…note Japan’s crime rate…I lean towards good here)

To most Westerners, a high degree of behavioral conformity is typically associated with top-down control. However, Japanese teachers are not typically authoritarian nor is harshness a characteristic of classroom life in Japan. Instead, the cultural emphasis on harmony and hard work requires that each individual within the system be a willing contributor to the group effort.

>>>( In other words…as a group we can accomplish bigger and better things, but the group needs every individual’s contribution to succeed)

Group leadership, Japanese style, orchestrates the members’ motivations and expectations so that order and discipline, both in the classroom and the larger society, are natural outgrowths of achieving a high degree of individual identification with group goals.

>>>( More can be done if things are done in a disciplined, orderly fashion, than if the group’s efforts are scattered and
going in different directions)

Hard work, diligence, and perseverance

The Japanese believe that hard work, diligence, and perseverance yield success in education as well as in other aspects of life. A
certain amount of difficulty and hardship is believed to strengthen students’ character and their resolve to do their best in learning and other important endeavors.

>>>( Nothing ever comes easy all the time. Being able to overcome problems and setbacks increases a student’s confidence in
their own abilities and the abilities of a group to help.)

The amount of time and effort spent in study are believed to be more important than intelligence in determining educational outcomes. Most Japanese parents and educators are unshakably optimistic that virtually all children have the potential to master the challenging academic curriculum, provided they work hard and long enough.

>>>( As opposed to many in the U. S.that think that some students will NEVER be able to succeed.)

Some teachers and students are less sanguine. The educational results achieved by most Japanese students in international comparisons provide considerable support for the beliefs and expectations of the majority, particularly in light of the fact
that there is no credible evidence that Japanese children have a higher level of native intelligence than, for example, American children.

>>>( Expectations often make the results that are expected.  Expect failure, you get failure…expect success…you’ll get success, if not, something better than if you set your sights low.)

A recent comparative study by Robert Hess and others provides interesting confirmation of the Japanese belief in the efficacy of

In Japan, poor performance in mathematics was attributed to lack of effort; in the United States, explanations were more evenly divided among ability, effort, and training at school. Japanese mothers were less likely to blame training at school as a
cause of low achievement in mathematics…Their children generally shared this view of things. [8]

Parents and teachers encourage regular study habits from the 1st grade on. A careful, reflective approach which achieves accuracy and precision rather than speed or intuitive insight is emphasized, particularly during the early years.

>>>( It may take you a minute, it may take you an hour…what is important is that you get the correct answer, not how fast you get it.)

Repetition and memorization continue to be important in the learning process, particularly in preparation for the arduous and important high school and college entrance examinations.

>>>(Well, considering that most of the basics are needed to be memorized in order to do higher studies…and repetition is one way to learn a needed basic…not surprising)


The cultural emphasis on student effort and diligence is balanced by a recognition of the important responsibility borne by teachers, parents, and schools to “awaken the desire to try.”

>>>( Not only do you need to show up, you actually need to try…and it’s not only the school’s job to motivate students….)

Japanese teachers do not believe that motivation is primarily a matter of luck, family background, or personality traits. They believe that the desire to learn–like character itself–is something which can be shaped by teachers and influenced through the school environment. Students are unceasingly taught and urged to “do their best,” in groups and as individuals.

>>>(In other words…you can learn to want to learn…and it’s the school’s job to bring that out in students.)

A major method of motivating students is the encouragement of group activities, which are believed to be more enjoyable for students than solitary endeavor.

>>>( What is more fun…sitting alone, working on a project, or working on a project with a group? Especially for those without a
background in ‘learning’)

Motivation through group activity is accomplished by promoting a strong sense of shared identity and by allowing individuals
opportunity to influence group goals and activities. Wearing school uniforms, rotating student monitors, and planning and staging class and school activities all contribute to the process.

>>> (Why do people like joining a gang, or a team, or a team rooting section, or company?  A sense of ‘belonging’.)

Particularly at the secondary level, entrance examinations provide special motivation for study. Students know that their scores on high school and university entrance examinations will strongly influence their future life path. Parents reinforce this concern by urging their children to study hard, by providing a home environment conducive to study, and by financing extra lessons and tutorial assistance.

>>>(Again, parental support is basic)


Japanese history and cultural values permeate Japanese education. The heritage is reflected in the national consensus on the
importance of education, its role in character development, and the willingness of both parents and children to sustain effort and sacrifice year after year to achieve success in school. It helps form the invisible foundation of the contemporary education system.

>>>(It’s not me, me, me, what’s in it for me, it’s doing the best for my kid so they can do the best for society)

to be continued…

Sidelined Buddah


FDR Speech Part 5 A New Bill of Rights

It is our duty now to begin to lay the plans and determine the strategy for the winning of a lasting peace and the establishment of an Americanstandard of living higher than ever before known. We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth- is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill housed, and insecure.>>(Even though the war was still in flux, FDR was planning for what would happen after the war was won. What ever happened to ‘planning for the future’? Why does it need to be ‘governing by crisis’? Most of our problems can be solved, if not avoided by good advance planning.)

This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the protection of certain inalienable political rights—among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty.

>> ( Let’s see…free speech: still here, if just barely; free press: only if you are the owner of a multi-national corporation. Very few independent news sources now.; free worship: still here, barely…if you’re muslim, you’re under suspicion and not really welcome in some areas…*sigh; trial by jury: still here, if you can avoid the media frenzy over some cases…and you aren’t in Guantanamo.; freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures….nope…Drug laws and the Patriot Act smashed this one to bits. Why is Congress extending the Patriot Act anyway? And where is the outrage? Bloody sheep…  FDR might have been right in using ‘were’.)

As our Nation has grown in size and stature, however—as our industrial economy expanded—these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness.

>>(And it takes one of the Patrician class to tell us that…)

We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.” People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

>>( Just what Republicans and big business want…total control)

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all regardless of station, race, or creed.

Among these are:

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;

>>(EVERYONE has a RIGHT to a good job…and for those that need clarification, ‘remunerative’ means “profitable…lucritive”…not minimum wage jobs, but good…

The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;

>>(note the adjective ‘adequate’…not just getting by, but enough to enjoy life)

The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;

>>(yes that means a price floor for basic farm goods…but also more varied farming instead of megafarms and corporate farming)

The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;

(that means fair trade regulation, anti-trust enforcement, breaking up the giant corporations, including the banks)

The right of every family to a decent home;

>> (government provided housing?  sure…no mortgage crisis, less homeless, allows families to concentrate on education and providing a good homelife for kids….more benefits than drawbacks)

The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;

>>( Medicare for all anyone? Yes adding vision, dental and mental health to the mix)

The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

>>(Social Security and Unemployment Insurance….needed more now than ever)

The right to a good education.

>>(Time for the National funding of education along with national criteria)

All of these rights spell security. And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.

America’s own rightful place in the world depends in large part upon how fully these and similar rights have been carried into practice for our citizens. For unless there is security here at home there cannot be lasting peace in the world.

>>(Again FDR states that security begins at home…and not the police state type, but the entire country working towards betterment for all in the country and providing a good life for the ENTIRE populace…not just a few. )

One of the great American industrialists of our day—a man who has rendered yeoman service to his country in this crisis-recently emphasized the grave dangers of “rightist reaction” in this Nation. All clear-thinking businessmen share his concern. Indeed, if such reaction should develop—if history were to repeat itself and we were to return to the so-called “normalcy” of the 1920’s—then it is certain that even though we shall have conquered our enemies on the battlefields abroad, we shall have yielded to the spirit of Fascism here at home.

>> ( Talk about seeing the future…look around, REALLY LOOK AROUND…read about the 1920’s and the actions and business that were working then. Learn HOW AND WHY the Great Depression happened and why similar conditions were around in 2008 before the ‘bubble’ burst ….and still exist right now.)

I ask the Congress to explore the means for implementing this economic bill of rights- for it is definitely the responsibility of the Congress so to do. Many of these problems are already before committees of the Congress in the form of proposed legislation. I shall from time to time communicate with the Congress with respect to these and further proposals. In the event that no adequate program of progress is evolved, I am certain that the Nation will be conscious of the fact.

>>( Is the Nation? Really? Even tho Congress has eroded the safeguards FDR put in place to prevent another Great Depression and allowed a Great Recession? Really? Allowing the ultra rich to get richer off taxpayer funds?  Giving those that need them the least tax breaks? Bloody sheep…..)

Our fighting men abroad- and their families at home- expect such a program and have the right to insist upon it. It is to their demands that this Government should pay heed rather than to the whining demands of selfish pressure groups who seek to feather their nests while young Americans are dying.

>>( Why does this sound current? )

The foreign policy that we have been following—the policy that guided us at Moscow, Cairo, and Teheran—is based on the common sense principle which was best expressed by Benjamin Franklin on July 4, 1776: “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

I have often said that there are no two fronts for America in this war. There is only one front. There is one line of unity which extends from the hearts of the people at home to the men of our attacking forces in our farthest outposts. When we speak of our total effort, we speak of the factory and the field, and the mine as well as of the battleground — we speak of the soldier and the civilian, the citizen and his Government.

Each and every one of us has a solemn obligation under God to serve this Nation in its most critical hour—to keep this Nation great — to make this Nation greater in a better world.

>>(Is this such an old-fashioned thought? Isn’t the group stronger than the individual? Isn’t it better to uplift the whole than a few?)

Citation: John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters, The American Presidency Project [online]. Santa Barbara, CA. Available from World Wide Web: (
© 1999-2011 – Gerhard Peters – The American Presidency Project
>>(Yep…back in 1944, FDR saw what the country could be, both for good and for bad, and warned us about the bad and provided ways to strengthen the good. Why have we forgotten what we fought against and fought for back then? Have we forgotten the ‘boom times’ of the 50’s and 60’s? We’ve been coasting since then…and allowing corporations their way. This nation has always grown through the creation of new inventions and business, not propping up the old. Time to break up the conglomerates…)

FDR Speech Part 4

These five measures together form a just and equitable whole. I would not recommend a national service law unless the other laws were passed to keep down the cost of living, to share equitably the burdens of taxation, to hold the stabilization line, and to
prevent undue profits.

The Federal Government already has the basic power to draft capital and property of all kinds for war purposes on a basis of just compensation.

As you know, I have for three years hesitated to recommend a national service act. Today, however, I am convinced of its necessity. Although I believe that we and our allies can win the war without such a measure, I am certain that nothing less than total mobilization of all our resources of manpower and capital will guarantee an earlier victory, and reduce the toll of suffering and sorrow and blood.

I have received a joint recommendation for this law from the heads of the War Department, the Navy Department, and the Maritime Commission. These are the men who bear responsibility for the procurement of the necessary arms and equipment, and for the successful prosecution of the war in the field. They say:

“When the very life of the Nation is in peril the responsibility for service is common to all men and women. In such a time there can be no discrimination between the men and women who are assigned by the Government to its defense at the battlefront and the men and women assigned to producing the vital materials essential to successful military operations. A prompt enactment of a National Service Law would be merely an expression of the universality of this responsibility.”

I believe the country will agree that those statements are the solemn truth.

National service is the most democratic way to wage a war. Like selective service for the armed forces, it rests on the obligation of each citizen to serve his Nation to his utmost where he is best qualified.

It does not mean reduction in wages. It does not mean loss of retirement and seniority rights and benefits. It does not mean that any substantial numbers of war workers will be disturbed in their present jobs. Let these facts be wholly clear.

Experience in other democratic Nations at war—Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand- has shown that the very existence of national service makes unnecessary the widespread use of compulsory power. National service has proven to be a
unifying moral force based on an equal and comprehensive legal obligation of all people in a Nation at war.

>>(I noticed a transposition when I cut and pasted the previous installment and figured I’d start with where the problem took place)

There are millions of American men and women who are not in this war at all. It is not because they do not want to be in it. But they want to know where they can best do their share. National service provides that direction. It will be a means by which
every man and woman can find that inner satisfaction which comes from making the fullest possible contribution to victory.

I know that all civilian war workers will be glad to be able to say many years hence to their grandchildren:
“Yes, I, too, was in service in the great war. I was on duty in an airplane factory, and I helped make hundreds of fighting planes. The Government told me that in doing that I was performing my most useful work in the service of my country.”

It is argued that we have passed the stage in the war where national service is necessary. But our soldiers and sailors know that this is not true. We are going forward on a long, rough road- and, in all journeys, the last miles are the hardest. And it is for that final effort—for the total defeat of our enemies-that we must mobilize our total resources. The national war program calls for the employment of more people in 1944 than in 1943.

It is my conviction that the American people will welcome this win-the-war measure which is based on the eternally just principle of “fair for one, fair for all.”

It will give our people at home the assurance that they are standing four-square behind our soldiers and sailors. And it will give our enemies demoralizing assurance that we mean business -that we, 130,000,000 Americans, are on the march to Rome,
Berlin, and Tokyo.

>>( FDR knew that the war was not even close to being over and that any slacking on the Allies part might allow the Axis to gain ground. He also knew that in order to win the war he needed to keep the country’s will to wage the war high. You can’t win if the
nation isn’t behind the war effort.)

I hope that the Congress will recognize that, although this is a political year, national service is an issue which transcends politics. Great power must be used for great purposes.

As to the machinery for this measure, the Congress itself should determine its nature—but it should be wholly nonpartisan in its make-up.

Our armed forces are valiantly fulfilling their responsibilities to our country and our people. Now the Congress faces the responsibility for taking those measures which are essential to national security in this the most decisive phase of the Nation’s greatest war.

Several alleged reasons have prevented the enactment of legislation which would preserve for our soldiers and sailors and marines the fundamental prerogative of citizenship—the right to vote. No amount of legalistic argument can becloud this issue in the eyes of these ten million American citizens. Surely the signers of the Constitution did not intend a document which, even in wartime, would be construed to take away the franchise of any of those who are fighting to preserve the Constitution itself.

>> ( Yes this refers to the Jim Crow laws and the problems that blacks had trying to exercise their right to vote…even for war veterans. “We support our troops.” Yep..until they come home. )

Our soldiers and sailors and marines know that the overwhelming majority of them will be deprived of the opportunity to vote, if the voting machinery is left exclusively to the States under existing State laws—and that there is no likelihood of these laws being
changed in time to enable them to vote at the next election. The Army and Navy have reported that it will be impossible effectively to administer forty-eight different soldier voting laws. It is the duty of the Congress to remove this unjustifiable discrimination against the men and women in our armed forces- and to do it as quickly as possible.

>>( Yep they acted quickly….wasn’t the Voting Rights Act enacted soon after this speech….like 1965? )

(I included the entire speech before his statement for a new ‘bill of rights’ in order to provide the context in which he stated them. They weren’t a separate thought. They were part of a State of the Union Address. FDR honestly wanted Congress to seriously consider them. They will be in the next post on the speech)

To be continued….

Sidelined Buddah


FDR Speech….Part 3

Franklin D. Roosevelt: State of the
Union Message to Congress – January 11, 1944

Let us remember the lessons of 1918. In the summer of that year the tide turned in favor of the allies. But this Government did not relax. In fact, our national effort was stepped up. In August, 1918, the draft age limits were broadened from 21-31 to 18-45. The President called for “force to the utmost,” and his call was heeded. And in November, only three months later, Germany

That is the way to fight and win a war—all out—and not with half-an-eye on the battlefronts abroad and the other eye-and-a-half on personal, selfish, or political interests here at home.

>>(We never DID go all out in either Afghanistan or Iraq. Guess that sort of national commitment
wouldn’t have been politically popular.)

Therefore, in order to concentrate all our energies and resources on winning the war, and to maintain a fair and stable economy at home, I recommend that the Congress adopt:

(1) A realistic tax law—which will tax all unreasonable profits, both individual and corporate, and reduce the ultimate cost of the war to our sons and daughters. The tax bill now under consideration by the Congress does not begin to meet this test.

>>(See..we’re STILL trying to get a REALISTIC tax bill passed. Since 1943…talk about discussing a matter to death)

(2) A continuation of the law for the renegotiation of war contracts—which will prevent exorbitant profits and assure fair prices to the Government. For two long years I have pleaded with the Congress to take undue profits out of war.

>>( Hello Blackwater….Halliburton…BP.  Congress STILL allows profiteering…even at the risk to our troops)

(3) A cost of food law—which will enable the Government (a) to place a reasonable floor under the prices the farmer may expect for his production; and (b) to place a ceiling on the prices a consumer will have to pay for the food he buys. This should
apply to necessities only; and will require public funds to carry out. It will cost in appropriations about one percent of the present annual cost of the war.

>>(Might be an idea that might need to be reconsidered. Too many can’t afford a proper meal, even today)

(4) Early reenactment of. the stabilization statute of October, 1942. This expires June 30, 1944, and if it is not extended well in advance, the country might just as well expect price chaos by summer.

>>(Considering the volatility of things these days, might need to dig that up and see if it works today)

We cannot have stabilization by wishful thinking. We must take positive action to maintain the integrity of the American dollar.

>>(Gee..sounds familiar)

(5) A national service law- which, for the duration of the war, will prevent strikes, and, with certain appropriate exceptions, will make available for war production or for any other essential services every able-bodied adult in this Nation.

>>(Perhaps an idea that needs revisiting)

The Federal Government already has the basic power to draft capital and property of all kinds for war purposes on a basis of just compensation.

As you know, I have for three years hesitated to recommend a national service act. Today, however, I am convinced of its necessity. Although I believe that we and our allies can win the war without such a measure, I am certain that nothing less than total mobilization of all our resources of manpower and capital will guarantee an earlier victory, and reduce the toll of suffering and sorrow and blood.

>> (Oh…like placing the entire burden of fighting the past 10 years on volunteers and the National Guard. National Guard…the armed forces branch that is supposed to be used in national emergencies…or as the last resort to fill out the regular troops)

I have received a joint recommendation for this law from the heads of the War Department, the Navy Department, and the Maritime Commission. These are the men who bear responsibility for the procurement of the necessary arms and equipment, and for the successful prosecution of the war in the field. They say:

“When the very life of the Nation is in peril the responsibility for service is common to all men and women. In such a time there can be no discrimination between the men and women who are assigned by the Government to its defense at the battlefront and the men and women assigned to producing the vital materials essential to successful military operations. A prompt enactment of a National Service Law would be merely an expression of the universality of this responsibility.”

I believe the country will agree that those statements are the solemn truth.

National service is the most democratic way to wage a war. Like selective service for the armed forces, it rests on the obligation of each citizen to serve his Nation to his utmost where he is best qualified.

>>( Like today…require a 2 year national service between high school and college. Either a stint in an armed forces branch, Peace Corps or Americorp. Give people a sense of ownership of the country and that it requires work to keep it free and prosperous.)

It does not mean reduction in wages. It does not mean loss of retirement and seniority rights and benefits. It does not mean that any substantial numbers of war workers will be disturbed in their present jobs. Let these facts be wholly clear.

Experience in other democratic Nations at war—Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand- has shown that the very existence of national service makes unnecessary the widespread use of compulsory power. National service has proven to be a unifying moral force based on an equal and comprehensive legal obligation of all people in a Nation at war.

>>( I mean, look at England. Even the royalty has to perform national service. No one is exempt. )

These five measures together form a just and equitable whole. I would not recommend a national service law unless the other laws were passed to keep down the cost of living, to share equitably the burdens of taxation, to hold the stabilization line, and to prevent undue profits.

>>(Still not a bad idea to get things on an even keel so we can attend to things that REALLY need attending .)

to be continued yet again…..

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Sidelined Buddah


FDR Speech…Part 2

Franklin D. Roosevelt: State of the Union Message to Congress – January 11, 1944

There are people who burrow through our Nation like unseeing moles, and attempt to spread the suspicion that if other Nations are encouraged to raise their standards of living, our own American standard of living must of necessity be depressed.

>>(Gee, even then we had people that believed in suppressing other nations’ prosperity. )

The fact is the very contrary. It has been shown time and again that if the standard of living of any country goes up, so does its purchasing power- and that such a rise encourages a better standard of living in neighboring countries with whom it trades. That is just plain common sense—and it is the kind of plain common sense that provided the basis for our discussions at Moscow, Cairo, and Teheran.

>>( Then, as now, common sense ain’t that common)

Returning from my journeyings, I must confess to a sense of “let-down” when I found many evidences of faulty perspective here in Washington. The faulty perspective consists in overemphasizing lesser problems and thereby underemphasizing the first and greatest problem.

>> ( A familiar problem…seemingly especially virulent in Republicans. And yes I’m referring to all the job creating bills that the House has put forwards since the 2010 election…or lack of them. )

The overwhelming majority of our people have met the demands of this war with magnificent courage and understanding. They have accepted inconveniences; they have accepted hardships; they have accepted tragic sacrifices. And they are ready and eager to make whatever further contributions are needed to win the war as quickly as possible- if only they are given the chance to know what is required of them.

>> ( Again familiar. The public is ready to do fantastic things…if only they knew what they were. Hello Mr. President…solid, firm, precise direction and policies needed here….no conceptual ideas…we need new bridges, roads, dams, power grid, energy sources…put it in a firm policy and stand behind it…like Mt. Everest.)

Such selfish agitation can be highly dangerous in wartime. It creates confusion. It damages morale. It hampers our national effort. It muddies the waters and therefore prolongs the war.

>> (Then as now. The more things change……)

If we analyze American history impartially, we cannot escape the fact that in our past we have not always forgotten individual and selfish and partisan interests in time of war—we have not always been united in purpose and direction. We cannot overlook the serious dissensions and the lack of unity in our war of the Revolution, in our War of 1812, or in our War Between the States, when the survival of the Union itself was at stake.

In the first World War we came closer to national unity than in any previous war. But that war lasted only a year and a half, and increasing signs of disunity began to appear during the final months of the conflict. In this war, we have been compelled to learn how interdependent upon each other are all groups and sections of the population of America.

>>( As we still are…and have always been. )

And I hope you will remember that all of us in this Government represent the fixed income group just as much as we represent business owners, workers, and farmers. This group of fixed income people includes: teachers, clergy, policemen, firemen, widows and minors on fixed incomes, wives and dependents of our soldiers and sailors, and old-age pensioners. They and their families add up to one-quarter of our one hundred and thirty million people. They have few or no high pressure representatives at the Capitol. In a period of gross inflation they would be the worst sufferers.

>>(Ummm…Republicans…Tea Party…even Democrats… that paragraph often…daily if possible. How about engraving it on the entrance door to Congress? )

Those who are doing most of the complaining are not deliberately striving to sabotage the national war effort. They are laboring under the delusion that the time is past when we must make prodigious sacrifices- that the war is already won and we can begin to slacken off. But the dangerous folly of that point of view can be measured by the distance that separates our troops from their ultimate objectives in Berlin and Tokyo—and by the sum of all the perils that lie along the way.

Overconfidence and complacency are among our deadliest enemies. Last spring—after notable victories at Stalingrad and in Tunisia and against the U-boats on the high seas—overconfidence became so pronounced that war production fell off. In two months, June and July, 1943, more than a thousand airplanes that could have been made and should have been made were not made. Those who failed to make them were not on strike. They were merely saying, “The war’s in the bag- so let’s relax.” That attitude on the part of anyone—Government or management or labor—can lengthen this war. It can kill American boys.

>>(As Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ‘till it’s over . “ )

However, while the majority goes on about its great work without complaint, a noisy minority maintains an uproar of demands for special favors for special groups. There are pests who swarm through the lobbies of the Congress and the cocktail bars of Washington, representing these special groups as opposed to the basic interests of the Nation as a whole. They have come to look upon the war primarily as a chance to make profits for themselves at the expense of their neighbors- profits in money or in terms of political or social preferment.

>>(Sounds a lot like today. The more things change…..)

Increased food costs, for example, will bring new demands for wage increases from all war workers, which will in turn raise all prices of all things including those things which the farmers themselves have to buy. Increased wages or prices will each in turn produce the same results. They all have a particularly disastrous result on all fixed income groups.

>> ( or the ‘wage-price spiral’ so dreaded in the 70’s and 80’s)

If ever there was a time to subordinate individual or group selfishness to the national good, that time is now. Disunity at home—bickerings, self-seeking partisanship, stoppages of work, inflation, business as usual, politics as usual, luxury as usual these are the influences which can undermine the morale of the brave men ready to die at the front for us here.

>>(And this from a president that has only been in a war for a little over 2 years…what about the 10 years we’ve been at war? )

Page 2 of 5 To be continued….

Sidelined Buddah


FDR’s 1/11/44 State of the Union Address…with inserted comments… Part 1

The American Presidency Project John T. Woolley &
Gerhard Peters • Santa Barbara,

• Franklin D. Roosevelt State of the Union Message to Congress
January 11,1944

To the

This Nation in the past two years has become an active partner in the world’s greatest war against human slavery.

>>(In our case, it’s been 10 years and it might be defined as ‘ war against the slavery of terror’. )

We have joined with like-minded people in order to defend ourselves in a world that has been gravely threatened with gangster rule.

>>(Terrorists, gangsters…same style of running things, rule by fear. )

But I do not think that any of us Americans can be content with mere survival. Sacrifices that we and our allies are making impose upon us all a sacred obligation to see to it that out of this war we and our children will gain something better than
mere survival.

We are united in determination that this war shall not be followed by another interim which leads to new disasters that we shall not repeat the tragic errors of ostrich isolationism—that we shall not repeat the excesses of the wild twenties when this Nation went for a joy ride on a roller coaster which ended in a tragic crash.

>>(Well,we seem to have failed greatly on this last point…..)

When Mr. Hull went to Moscow in October, and when I went to Cairo and Teheran in November, we knew that we were in agreement with our allies in our common determination to fight and win this war. But there were many vital questions
concerning the future peace, and they were discussed in an atmosphere of complete candor and harmony.

In the last war such discussions, such meetings, did not even begin until the shooting had stopped and the delegates began to assemble at the peace table. There had been no previous opportunities for man-to-man discussions which lead to meetings of
minds. The result was a peace which was not a peace. That was a mistake which we are not repeating in this war.

And right here I want to address a word or two to some suspicious souls who are fearful that Mr. Hull or I have made “commitments” for the future which might pledge this Nation to secret treaties, or to enacting the role of Santa Claus.

To such suspicious souls—using a polite terminology—I wish to say that Mr. Churchill, and Marshal Stalin, and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek are all thoroughly conversant with the provisions of our Constitution. And so is Mr. Hull. And so am I.

Of course we made some commitments. We most certainly committed ourselves to very large and very specific military plans which require the use of all Allied forces to bring about the defeat of our enemies at the earliest possible time.

But there were no secret treaties or political or financial commitments.

>>(Yep,even back then transparency seems to be a great concern of people…)

The one supreme objective for the future, which we discussed for each Nation individually, and for all the United Nations, can be summed up in one word: Security.

>>( Seems a concern that never seems settled.)

And that means not only physical security which provides safety from attacks by aggressors. It means also economic security, social security, moral security—in a family of Nations.

>>(Ah,something that is a tad different from what the Republicans and others seem to see as security. Perhaps things need to be restated? )

All our allies have learned by bitter experience that real development will not be possible if they are to be diverted from their purpose by repeated wars—or even threats of war.

>>(Well…it seems our allies…and some ‘enemies’ have learned this, but we seem to be missing this point consistently.)

China and Russia are truly united with Britain and America in recognition of this essential fact:

The best interests of each Nation, large and small, demand that all freedom-loving Nations shall join together in a just and durable system of peace. In the present world situation, evidenced by the actions of Germany, Italy, and Japan, unquestioned military control over disturbers of the peace is as necessary among Nations as it is among citizens in a community. And an equally basic essential to peace is a decent standard of living for all individual men and women and children in all Nations. Freedom from fear is eternally linked with freedom from want.

>>(Perhaps the message hasn’t gotten to some in the U.S. ? Right now we have both fear and want. What happened in the past 70 years that blinded us from this basic thought? Are we THAT greedy of a society that we can’t allow ‘a decent standard of living for all individual men and women and children’? )

… be continued

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Sidelined Buddah


FDR’s Second ‘Bill of Rights’…….Intro

This is something that’s always interested me since I first saw the film clip of FDR reading it. The ‘rights’ put forth in it are what is under discussion now and apparently were incorporated into the Constitutions of Germany and Japan after WWII. Included are a few links to get things started.

Hmmm…after reading that speech, perhaps that should be my starting point. There are several points FDR made in that speech that still continure to resonate in today’s current conditions. Seems like he was a wiser president than most know….

Sidelined Buddah


If the Last 10 years were different….

…I might be agreeing with the Republicans and Tea Party about not taxing the wealthy…but it ain’t. We’ve tried it their way for the last 10 years and not only did the wealthy NOT create more jobs, we actually LOST jobs. D’oh! If that’s the result, let’s see if the opposite occurs when the wealthy get a tax INCREASE. They got their chance…and their idea flopped.

Seriously tho, it really comes down to what drives this nation’s economy….and it’s consumer spending. If we, the 90%, aren’t spending, this economy does what it’s doing now…floundering. We don’t manufacture enough things anymore to export our way out of this…we outsourced most of our manufacturing so that we import most of our consumer goods now.

Consumers only spend when they feel things are going well enough so that they feel secure in their jobs and expect things to be going well enough so they expect their incomes to be increasing….that ain’t happening now. Without the consumers demanding more goods and services, business don’t want to increase their costs by hiring more workers that they don’t need in order to produce goods ans services that they aren’t selling.

Businesses only exist to make profits. They don’t exist to employ people that would not increase their profits. The ONLY reason business has to hire more people and create more jobs is because they need them in order to meet the increase in demand that their current workforce can’t meet…or the overtime needed is more than an additional worker would cost.

So…now businesses aren’t expanding and increasing their demands for goods and services…and they still need to satisfy the stockholder demands for profits…so they look to cut costs…and usually the largest cost are employees. Guess what gets cut first?

Ok…now we have a situation where the consumers are not able to increase their demands for goods ans services because they aren’t confident enough and/or can’t because of becoming unemployed or are afraid of becoming unemployed, and businesses won’t increase employment and create new jobs because the increased demands from both consumers and other businesses isn’t there. What does that leave us that might be able to increase demand for goods and services enough to make it worth it for businesses to hire more?  The Government.

Yep, the ONLY force left to move the economy is the government.  Yes I’ve heard the cries that the government spends too much, and yes I agree, it does and it needs a close examination to streamline things and find economies…and yes I’ve heard the cries that this deficit is too large and will bankrupt us, and yes, I agree it needs to come down….but not now. Not when this country is slowing down.

There are things that need to be done in this country that would not only put people to work, but make it more efficient for business to work. There needs to be a gigantic public works effort to fix our infrastructure and get the nation up to speed with our competition. Roads need improvement, bridges need repair or replacement, the electrical grid needs updating, our internet..even broadband is one of the slowest of developed nations. We need alternatives to fossil fuels. We need true high-speed rail, not the 100 mph efforts, but the 175-250 mph that other nations are building.

We need to get schools into the 21st century.

When did we become a nation that accepts mediocrity as the best we can do?

We need government to spend…no INVEST in upgrading our infrastructure. We also need a true effort at bringing government into to 21st century…our ENTIRE system…from the smallest village to Capitol Hill…it needs a good examination and makeover.

It’s a good system…not great, but good. It’s old tho….based on 18th century situations and thinking. Many of the laws on the books need to be examined and either updated to present needs or sunsetted if they make no sense now. Departments need to be examined and restructured if needed. Departments like the FAA and FCC need to have their purposes redefined and have their rule making and enforcement powers slit from their industry promotion agendas. No agency can properly do both in this era.

..but I’m rambling now  ; )

more later…..Sidelined Buddah


We’ll never contain healthcare costs the way we’re going….

Think about it. Insurance companies, drug companies, many hospitals, all hmo, ppos, doctors are all in it to make money…the more the better. Especially the publicly held companies. They need to show stockholders profits constantly. There is ONLY one way to get this entire mess under control and that’s single payer healthcare….or, “Medicare for all”.

In my mind, Medicare for all is a modified Medicare plan. It raises the amount it pays to 85% instead of 80%, it covers everything; vision, dental and mental, and provides bonuses to doctors for keeping their patients healthy. Current health insurers will be able to cover the other 15% and procedures that would be electives. Of course the current Medicare tax would need to be raised slightly, my best guess might be to 2.5% from 1.45% for employed and 4% from 2.9% for self-employed. Medicaid would still be provided for those that cannot afford the 15%.

It would fold in Part D and close the ‘doughnut hole‘ for drug coverage…and malpractice law will need to be re-examined and probably need caps on certain areas.

With everyone and everything covered by Medicare…and adding in the VA and Military…the Government would be able to put the brakes on the massive leaps in costs and provide a more reasonable increase, more in line with inflation than profit needs. It would allow bulk buys of drugs and equipment. Of course all state, county and city medical providers would be able to join in buying through the Medicare system and get the discounts as well.

If costs weren’t running wild, if companies weren’t so greedy, this proposal wouldn’t even be needed…but it is. It covers everyone and everything…should be set up to encourage preventive medicine, and provide areas with little or no providers with them.

But it makes too much sense….

Sidelined Buddah


How to save Social Security in one move….

….drop the tax cap. Most people don’t realize that any income over $106,800 is not taxed by social security. You got it…the rich guy that pulls in $15 million a year only put in about $4,500 in social security taxes on that income….$142,044 if self-employed. If the cap was lifted, that same person would put in $630,000….$1,995,000 if self-employed. Why should a person making that much money pay less of a percentage of their income in social security taxes than a grocery bagger at Jewel?

And why aren’t the Democrats talking about it? Or the news? It’s not that hard to find out…just google ‘social security tax rate’.

I did.

Sidelined Buddah


So….These are the folks the GOP and Tea Party expect to create jobs…Pt.1

….oh, really?  Let’s see….using the Forbes 400 list….starting at a tie for #385   Founded Bayliner Marine Corp.  (Advanced Outboard Marine) in 1955   Bought out by the Brunswick Corporation for $425 million in 1986. What’s he doing now? Relaxing on his yacht. Creating new jobs doing that? Not unless you’re on his yacht’s crew. Retired as chairman in December 2009; is now chairman emeritus.  He became a director in 2004 after being CEO and President of Stryker Medical. Don’t think chairmen of companies create many jobs. Uncle Charles (d. 1994) started investment bank Allen & Co. 1922.

Father Herb Sr. (d. 1997) joined 5 years later. Herb Jr. started at boutique bank in 1962. Really created a whole lot of jobs …not. Sold ACS to Xerox in 2009. Doesn’t seem to be doing anything job-creation related now. Retired from Ford’s board in 2005. You know the history of the automotive industry…. Another inherited wealth story. You’ve heard of General Cinema? Grandpa Lurie started that. Has a film production company but is better known as the owner of the Philadelphia Eagles. Lots of seasonal and service jobs…some professional jobs…..still  nothing exciting. Wall Street success…part of Bloomberg. In other words…Wall Street. Outdoor Systems…billboards. Now California Angels’ owner after selling company to Infinity in 1999. More seasonal jobs. Founded Mercury General Corporation…auto insurers….in 1962. Ah…insuance brokers….  You probably know him from the Chicago 2016 Olympics bid and his co-ownership of the Chicago Bears. Made his money in auto credit insurance. Founded own firm, auto credit insurer Pat Ryan & Associates 1964 at age 26.
Merged with Combined International 1982, renamed Aon Corp. 5 years later. Launched brokerage firm last year; invested a reported $275 million in Ryan Specialty Group. Why is a Chicago area product one of the few still actually CREATING jobs? Not many but still….. Inherited a Las Vegas casino…owns Ultimate Fighting Championship…a Mixed Martial Arts federation…growth but mostly overseas.  Founded CDW in 1984…retired in 2001. Currently president of a private investment firm, Sawdust Investment Management. Inherited Hallmark…bought Crayola owns 90% of Crown Media (Hallmark channel…) Check out where their products are produced….. Inherited 11% of Public Storage and is majority share holder of PS Canada. We all know how many employees a Public Storage facility has……. Another Chicago figure….Hilton hotel heir (one of many) retired in 2009. Such great jobs at hotels…just ask the maids your next hotel stay.  Read the profile and make your own impression…..let’s just say the SEC is VERY interested in him and his brother….. Made her fortune the old fashioned way…divorcing..then remarrying…then divorcing again….. Owner of the New Orleans Saints…real estate…car dealerships…and a Fox affiliate in NOLA. Seasonal jobs…sales and mechanics….and a tv station….lots of good jobs..mmhmm… Owns Apollo Group….you’ve heard of University of Phoenix?  It’s the largest unit. Fair number of probably fairly decent pay jobs for faculty…tho most are part timers.

Well..that’s the ties for position # 385 and #382 on the Forbes 400 list.

just finding ways to use my free time ; )

Sidelined Buddah


Exclusive at the Huffington Post…Major Mortgage Firms accused of Fraud

Ok..let’s see who gets indicted first, how many do, by who….and how long it takes the Justice Department to take action against all that are mentioned in this report.

Just to whet your appetite to read the whole article:

WASHINGTON — A set of confidential federal audits accuse the nation’s five largest mortgage companies of defrauding taxpayers in their handling of foreclosures on homes purchased with government-backed loans, four officials briefed on the findings told The Huffington Post.

The five separate investigations were conducted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s inspector general and examined Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Ally Financial, the sources said. ”

This could get VERY interesting. Might be time to get started nagging the State’s Attorney…and all our representatives in both state and national government (and perhaps even the does highly affect the city’s coffers too)

your rabble-rouser.

Sidelined Buddah


Ok…We’ve hit the debt limit. Now things get interesting…but not in a nice way

Ok folks, we’re now getting into uncharted territory again. We’ve hit the debt limit. Not that it means that the Government can’t spend any more, but it can’t BORROW anymore to cover CURRENT commitments. You know, like tax refunds, Social security Payments, Medicare Payments, Military salaries….nothing important, right?

If the debt ceiling isn’t raised by the time the Treasury runs out of financial moves, things get nasty. One of the results is something Republicans and Tea Party members should consider, since they emphatically state constantly how they are concerned about REDUCING the budget deficit. Not raising it would probably INCREASE the budget deficit by placing a doubt in bond investors’ minds about the security of the U.S.’s ability (or resolve) to pay the bond payments in a timely fashion and causing a raise in the interest rates required to get them to purchase bonds again.

In other words: It will cost more to borrow to fund the Government…even if budget cuts are made. The debt won’t disappear overnight…or even in a year or two….it will be a decade or more.

Many of the people in office now rubber stamped all the Bush debt ceiling increases…even as they increased the national debt. Now they get religion….naw…it’s politics. They really don’t care WHAT  happens, only that Republicans (and big business and the rich) control the reins of Government.

The debt ceiling needs to be raised now…with a clean bill. Future spending needs to be discussed sanely…not over a threat to put the country into default and further debt…and possibly (because who really knows how the rest of the world…not to mention computer bond trading programs will respond to our default) a worse depression than the 1930’s.  Here kids…sorry about screwing up the country…..

I admit, this is my opinion on the matter so I really suggest doing your own google or other search engine query.

Here are a few links I found on the matter.

and a link to pie chart that states who owns our current bonds:

..and finally Wikipedia’s page:

It’s a lot of information, but it’s needed to understand and decide for yourselves and not depend on what politicians and talk radio hosts want you to think. If you agree with my thoughts that the debt ceiling should be increased with a clean bill…let your representatives and senators know…fast.

just my 2 cents…

Sidelined Buddah


My Income Tax Proposal Pt. 1 : Personal Taxes

Yep, it’s been awhile since my last post, but this needed a bit of thought. I admit it’s a simple plan, but hey, I’m no tax lawyer or politician. I figure this might be a good start (or complete plan…yeah  right  ; ) ).

First off, the ENTIRE tax code needs to be trashed and started from scratch. No ifs, ands, or buts. It’s bloated, full of giveaways, and way to complex for ANYONE to make sense of.

This is my basic personal income tax revision. Eight deductions, raised dependant exemptions, a $50 minimum tax for those that deduct to $0 owed, and seven tax brackets.

Here we go…………….

First, we do the deductions that apply without being bracket based:

Personal Exemptions:  $10,000 for singles ; $20,000 for married/joint returns; $7000 per child up to age 21 (26 if enrolled in college)

Next, Property tax deduction. Cities and towns needs property owners to keep their services properly funded. It’s easier to promote property ownership in bulk and not piecemeal.

50% of yearly tax bill

State/City Income tax Deduction. People don’t like the sense of ‘double taxation’. This takes care of that.


Personal Savings Account Deduction. We need to promote personal savings in this country. Not only for personal reasons, but it increases capital for banks (I’ll get to them in another post) to use for lending.

10% of income (averaged yearly savings)

Retirement Account.  Simplify the whole thing to a modified Roth plan where you can decide where to place your funds and manage them.

10% of income up to age 45….25% of income up to age 65.

Now for the brackets:

$0-$50,000 :  10% tax….100% Mortgage Interest deduction….for renters  50% rent rebate…100% College Loan Interest Deduction….100% Medical Deduction (until Medicare for all  ; )  )

$50,001-$150,000: 20% tax…100% Mortgage…40% rent…100% College…100% Medical

$150,001-$500,000: 30% tax…75% Mortgage…20% rent…80% College…100% Medical

$500,001-$5,000,000: 40% tax…50% Mortgage…0% rent…50% College…50% Medical

$5,000,001-$30,000,000: 45% tax…25% Mortgage…0% Rent…25% College…25% Medical

$30,000,001- $150,000,000: 50% tax…0% Mortgage…0% Rent…0% College…0% Medical

$150,000,001-$500,000,000: 55% tax…0% Mortgage…0% Rent…0% College…0% Medical

$500,000,001 +: 60% tax…0% Mortgage…0% Rent…0% College…0% Medical

That’s it. My personal income tax plan…at least a basic outline. Hopefully someone will look at it, copy it and try to use it to clean up this tax mess (and the deficit as well).

your Sidelined Buddah


Floods, Flood Insurance, Government, and The Tea Party

Here we go again. Every year we hear about flooding, many times in the same places. Why people insist in building on flood plains in the first place, much less the intelligence of rebuilding time and time again is beyond me. Perhaps the flood insurance program helps this foolishness. Maybe this is one government program that both Tea Party followers and others can agree is a total waste of government resources.

In my opinion, the ONLY people that should be building and getting government insurance in flood plains are crop producers. No residental areas, no business districts, no manufacturing or industry, not even livestock producers…just crop producers. They can gain advantages by using organic farming practices and the soil renewal flooding allows. Farmers on the Nile knew this before the time of the pharoes…the yearly floods renewed the soils along the river and allowed them to grow crops consistently on the same land without artificially improving the soil.

The ONLY flood insurance available in the U.S. is ONLY issued by FEMA through participating insurance providers. There is NO privately issued flood insurance. Insurance companies decided long ago that providing it cost them more than they could ever take in. The government decided in 1968 to provide flood insurance.

There is no reason to pay out damages more than one time in a flood plain. First time, mistakes happen. Not checking topography of an area near a river might not come to mind to people new to an area, but after the first time…it’s on the property owner to either decide to move…or put aside funds for their own rebuilding.

There are clues….  Seeing the land rise on either side of a river….living behind a levee…living downstream from a dam…there are clues…and there ARE publicly available flood plain maps that can be gotten as well. The view may be fantastic, but is it really worth risking life and finances to live there?

The ONLY government payment that should happen after a flood…is paying people to move away and save the yearly drain on government resources…rescues, infrastructure repairs, insurance payouts, levee repair and upkeep…first responder usage and risks to them.  It’s not worth doing this year after year. It’s good money after bad.

I feel bad that people lose things in floods, but after the first couple of floods, it’s time to cut losses and move.


Protect Jean Klock Park Against Conversion

Ah yes…Michigan’s first dictator strikes….

Protect Jean Klock Park, Federal Lawsuit, Jean Klock Park Conversion.,100142/

Just goes to show exactly what the Republicans of today want for their vision of the U.S., first Indiana, then Wisconsin, then Ohio, now Michigan…which state’s next to go fascist. (well..plutocratic if you’re gonna split hairs)

One Nation…Of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy.  All the rest…get out.


Undiscovered Muslum Influence?

With all the uproar about Muslims and taxes, why doesn’t anyone raise the fact that Grover Norquest’s wife is Muslim. Yep, the big GOP tax fighting god is married to a Muslim. According to Wikipedia, good old Grover is in bed with the ‘enemy’…literally.    “2004 Annual Report”. Marriages Recorded in Weston. Retrieved 7 Nov 2009

Hmmm…could he be secretly influenced and trying to destroy the U.S. financially by running the government out of money? Who really knows what hold his wife hold on him. Guys tend to do strange things to keep their wives happy. What could be better than having one of the most influential people in the GOP be married to an ‘enemy’ agent. Especially one that seems to be the ‘gatekeeper’ for any Republican candidate to even run in a primary. Almost all Republicans have signed his pledge not to raise taxes and seem to live in terror of crossing him.

Could this be possible? Anything is possible.  Is it likely? Probably not, but there is the possibility.

And yes, I’m trying to do my best Glen Beck impersonation.  Conspiracy theorists…enjoy.


The Next Infrastructure Deaths You can Blame The Tea Party

All over America infrastructure is in dire need of repair, replacement, and/or updating, but the Tea Party and Republicans say we’re taxed too high and want to (or are) cutting programs that would fund just that. If anything, we need to RAISE taxes and get the revenue in the federal government to dole out to states, counties, and cities to repair our infrastructure before we see another I35 disaster.

It takes money to do repairs. Government’s ONLY way to raise money is to tax. We need to get our collective heads straight and stop listening to the panderers that only want votes. Delaying repairs is not only foolish, but it borders on manslaughter. All engineers and construction people know that damaged infrastructure only gets worse. Whatever the cost to repair the infrastructure, it is MUCH more expensive to pay out lawyer fees, settlements, and court judgement when it fails and injures and/or kills people.

We all use and need infrastructure. It’s the roads you drive, the pipes that bring you water and take away sewage. It’s the power lines that run most things we use and the gas that heats your homes and cooks your food. It’s sewage treatment plants that clean up the used water before returning it. It’s water treatment plants that clean out bacteria and other pollutants for your tap water. It’s telephone lines and cable tv, broadband internet, bridges, waterways, dikes, levees, dams, and highways.


Can you do with out water? How about gas for heat? Electricity? Do you want better service? Better roads? Do you want that dam above your home to keep all that water where it is?

We’ve delayed doing this for way too long. Things are starting to fail. Nothing lasts forever. You buy new cars, new appliances, and new clothes…or you fix them so they’ll last a bit longer.

There is no other way to do what needs to be done than to raise taxes and do it. Besides, fixing infrastructure provides thousands of good paying jobs…and boy, do we need jobs.


Basic Thoughts on Taxes and Budgets

I figure most folks don’t realize what their Federal taxes pay for and where they go. All they think about is paying less. Welllllll…are you REALLY prepared to do without many of the services that we all depend on and use everyday? Think about it. Think back, if you were around then, or talk to those that were, to the late 50’s through the early 70’s. Ask how things are remembered. Were big projects done? Were jobs good and plentiful? Weren’t banks pillars of the community? Didn’t public schools educate? Didn’t technology grow by leaps and bounds?

The answers all would probably be yes. Taxes were twice as high as they are now. Cities, counties, states, and the federal government had funds and covered their bills, even with the Vietnam war. Most cities didn’t need income taxes, or high property taxes or sales taxes. Same with counties. States might have wanted added funds and had a low income tax.

Then the federal tax cutting started and all the budgets got tighter. New York City felt it first. It went bankrupt in the mid-70’s.

Federal income taxes have always collected funds, then doled them out to states, counties and cities that requested funds for projects and items such as schools, mass transit, police, fire, parks, etc.. When you cut federal taxes, you place added burdens on the local governments to raise revenue to keep services at their current levels, much less improve them.

If you want better local roads, better local schools, more police and fire, lower property and sales taxes, then we need to raise the federal income taxes, especially on the wealthy, and close all the loopholes that allow the wealthy and large business to pay less tax than a janitor….or no tax…or get a refund…GE and Exxon getting refunds…billions of dollars in refunds. And no taxes paid.

In a future post, I’ll give you my proposed tax rates. Of course it would mean revamping the ENTIRE tax code, but it’s needed and overdue.

Face the truth, sad as it is, most of us won’t get to make enough to be considered wealthy. The vast majority will be, hopefully, middle-class (if it survives this current attack on it). That’s what MADE America what it is…the middle-class. Those that work hard, strive to do better, just want to get fair deal at work and in life. Right now, it’s vanishing. Costs are rising and pay isn’t…unless you’re part of the wealthiest 5%…they increased their income almost 200%. Something’s wrong there.

It’s time to stop and take a good look at just exactly what do you want from government. Do you want to continue things as they are? Do you REALLY want many of the government services to be privatized? Are you REALLY willing to PAY MORE for what you’re receiving now. Remember, government isn’t concerned with making a profit and keeping shareholders happy. Government exists to provide us with the services we need at cost…not cost plus profit. And when government needs to have private companies do work, it asks for lowest bidder. Of course, there is a base bid that is set by government based on the average costs and time needed for the proposed work.

Read history books. Insurance companies ran fire departments that ONLY put out their insured building. Companies had their own police forces that did most of the police work. There were no standing armed forces. What local police there were, were ill-equipped and small. Roads were dirt or gravel. There were no labor laws, 10-12 hour days were normal. No OSHA. Children were found more often in factories than school. Tenements were basic city housing for most. Cities were mostly slums. Vice was rampant. Homelessness was common.  Do we really want to go back there?

It’s time to raise federal taxes and stop playing games and dreaming and deal with reality.

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May 2024

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