Archive for the 'floods' Category


A Short Note on Fukushima Daiichi…

Illustration of post-accident state of 1-4 rea...

Illustration of post-accident state of 1-4 reactors, all but 2 display obvious damage to secondary containment (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is getting silly. TEPCO and the Japanese government really need to stop stalling and get serious about this 40+ year problem.

Yes, 40+ years…by TEPCO’s own estimate on how long it will take to decommission the plant.

Estimate, mind you. It COULD take until the end of the century if things really get fouled up.

Right now there are areas that are not scheduled for starting PLANNING for decontamination for at least another 4 years. Add another year or two for planning and another 2-4 years for completion and you have close to another DECADE before residents can think about returning.

TEPCO and the Japanese government need to bite the bullet on these areas and purchase ALL land, businesses, and the contents that the residents have to leave and allow them to get on with their lives instead of being held in limbo waiting for news and decisions.

About the groundwater problem…again, TEPCO and the Japanese government need to stop looking for a ‘high tech’ answer and use what is already proven technology: BUILD A DAM/WALL COMPLETELY AROUND THE FACILITY 0.5KM FROM THE PROPERTY LINE. From bedrock to 20m above ground. All four sides, including out to sea 0.5km from shore, completely enclosing the facility and it’s port.

If you need to stop a flowing river of water, you use a dam. The Japanese already know how to build earthquake resistant dams and walls. Remember this is going to be a contaminated area well past 2054. This also provides a place to store contaminated material while a permanent facility is chosen.

Why 20m above ground?  3/11/11…that’s why. The plant is at risk from both, future earthquakes and tsunamis. The dam/wall provides added defense against another tsunami flooding the plant and washing the debris and contaminated water out to sea.

Yes…both suggestions are extremely costly, but so is leaving things as they are. More leaking tanks. More failed pipe joints. The possibility of another long term loss of power.

They won’t prevent another 3/11/11, but they CAN help to lessen the future effects of one.


America 2022 Infrastructure

After decades of  ignoring needed maintenance, out infrastructure is getting close to being a Third World’s. There needs to be a massive investment into just repairing, replacing, rebuilding and/or restoring the nation’s infrastructure if we even want to THINK about keeping up, much less competing and/or leading in world commerce.

What I propose is what I think is needed and will probably get both sides to argue why this can’t be done. The thing is, not only SHOULD it be done, it really almost HAS to be done to, a) get the nation out of rescission; b) increase demand to get businesses jump started; c) provide jobs for unemployed people; and d) increase revenue.  Yes, increase revenue. By getting more people employed, more taxes are paid. D’oh. More people employed also decreases the strain on the ‘safety net’ because people can now afford to live.

What I propose is a three year program. 2 trillion dollars budgeted per year. What doesn’t get allotted in one year, rolls over to the next decreasing the additional increase.  Each program gets a separate funding account, based on the stated cost sent in by the using state/county/city. ANY cost overruns would be the responsibility of that jurisdiction.  The funding would therefore be locked in for each individual project.

Yes it would cost a maximum of 6 trillion dollars, but the returns of employed people, up to date infrastructure, increased revenues, decreased ‘safety net’ expenditures, would be well worth it.

You can’t be a 21st century nation with an early to mid 20th century infrastructure. It NEEDS to get done…and quickly. China and India aren’t going to wait.  Neither is Brazil, Russia or Europe.

It’s a big nation with a big infrastructure with big problems. Therefore it needs a big solution. Small band-aids just kick the problem upstream and make it worse.


My “Grand Plan” Pt.1

One of the first things that needs to get done is putting people back in jobs.  This is a SHORT-TERM COMPONENT. (3-5 years).

Fund all bridge repair and/or replacement for all bridges with a grade of B or lower. When bridges collapse, not only do they break critical transport routes, they put lives at risk, not only on the bridge when it collapses, but on both sides as well. First Responders are cut off…bridges also can carry utilities across as well, so if the bridge goes so do the utilities.

All water and sewer systems over 25 yrs. old would be funded to upgrade them. Places with combined sewer and storm drain systems would get funding to separate them to ease urban flooding. Cities would get funding to replace asphalt streets with the latest resurfaceable concrete to get more oil based products out of the system.

All cities would get funding to replace any utilities that refuse to upgrade their systems within 5 years, with utility lines of their own that they could lease for 5-10 years at a time to providers.

Mass Transit would be funded fully to upgrade systems and to add needed service and equipment.

TRUE  High-Speed Rail (150 mph+) would be planned and funded.

Public School buildings would be evaluated for upgradeability.  Those that can, would be upgraded with air conditioning and heating, broadband, and LEED certified. Those that can’t would be replaced.

All transportation facilities would be evaluated and either upgraded or replaced.

Park systems, forest preserve districts, etc. would get improvement funding.

This would be in effect for 3 years.  Each separate project approved would have full budgeted funding set aside in an account specifically for that particular project.

After 3 years, programs would be evaluated again. Those that had goals completed would be eliminated. Those deemed worthy of continuing would be funded for 2 more years.


… be continued…..


The Jobs Speech Obama Doesn’t Have the Balls to Give……

(The speech I wish Obama would give on Thursday)


Good Evening fellow Americans,

Today we find ourselves in a situation that took decades and several presidents to make. From Ronald Reagan, who tripled the deficit during his term, to George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton who presided over the death of the Glass-Steagall Act that placed a firewall between commercial banks and investment banks, and The Bank Holding Act of 1956 that put restrictions on bank holding companies, to George W. Bush who took an $86,422 Million budget surplus and, by 2008, turned it into a $450,945 Million deficit, with two ongoing wars whose costs were kept off-budget. There is blame enough to go around.

During the past 3 years, almost every initiative that either the president or Democrats have placed for consideration has been blocked, usually by Senate filibuster, by Republican Senators , whose leader has publically stated, several times, on the record, that his main agenda is to make this president a single term president, and has led his party in a systematic obstruction of any legislation that even seems a ‘victory’ or ‘accomplishment’ for this administration. This has resulted in precious little being accomplished.

For the security and health of this nation, for the welfare of it’s citizens, this needs to stop.

While petty games are being played, people are losing homes, losing jobs, scraping for funds to get food and medicines. Schools are crumbling and cutting essential studies. Bridges are falling and killing people. Businesses are stagnating, especially our small businesses that depend on local conditions being able to support them. Roads and infrastructure is old and failing.

Do we actually think that continuing on this way will preserve this nation?

All that has been loudly debated so far, seem to be directed at the symptom, not the cause.

Lower taxes won’t put people to work. They could drop to zero and not one person would be hired. Relaxing regulations won’t put people to work. They could disappear and very few would be hired.

A review of Business 100 would seem to be in order.

People go into business for ONLY one reason, and that is to make a profit. In order for a profit to be made, there needs to be DEMAND for what you intend to sell. If there is no demand, there is no reason to hire anyone, including yourself.

If there is demand, you start the business, usually by yourself, until you either meet the demand, or you run out of time. If you run out of time, you usually hire another person. If there still is demand to be filled, you continue to hire until you start to see people with free time, then fire or hire according to DEMAND.

Right now, there is a gigantic lack of demand here, and in the world. There are three segments that create demand, consumers, business, and government.

The U.S. is basically a consumer driven economy. It’s dependent on consumers, you and me, to have spare cash available after meeting our bills, to buy stuff. Due to past events, consumers don’t have spare cash to create demand. We need to look elsewhere.

Businesses. Problem here is that, being a consumer driven economy, if consumers can’t demand more, business won’t hire if their current workers are meeting the demand out there. If business isn’t producing more to meet consumer demand, business can’t increase it’s demand either.

That leaves government.

Yes, I realize that we need to reduce the federal debt, but that can’t be done overnight. It’s a gradual, long-term process.

Yes, I realize that anything government does to create demand will increase the debt. But as I stated, reducing taxes on those that don’t need it, doesn’t create demand. They are already spending what they will spend.

What is needed is a large, short-term boost, say over the next 2-4 years.

What I’m putting forth is an infrastructure bill that immediately greenlights all infrastructure repair requests. It takes bridges that have B ratings and below and greenlights repair or replacements. It gives cities funds to replace infrastructure over 30 years old, burying utilities such as electric, phone and cable, and separating sewers from storm drains for urban flood control. It provides funds for needed grade separations of rail and road.

As each project is approved, enough funds to see it to completion is placed in an account to fund that project. Any overruns will be the responsibility of states and cities.

There is $20 billion per state for rehiring first responders and fully funding education, from pre-school thru college to at least 40%.

School buildings over 25 years old will be funded for replacement in order to have all schools wired for the 21st century and able to provide a comfortable learning environment. This means proper heating and air conditioning as well as phys ed areas.

The Bush tax cuts will be repealed and four added tax levels will be added.

$250,000 – $1 million….37%

$1 million – $10 million….43%

$10 million $100 million….46%

$100 million +….  48%

Capital gains tax will vanish and ALL investment income will be treated as basic income.

The Social Security tax cap will be done away with.

Discussions on decreasing the long-term debt will start.

I know those that opposed my initiatives in the past will be loud and strident about this as well. This is expected. I will insist that all of this be approved and that it lasts for 3 years with a trigger for a 4th year if unemployment is over 6%.

Let the nation see who is really working for the good of the nation and who is held in thrall of their corporate masters, working only to fill the coffers of the rich at the expense of the nation and it’s people.

Demand is what is needed to get people to work and our nation moving. Interest rates are low so now is the time to do this. And it is not just our nation that will be helped.  Our expanding demand will spread through the world’s economies and ease their problems as well.

By doing this big thing, we not only raise ourselves, but all. This is a big problem.  It needs a big solution. This is my solution and it will work.

The problem is a lack of demand. This creates demand by rebuilding and improving our nation, making it better able to compete in this world economy.

Thank you.  God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

(Ah….if only)


Why just a border fence? Why not Something Useful?

A fence is SO easy to counter. You can tunnel under it. You can climb over it. You can cut a hole in it. Why bother? Why not consider something that would not only be much harder to get around, but also provide jobs, provide transportation, aid the military AND commerce, and possibly help with the yearly flooding problems? Why not build a Texas-Pacific Canal?

Right along the border on the U.S. side. A mile or so wide, one hundred feet deep, between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. (yes, I know about the Gulf of California…in order for it to provide TOTAL border protection, it would need to cut across the California peninsula) Locks wide enough and long enough to accommodate the largest supertanker, container ship, or aircraft carrier. Deep enough to discourage swimming and allow the deepest drafts. All under U.S. control. All within U.S. borders.

Panama can’t provide this. And what happens if Panama suddenly decides to refuse U.S. shipping passage? It’s a matter of National Security and Homeland Security.

Oh…the floods? Well, another massive project would run aqueducts from the Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, etc. rivers, with  sluices in the levees one or two feet below flood level. When the rivers get high enough water would be able to flow into the aqueducts.

Oh…to where? Well, the Colorado river to replenish it and Lake Meade…Some to Atlanta and Florida and Lake Okeechobee to keep water in Atl and the Everglades…Some to Texas and the new canal…and some in filtering lakes in the Great Plains to help replenish the Ogallala.

One massive project….partial solutions to several problems. Jobs, drought, water table replenishment, flood control, border control, additional, more secure route for military and commercial shipping from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Not to mention possible ports for New Mexico, Arizona, and Southwestern Texas.

Think about it…it’s not that far-fetched an idea.


Sidelined Buddah


Floods, Flood Insurance, Government, and The Tea Party

Here we go again. Every year we hear about flooding, many times in the same places. Why people insist in building on flood plains in the first place, much less the intelligence of rebuilding time and time again is beyond me. Perhaps the flood insurance program helps this foolishness. Maybe this is one government program that both Tea Party followers and others can agree is a total waste of government resources.

In my opinion, the ONLY people that should be building and getting government insurance in flood plains are crop producers. No residental areas, no business districts, no manufacturing or industry, not even livestock producers…just crop producers. They can gain advantages by using organic farming practices and the soil renewal flooding allows. Farmers on the Nile knew this before the time of the pharoes…the yearly floods renewed the soils along the river and allowed them to grow crops consistently on the same land without artificially improving the soil.

The ONLY flood insurance available in the U.S. is ONLY issued by FEMA through participating insurance providers. There is NO privately issued flood insurance. Insurance companies decided long ago that providing it cost them more than they could ever take in. The government decided in 1968 to provide flood insurance.

There is no reason to pay out damages more than one time in a flood plain. First time, mistakes happen. Not checking topography of an area near a river might not come to mind to people new to an area, but after the first time…it’s on the property owner to either decide to move…or put aside funds for their own rebuilding.

There are clues….  Seeing the land rise on either side of a river….living behind a levee…living downstream from a dam…there are clues…and there ARE publicly available flood plain maps that can be gotten as well. The view may be fantastic, but is it really worth risking life and finances to live there?

The ONLY government payment that should happen after a flood…is paying people to move away and save the yearly drain on government resources…rescues, infrastructure repairs, insurance payouts, levee repair and upkeep…first responder usage and risks to them.  It’s not worth doing this year after year. It’s good money after bad.

I feel bad that people lose things in floods, but after the first couple of floods, it’s time to cut losses and move.

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May 2024

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